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Nisam čuo za tog Hugh Syme lika ranije. Mada, sada sam otišao na wikipediju i pročitao da je on uradio omot za The X Factor. Aha, znači to je taj ludak... Nije mogao ružniji omot da napravi... :)


Šalim se. Takođe vidim da je radio omote za još neke jake bendove. Ima li neko još par primera omota koje je on radio?

Guest Brain Salad Guuuz

Hugh Syme is a graphic artist who is best known for his artwork and cover concepts for rock and metal bands. He is also a musician and has appeared in some Rush songs as a keyboard player. Syme is notably responsible for all of Rush's album cover art since 1975's Caress of Steel as well as creating Rush's famous Starman logo. He has said on several occasions that he never imagined the band would use it as their main logo.


Iron Maiden fans remember him best as the designer of The X Factor cover, which shows the band's mascot Eddie the Head dissected. It is remembered for its gritty realism. Whereas all previous Maiden albums were oil paintings, the "X Factor" Eddie was a puppet with some digital touch-ups to enhance its look. In some countries the cover was considered so gruesome that a less gory alternative was offered (the alternative cover is actually the back of the original CD booklet). Other bands he has done artwork for include Klaatu, Extol, Megadeth, Nevermore, Stone Sour, Styx, Fates Warning, Whitesnake, Queensryche, Aerosmith, and Dream Theater.

  Brain Salad Guuuz said:
permanent waves alright!



A? What? Qua? Jes' ti sves'an svoje nesvesti?


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebote, sto volite da serete, a pojam nemate sa zivotom.



P.S. I brate, cuti, bices pametniji, no da odgovaras...


Guest Brain Salad Guuuz
  Dersu Uzala said:
A? What? Qua? Jes' ti sves'an svoje nesvesti?


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebote, sto volite da serete, a pojam nemate sa zivotom.



P.S. I brate, cuti, bices pametniji, no da odgovaras...



nismo se razumeli, razlika u generacijama

  DBrave said:
kako vam se svidja ovaj spot za forsaken ?

nije los, bes je lepo crtan i animiran, a i uklapa mi se u pesmu

Spot je prosek, ne znam što su ga uopšte pravili. Plašim se da ih Roudrunner records ne pretvori u komercijalu. Kako su krenuli, dva spota, najveći hitovi, šta je sledeće?

  Totamealand said:
Spot je prosek, ne znam što su ga uopšte pravili. Plašim se da ih Roudrunner records ne pretvori u komercijalu. Kako su krenuli, dva spota, najveći hitovi, šta je sledeće?


Izdavanje albuma za PGP RTS? :rolleyes:

  Totamealand said:
Plašim se da ih Roadrunner Records ne pretvori u komercijalu.


da znas pricu o Falling Into Infinity albumu, kao i stav benda o tom periodu, i pokusavanju "komercijalizovanja" pesama, ne bi imao taj strah :meshuggah:

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