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  • 4 weeks later...

Nabavih nekako album Kohti Yhdeksan Nousua (mislim da im je to prvi) i stvarno sam se odusevio.Sirova i veoma mracna svirka,opodseca malo na stari Gorgoroth...ma,bas kako volim.Ako neko ima jos nesto od njih za razmenu,nek mi se javi

  • 7 months later...

Novi album pod imenom Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne izlazi 23.februara,tracklist:

1. Vihan Tie

2. Musta Temppeli

3. Vala Pedolle

4. Kirous Ja Malja

5. Saastainen Kaste

6. Kuoleva Lupaus

7. Zythifer

8. Kuilunhenki (CD-bonus)


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Poslednji album je tipacan za Hornu.Sigurno nije najbolji njihov,ali svakog ko voli ovaj bend, nece razocarati.Produkcija nije najgrdja,ali ni sterilna.Svakako je pohvalno sto bend tera nacin kakav black metal treba da bude.


Sto rece Goxy,novi album je u njihovom tipicnom fazonu,znaci - ko voli nek izvoli.Inace,prve dve pesme me zaista MNOGO podsecaju na Darkthrone,kao da slusam neke njihove neobjavljene snimke.

  • 2 months later...

Ma najaca pesma od Horne je - Black Metal Sodomy, to su prvo svirali u Domu, jebe keve kako je dobra za gubljenje...




inace obrada od Nabijenog Nazaricanina odlicno zvuci, zaboravio sam ime EPa, na kome su to izdali, ali jebali su mu kevu

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Guest Daemonium

Finnish black metal legion HORNA will release their fifth album, "Ääniä Yössä", on June 6 via Debemur Morti Productions. The CD, containing four tracks clocking in at around 40 minutes, was created and recorded entirely by Shatraug and Corvus alone, and is based on a concept of the Yersinia Pestis curse that triumphed over Europe mainly during the 14th century.


Ovo ce da bude dobro icon_da.gif

  • 3 weeks later...

Finnish black metal legion HORNA will release their fifth album, "Ääniä Yössä", on June 6 via Debemur Morti Productions. The CD, containing four tracks clocking in at around 40 minutes, was created and recorded entirely by Shatraug and Corvus alone, and is based on a concept of the Yersinia Pestis curse that triumphed over Europe mainly during the 14th century.


Ovo ce da bude dobro icon_da.gif

A ovo je omot


user posted image


Obećava icon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

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