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  • 1 year later...

Frontman Johnny Hedlund of the legendary Swedish death metallers UNLEASHED has issued the following update via the group's official web site:


"UNLEASHED are currently in the studio, completing the pre-production of our eighth full-length album. We have more qualified songs to choose from than ever before, and I am very confident that this will be the best UNLEASHED album ever. Our mission is to create one of the most memorable records in the history of death metal!!!


"This one will be slightly faster than 'Sworn Allegiance'. The songs will be anthems in the true traditional UNLEASHED way and will have you screaming along with the choruses. The guitar sound will be taking a step towards brutality and grind. The drums are the closest we have ever come to recording a 'live' kind of intensity. The vocals? Well, not far away from 'Sworn Allegiance'... just add a little harshness and a slightly deep aggression to that sound and you'll get the picture right there.


"Expect nothing but one of the most memorable records in the history of death metal."




  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Nisam znao gde cu,pa ajde ovde...

GRAVE, DISMEMBER, ENTOMBED and UNLEASHED will be teaming up for the Masters of Death European tour in November. According to a posting on GRAVE's web site, the four-band combination represents "the most brutal bill that has ever shared the same stage. The package is an idea that all four bands has planned and prepared in the pastmonths and finally we are doing it. Dates and more info will be announced shortly. Prepare for a night to remember..."


Znaci - BOG VAS JEBO!!!!Turneja iz snova stvarno!Gospodari sveskog death metala na jednom mestu!!!Auuuu...Frubi,razmotri ovo,leba ti!!!


Ovo ce biti zapisano u analima metala,vaistinu.

Edited by grave

Haha..e i ja nisam znao gde bi turio ovo leba mi icon_mrgreen.gif


AHAHAH..znachi sve junak do junaka...NAJ EKIPA!


More zavisi kad je ovo..ne sme leto da postane krcato...


ANALi metala.. icon_wink.gif

Posted (edited)

Pazi,kad god da je,ovaj elitni dogadjaj se ne bi smeo propustiti.Ali,ja cenim da ce biti na jesen,jer u septembru izlazi novi Entombed,posle toga Unleashed...Pa da svi ispromovisu nove albume.


edit:ulete Djuk pre mene...Jebiga,jes' to za pare sjebano... wallbash.gif

Edited by grave

Jel?Jebesh ih,nek dodju onda zbog metal duha i fanova...Sav sam se oznojio pri pomisli da gledao ova 4 benda zajedno.Sto je najgore,iskreno mislim da ne bi bilo nesto mnogo ljudi...Mnogo je ovo "old skul" za danasnje metalce.

Nisam znao gde cu,pa ajde ovde...

GRAVE, DISMEMBER, ENTOMBED and UNLEASHED will be teaming up for the Masters of Death European tour in November. According to a posting on GRAVE's web site, the four-band combination represents "the most brutal bill that has ever shared the same stage. The package is an idea that all four bands has planned and prepared in the pastmonths and finally we are doing it. Dates and more info will be announced shortly. Prepare for a night to remember..."


Znaci - BOG VAS JEBO!!!!Turneja iz snova stvarno!Gospodari sveskog death metala na jednom mestu!!!Auuuu...Frubi,razmotri ovo,leba ti!!!


Ovo ce biti zapisano u analima metala,vaistinu.




Ako bi zasvirali u Sarajevu... O_O Bio bi to koncert godine..ma koje godine. A mislim da su dosta dobre mogucnosti..jao, jao Dismember..i Entombed..i Unleashed, VELIKANI!

Ako bi zasvirali u Sarajevu... O_O Bio bi to koncert godine..ma koje godine. A mislim da su dosta dobre mogucnosti..jao, jao Dismember..i Entombed..i Unleashed, VELIKANI!

A Grave?Nemoj da izvlacim usi. icon_smile.gif Grave>Unleashed.


Moze tako,samo bih ja izbacio onaj znak jednakosti izmedju Dismembera i Entombeda,DISMEMBER - Konza icon_rockdevil.gif Ali,ovo je takav vrh od turneje...Death metal pandan Kreator/Sodom/Destruction turneji,ta 4 benda su bila toliko povezana godinama,toliko su clanova medjusobno izmenjali...A ako ovo nekim chudom dodje kod nas,da i mi vidimo istoriju na delu - icon_rockdevil.gif


Polako pregovaramo, Johny i Fred su se javili i rekli da itekako hoce da dodju u nase krajeve. Bice prvo Zapadno evropska turneja, a nakon toga mozda i Balkanska.

Na zalost Grave moram ti reci ako bude Balkanske turneje da ce Grave optasti najverovatnije. U zagrebu su prodali samo 70karata kada su svirali i mislimo da nece privuci mnogo ljudi. A problem je sto ako i oni krenu mora biti dva tour busa sto cena skace odmah duplo zbog troskova autobusa i ostalih zajebancija.

Mislim da cemo za mesec - dva znati na cemu smo !

Vazno je da bendovi oce da sviraju i da su pokazili ogromnu zelju za koncerrte na nasim prostorima.

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