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We are devastated to announce that our beloved friend Lars-Göran Petrov has left us.

Our brother, leader, vocalist, our Chief Rebel Angel went on another ride last night. It’s with the deepest sadness that we have to announce that Lars-Göran Petrov has left us. He was (is!!!) an incredible friend, and a person that has touched so many people. He has changed so many lives with his voice, his music, his character and his unique personality. LG’s smile is something that we will carry forever in our hearts. When asked in an interview what he would like to have written on his grave and what about his legacy, he said: "I will never die, it will never die". And you didn’t. You will live forever in our hearts.

R.I.P. LG Petrov.

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Baš bedak.. :cry:

Nevidjeni car bio i naravno jedan od naj DM vokala!

Baš sam pre neki dan naleteo na neki skoriji snimak, gde i ako je nosio i masku i kapuljaču delovao jako, jako loše.. znao sam da ne sluti na dobro..

RIP Lars


Secam se kao da je juce bilo, kad sam pocinjao da slusam metal Entombed je bio jedan od najjacih DM bendova, spotovi svuda na TVu. Resim se da narucim nesto i od Eksploziva uzmem kasetu, 60 min Altars of Madness + Crawl EP, i tad je taj EP ostavio utisak na mene pored meni mozda i najdrazeg albuma svih vremena. 

Jeste da se Entombed izgubio negde diskografski, ali rane radove i dan danas smatram cistim klasicima a LG je cinio lavovski deo njihove privlacnosti. Svako malo obrnem nesto od toga i vrati me u to vreme.

Nazalost bio sam previse mlad da prisustvujem onom legendarnom koncertu u SKC ali video sam ga na Exitu - jeste da je AD varijanta bila u pitanju ali otkinuli su mi glavu, naravno starim materijalom.

Pocivaj u miru legendo i hvala na svemu.

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  • 2 months later...

Shoot straight i Same Difference uopste nisu losi, samo drukciji, ali priznajem imaju filera nekih. Ali kad udari pesma dobra onda kida..

Difference mi zanimljiv zbog uticaja, ima malo i Loada mozda, mada cujem i Melvinse i svasta nesto, a neki lik u rivjuu ga cak poredi sa Voivodom (??)..

Kol'ko vidim posle su se opet malo vratili na dm, videcemo kakvi su ti, ali ocekujem da je bolje nego sto ocene na netu nalazu..

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  • 4 months later...

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