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Kad vec spominjete GD i izgovor..volem GD sa sveg srca..al moram..jace je od mene :) :




I don't eat off the plate

Her kiss to be consensual

For a clogged sink!


So I saw her, sword in stove

Release! We'll bring the stove!

Frozen chosen what?


The almighty will break out

The only one left is the crowd


It's calling Burt

Swan Of The Keys

Tape me on your wings

Back where I belong

It's calling Burt


Every sink bound to fail

Noble hat, bound to gain all!

Cherries you fear!


Saucer on Charile's stove

RAISIN! With senseless gnomes

Cheese that growl


The almighty now throwes the dykes

Wresteles a man, he's out of ice!


It's calling Burt

Swan Of The Keys

Tape me on your wings

Back where I belong

It's calling Burt





Injured dads on the river

They picked the waves

The rhyme maid singing

"Serbs on the grave!"

An ugly dwarf

Breed in his pleasure

This high acid goat

Tries to steal the treasure


Kayaks are the holy treasure

Your sheep shorts streaming from the river

Leaving plow and you want those Depps!

Chad's bribing gravy, Susan waves


Wine goat

Ride goat




Who did I slap?

For a faggot's power!

Candy tent imagine

The farter ring

You are a dumbbutt

Eggnog gave her life

See my eggs?

What's your loveline?





I chew afraid

Lou left the white tots

They conquer my god

They take food out to let

The wretched goo, hold the rod

Farter in your free fridge

For he'll lunch your devil!

I curse my laugh








Ono gore iznad dva posta nisi...


a gore pri vrhu tek sad videh da si stavio ekskalibur jbg sorry..al nisi Rheingold kol'ko vidim : )

opusteno brate--- nije ni bitno^^

Ono gore iznad dva posta nisi...


a gore pri vrhu tek sad videh da si stavio ekskalibur jbg sorry..al nisi Rheingold kol'ko vidim : )

Sta ti je, bre, ono?


Nisam slušao ovaj bend dovoljno, tako da sam propustio koncert, a onda sam nabavio zadnji album Liberty or Death i EP Yesterday i oduševljen sam. Najbolje pesme: Liberty or Death, Until the Last King Died, March of the Innocent... ma sve su dobre sa tog albuma. :rockdevil:

Upravo slusam novi album, tj stigao sam do prve pesme, i naprosto sam odusevljen...ovo razara...

opasan je

uvek me diggri oduseve


ti rifovi nisu mnogo teski niti mnogo komplikovani

ali nose sta stignu

ostaju u ushima, upadljivi, prepoznatljivi....


Ja sam napokon nabavio "The Grave Digger" naq ploci i davim se u njemu ovih dana. Znaci, uopste me ne cudi sto su uzeli 'Raven' kao jedinu pesmu sa tog album za koncert.


Gledam sad unazad stranice al ne mogu da nadjem setlistu..nevermind, al mislih da sam je video, a i ona bi trebalo da im je jedna od konstanti za bis vec 2-3 turneje tak nesto..but, perhaps I was wrong.


Ниси унео пометњу, видиш да смо се брзо снашли. Ко ти крив што ниси био, много си пропустио!

  • 5 weeks later...

preslusah ovaj novi,OK ali nije to vise to,kao sto nije bilo ni na Last supper,kad mi se bude slusao ovaj bend ubacicu Rheingold,Knights,Excalibur ili tako nesto,mislim da od njih vise ne moze da se ocekuje nesto fenomenalno,nabavljacu albume i dalje,bice oni korektni ali to je to...kao i Running wild

Nije los novi album,ali meni licno je "The Last Supper" bolji,a o "Rheingold" da ne pricamo.Dobar album,ali nista posebno.

Тако некако. Као и увек, има довољно добрих песама да не буде лош, али могу они и далеко боље.

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