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In the wake of Mike Portnoy’s announcement that he is leaving DREAM THEATER, the remaining members of the band have issued the following statement about the matter. Presumably, “other ventures and challenges” implies AVENGED SEVENFOLD full time. Check out the first live video of Mike Portnoy on drums for AVENGED SEVENFOLD.


Izvor :




volim Dream, ali poslednja dva albuma su mi bljak(poslednji cak nisam imao snage ni da preslusam ceo). a zna se da je Portnoy imao veliki deo u komponovanju istih.


tako da bar u pogledu kvaliteta predstojecih albuma, mogu samo poboljsanje da ocekujem.


ali ce mi nedostajati, nije da nije :D

Posted (edited)

mislim, realno, da je petrucci isto koliko portnoy, ako ne i vise, kriv za novije albume i koliko bedno zvuce.


Ne bih se nesto mnogo nadao. Mislim da je fora sto Portnoy sad ima mnogo vise para od njih, Avenged Sevenfold je bio #1 na billboardu, i njemu idu neke pare od toga sigurno. On sad moze da radi sta hoce, zato je mozda i hteo da napravi pauzu, da se osveze i onda da rade sta god muzicki. Ali ovi imaju porodice da hrane, moraju da nastave sa DT masinom, da stancaju albume, da se to dopada Roadrunner omladini koliko god moze da im se dopada sa tako pederskim vokalom, i da nastave sa turnejama da bi hranili decu svoju.

Edited by azal

jeste sve to tako, potpuno se slažem.

možda su loši albumi došli zbog promene načina kako prave pesme, zakupi se studio na 2 meseca i eto albuma. ipak su to manje-više isti ljudi koji su pravili onakvu dobru muziku onomad.

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Problem je što prave muziku da bi je pravili. Nije to više njihova želja i inspiracija, već silovanje i forsiranje, jer je stvaranje postalo obaveza. Da imdaš koju godinu opuštanja i da se oni spontano skupe da "stvaraju magiju"... videli biste koja bi albumčina mogla da ispadne. Ovako, ostaje na ovome što je rekao Laza. Mora se jesti.

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A inace su im deca gladna, nedeljom se jedu virsle ako su te srece, a moraju knjige i sveske za skolu da se kupe :haha:


Poceli su progresivno prohtevi da rastu...

Posted (edited)

laBrie je objasnio... u fazonu "jbg otiso je sta da se radi, nego da mi malo pricamo o mom novom albumu..."


videcemo sta ce biti za koju godinu kad petrucci ode u slipknot :P

Edited by Control Freak

ma dok mi pored pesme ne pise 25:00 ili jace, nije to to...nista kao Duel with the devil :)

Tako je. Mada mi je i Whirlwind fenomenalan i sto ga duze slusam, bolji mi je. Ceo album je kao zapravo jedna pesma ali rastavljena u delove.  :bigblue:





Tako je. Mada mi je i Whirlwind fenomenalan i sto ga duze slusam, bolji mi je. Ceo album je kao zapravo jedna pesma ali rastavljena u delove. :bigblue:





Dobar je album mada su mi stari i dalje mnogo bolji (nevezano za trajanja)...




Q: If I'm a betting man, I have to say that it won't be more than a year or two before you return to that gig under some circumstance.


Portnoy: Well, you know what?! If that was to happen, then I got what I wanted [laughs] — I got my break from them and they got what they wanted; they got to continue on. Maybe a couple of years from now we'll get back together and we'll live happily ever after. I don't know. But there's been so many cases — you've seen it; history has shown — and I've already cited MÖTLEY CRÜE and GENESIS, but you could talk about... AEROSMITH went on without Joe Perry and MAIDEN went on without Bruce [Dickinson] and [JUDAS] PRIEST without [Rob] Halford... Ultimately, they all came back together and I would love it if some day that happens with us . . . The whole thing is as tough for me to swallow as it is for the fans. I feel really bad for the fans, 'cause I spent my entire career making decisions for them and trying to feed the fanbase, and I knew this was one decision that wouldn't be a popular one with the fans, but for once in my life — for once — I had to do what Mike Portnoy felt was right and not what was best for DREAM THEATER. I mean, what would have been best for DREAM THEATER, in my opinion, would have been to just take a few years off — everybody do their own thing, recharge the batteries and come together. But we're five different people with five different personalities, and I guess we differed on that subject . . . We've mentioned these other scenarios [where the members parted ways and then] all [came] back together. The thing that scares the crap out of me, though, is I see a similarity to maybe Roger Waters with PINK FLOYD and that never came back together, and that scares the crap out of me. It would be a tragedy if I never got to be on stage with DREAM THEATER again . . . I'm at peace with [my decision to leave the band] — I really am. I'm depressed and sad and shocked over it, but I am indeed at peace with it, and I think it was the right thing [to do], because I had to follow my heart. I've never been a fake or a B.S. person, and if I would be forced to go into the studio in January, I would feel resentments, and I can't do that. I need to love what I'm doing, and I've never done a project or an album or anything with any other musician that I didn't believe in.


Pa ovaj stvarno hoće da ga oni čekaju i da se vrati jednom. :lol:

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