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Ja sam Petrucci-a uvek posmatrao kao vodju u bendu. To i jeste za ocekivati, jer vecina stvari potekne od njega, sto muzicki, sto liricki.


On se u mojim ocima najgore srozao. Koliko sam ga gotivio ranije i koliko mi je prijala njegova svirka, sad ne mogu da ga cujem u ovim novim varijantama. Mnogo je ukusnije svirao pre 10+ godina. Sad kad ga malo stize starost, trudi se iz petinih zila da ocuva reputaciju nabildanog shred manijaka da pokaze da i dalje moze da brzo svira valjda...

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  On 6/13/2011 at 1:09 PM, Jimmi said:

Ja sam Petrucci-a uvek posmatrao kao vodju u bendu. To i jeste za ocekivati, jer vecina stvari potekne od njega, sto muzicki, sto liricki.


On se u mojim ocima najgore srozao. Koliko sam ga gotivio ranije i koliko mi je prijala njegova svirka, sad ne mogu da ga cujem u ovim novim varijantama. Mnogo je ukusnije svirao pre 10+ godina. Sad kad ga malo stize starost, trudi se iz petinih zila da ocuva reputaciju nabildanog shred manijaka da pokaze da i dalje moze da brzo svira valjda...


Ma meni je najviše pukao kad je ponovo pustio kosu, počeo da se kezeči, počeo da trza kao Janika pokojni...ima tu još.


Najbolje je što se Portnoy verovatno kida od smeha na sve ove gluposti i misli se "Dobro je što sam ostavio ove dijabole"

Posted (edited)
Najbolje je što se Portnoy verovatno kida od smeha na sve ove gluposti i misli se "Dobro je što sam ostavio ove dijabole"


Alas, obzirom da je i sam nalozena dijabola, mrka kapa.

Edited by Et in Arcadia Ego



“It all comes down to what the listener interprets. To me it’s a classic album of great progressive moments. I think we’ve really gone back to some of our classic glory, and at the same tine there’s still some of that progressive metal Dream Theater in there, but in a more controlled and less bombastic sense. It’s harnessed in a more complimentary direction that maybe Scenes From A Memory or Images And Words was. Progressive, but with those heavy elements in there, and not having one side overshadow the other. Melodically, the new album has come up to a whole new level; I was involved from beginning to end with the melodies. It’s extremely well balanced, and there’s some unbelievable interaction going on instrumentally on this album.”


“John Petrucci (guitars) produced the album and he’s been unbelievably committed to this. He’s put so much time into the album and he’s had a pretty clear vision of how he wanted it to unfold. When we were recording he did the drum programming, and some of the stuff he was coming up with was insane (laughs). It was great. We’d send the songs in completed form with the drum programming to Mike Mangini, he would take it and figure out what worked for him and where he wanted to put in some of himself. When he was laying down the drums, trust me, Mangini is all over this album. He was absolutely phenomenal.”


“I’ve worked with him on three albums already, so my jaw had already hit the floor several times before he came in to do this one (laughs). And the other guys were doing the exact same thing when they saw him play for this album.”


As for Mangini putting his signature on the band’s older material – the biggest concern amongst diehard Portnoy supporters – LaBrie admits it’s still a question mark. Chances that the fans will be disappointed are slim to none.


“Aside from the auditions, where we did three songs, I haven’t heard him do any of the old stuff,” LaBrie reveals. “He knows there are certain sections of various songs when he has to stick to the mold, and he knows when he can be himself. Mike Mangini is very intuitive and incredibly musical, and he’s made it clear that he’s going to be putting some of himself into the old songs, but when the sections or the pieces really call for him to stay on the MP train, he’ll do so. That’s admirable and that’s professional.”

Posted (edited)

Idem ja najverovatnije.Nije jos 100% sigurno, videcu kako stojim sa kintom i slobodnim danima posle letovanja, ali kao trebalo bi da se iskombinuje to.

Edited by Elldamar

Ma bilo je na sajtu festa zadnji put kada sam gledao.

Inace koncert nije u Budimpesti uopste nego nekih 50ak kma juznije u nekom gradu.

A sto se tice Gasometra,ne znam da li si ikada ista slusao tamo ali good luck sa zvukom.Gledati DT u Gasometru je blasfemija.


Nije u Pesti,ali isto neki veliki grad juzno,picke materine.





Day tickets:

- June 30: 4.800, - Ft

- Until 03 August: 5.200, - Ft (midnight)

Site: 5.500, - Ft


Three-day tickets:

- June 30: 9.000, - Ft

- Until 03 August: 10,500, - USD (midnight)

Site: 12.000, - Ft


Forinta je bila 280 = 1e zadnji put kada sam bio tamo tj. u martu.


MIKE PORTNOY Has "Big Announcement"



Ex-DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy has revealed via his official Twitter page that a "big announcement" is due to come down today (June 15th).


Portnoy offered the following hints as to what the announcement will be in a post earlier this month:


"While yes, I am indeed very pumped on the potential of this new band that I will start recording with next month, and it will surely be very exciting for certain people who love a certain genre. Just remember not to build your hopes up TOO much (although I do know this lineup is gonna KILL!). I will also say that this band falls more into the category of 'classic hard rock' a la LED ZEPPELIN, DEEP PURPLE, early OZZY."

I will also say that this band falls more into the category of 'classic hard rock' a la LED ZEPPELIN, DEEP PURPLE, early OZZY."


Super. Sto se mene tice, Mike dobija jedan plus, like, sta vec :)

  On 6/15/2011 at 11:14 AM, bloodsucker said:

Nisam nikad slusao.. u Gasometeru. Mos li mi rec detaljnije o cemu se radi? Mozda se predomislim.


Ma uzas im je zvuk tamo.SyX i Nevermore su zvucali kao neki nadrkani srednjeskolski bendovi, a od prijatelja koji zive tamo sam isto dobio info da uglavnom izbegavaju Gasometer po pitanju koncerata zbog zvuka.Arena je prenadrkana, stvarno izgleda do jaja,ali dzaba ako ti je zvuk sjeban.

A i pivo im je 5e tamo tako da ...

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