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Ja ovako posle nekoliko slusanja kapiram da mi je bubanj najlosiji od svega, toliko lose zvuci da je to neverovatno,bas bubanj mrtav nekako, a dupla leva i desna neujednacene, sve ostalo ko kanta previse sirovo, mada uopste od kako su u roadrunneru bubanj sve losije zvuci cini mi se.


Nov Live DVD?? hmm cini mi se da je Portnoy vec negde rekao da sa ove turneje to ne ocekujemo, mada ja bih voleo jer je na Chaos-u Labrie uzas, a sada je to druga prica.


Mozda je hteo da nam saopsti da napusta DT i prelazi u AX7? :haha: ili new album mozda za koji dan treba da izadje ;)


Taj rad. Ako je moguce da se izoluju i od muzicke industrije i jedni od drugih neko vrijeme. Neka sade krtolu i plaste sijeno jedno godinu dana i onda se vrate sa nekim Awake-like albumom. Ovako ne ide.


Sada se vise nebrinem hoce li doci ili ne grana je otvorena i za male pare,plus karta,se moze otici negde u komsiluk da ih pogledam po drugi put bez problema.


Ahaha, lolčina. :haha: :haha: :haha:


Pratim i ja novosti oko te turneje sa Maidenima, pogotovo pošto ima nekih teoretski šansi da zdimim u SWE na leto, a tada su Maideni na njihovom Sonisphereu. :rockdevil:


E konačno nema tih viza usranih, samim tim šanse za videti DT mnogo veće, još ako se nastavi ovaj post po pitanju koncerata kod nas (realno, posle Strata, PLa i GRa tek mi je tamo Therion u novembru baš ono must go).


DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy is in hot water with some of the group's Chilean fans after he posted a message on his Twitter profile stating that he "can't wait to . . . get the hell outta" the country following his band's concert Friday night (March 12) at the Movistar Arena in Santiago.


At least three separate earthquakes or aftershocks rocked Chile yesterday (Thursday, March 11), prompting a tsunami warning, although no tsunami is reported to have surfaced. The 8.8 earthquake which happened on February 27, 2010 caused a tsunami 6,700 miles away on the shores of the American Hawaiian Islands.


"Just had our fourth aftershock of the day here in Santiago," Portnoy tweeted yesterday. "Totally scary stuff ... can't wait to play the show and get the hell outta here!"


After several of the band's Chilean fans took offense at Portnoy's comments, with some going so far as to call him a coward, the drummer once again took to his Twitter account and wrote, "I can't believe there are Chileans that are bad-mouthing me and calling me a coward because we are not exactly comfortable in their earthquake. We came to Santiago to play for our great fans here ... I'm sorry if the constant aftershocks have us slightly weirded out and uncomfortable."


He later posted another message in an attempt to clarify his comments and issued yet another apology.


"Sorry if my wording came off wrong," Portnoy wrote. "Obviously we love our fans down here or we wouldn't be here right now ... we're just not used to this. Let's all calm down ... pray for the earthquakes and aftershocks to stop ... and have a great show tomorrow night with our great fans in Chile!"





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