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Aha, ok, ja sam ga nazvao novinarom smetnuvši sa uma da sam pročitao da negde svira - nisam upućen, priznajem.


Bubnjevi su kao da je Portnoj još u bendu - Petrući je samo otkucao kako bi Portnoj to uradio, a Mangini je to odsvirao.


Ha ha, kakvi ste vi likovi, kad DT budu originalni "što nije kao I&W" a kad je u tom stilu "jbg, ovo je kao I%W". Mislim da treba da uvedu usnu harmoniku, gusle, frulu i medveđi growl i preslikaju I&W da bi svi bili srećni. Elem, Breaking all illusions koja se mnogima sviđa je klasična DT pesma, kao iz starih dana, onaj otrcani zvuk klavijatura, super solo koji se vraća na temu kao u Learning to live. Mene se najviše sviđa Jethro Tull deo negde na 5.30. Album je dobar, niko ne može da istovari toliko različitih tema posle x albuma i 25 godina kao DT. Slušam ga isključivo na slušalice i ima se šta čuti. Jedino je, kao što sam očekivao, bubanj preglasan, činela kao da je preglasna. Ostali su nekako u senci. Malo su pojačali i Myoung-a, čini mi se.


bolje da lici na nesto nego da ne lici ni na sta, kao vecina ostalih pesma. btw, myung je pisao ovu, tacno se primeti njegov fazon, kao u pesmama learning to live i trial of tears


Mislim da nisi lepo razumeo sta je hteo da kaze. Rekao je da je rastajanje Portnoya i Petrucia kao rastajanje Waters i Gilmoura... Nije on sebe uporedjivao, samo je povukao paralelu.

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jako je smesan sa tim pricama. slazem se da im je mozda trebala pauza. ali on je usilio to da bi svirao sa nekim random metal boy bendom, a sad prica nesto kako je napustio neku finansijsku sigurnost, a ne pominje kako je hteo da se vrati u bend posle. uskace sebi u stomak sa svakom sledecom izjavom. bolje da cuti i svira sa tim svojim jebackim zabavnim bendovima pred stotinjak ljudi.


Mislim da će da zakuvaju i "rekindle the flame" ovim intervjuima, što i nije tako loše. Kad se pojavi nekad LTE3 znamo da se nešto valja iza brda i da su se izmirili.


Ja sam skroz zadovoljan, dobio sam baš onakav album kakav sam zamišljao. James zvuči fantastično, mnogo opuštenije i slobodnije nego na poslednjih nekoliko albuma. Petrucci standardno dobar, Rudess se vratio klaviru i više ubacuje one horske efekte, Myung aktivniji nego ranije, a Mangini je stvarno sve odsvirao sa merom i ukusom.


Inače, meni se stvarno jako dopadaju i Systematic chaos i BC&SL, ali je ovaj album ipak bliži onome što od njih očekujem. Favoriti: Bridges in the sky (refren :rockdevil: ), Beneath the surface, Breaking all illusions, Build me up break me down...

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Posle duzeg slusanja se neke stvari iskristalisu, ako slusam album na slusalicama shvatim koliko bubanj katastrofalno zvuci i koliko ga nema u mixu... stvarno bedno zvuci, ne moze to da se poredi sa zvukom Gavina Harrisona na primer. i iskreno jedina pesma koja ce se kada se malo sve "oladi" verovatno slusati je Braking all illusions, sve ostalo meh, outcry je bas losa ustvari pesma kada se razmisli, takodje i Bridges in the sky, vrlo prazne pesme. A sto se tice Labrija lose su vokalne melodije dosadne i ne dinamicne. Nije da pljujem sada iznenada (i dalje stojim da je album mnogo bolji od BC&SL i SC i sa te strane sam zadovoljan) ali je generlno strasno los ovo album takodje, u svetlosnim godinama daleko od od I&W i Awake-a...

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MIKE PORTNOY Reportedly Sued DREAM THEATER For 'Wrongfully Excluding' Him From Band


According to Courthouse News Service, ex-DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy filed a lawsuit against his former bandmates in April claiming that they "wrongfully excluded" him from the group and are "wrongfully using the name of the band in connection with [their] recording of an album without the participation or consent of [Portnoy]." In addition, the drummer's complaint, which was filed on April 27, alleges that the defendants — John Petrucci (guitar), John Myung (bass), Jordan Rudess (keyboards), James LaBrie (vocals), along with associated companies Ytse Jam, Inc. and Infinity Tours, Inc. — "are wrongfully using the name of the band in connection with the promotion of live performances by the individual defendants, without the participation or consent of [Portnoy]."


In an August 2011 interview with the Greek edition of Rock Hard magazine, Portnoy stated about his departure from DREAM THEATER, "I didn't make the decision to leave DREAM THEATER before [hooking up with] AVENGED SEVENFOLD [as their touring drummer], but I knew that something had to change in the DREAM THEATER camp. It's unfortunate that it was me that had to change, because I never wanted to leave the band — it was never my intention; I never wanted the split. I just merely thought that the band really could use a break, because I think the romance was really dying — backstage and between [the members] personally. 25 years without a break is a very, very, very long time and sometimes these relationships need a break from each other to rekindle the flame. So that's all I suggested. And even before I [went on the road] with AVENGED SEVENFOLD, I remember touring with [the progressive rock project] TRANSATLANTIC at the beginning of 2010 and already knowing that something was wrong in the DREAM THEATER world and that I really needed a break from the guys and the whole DREAM THEATER machine. I knew something was brewing and I knew that I was unhappy, and as has been well documented elsewhere, I merely just wanted a break. But unfortunately, those guys [the rest of DREAM THEATER] didn't see it that way and didn't respect my request for time off. It's unfortunate [that it turned out that way]."


Posle duzeg slusanja se neke stvari iskristalisu, ako slusam album na slusalicama shvatim koliko bubanj katastrofalno zvuci i koliko ga nema u mixu... stvarno bedno zvuci, ne moze to da se poredi sa zvukom Gavina Harrisona na primer. i iskreno jedina pesma koja ce se kada se malo sve "oladi" verovatno slusati je Braking all illusions, sve ostalo meh, outcry je bas losa ustvari pesma kada se razmisli, takodje i Bridges in the sky, vrlo prazne pesme. A sto se tice Labrija lose su vokalne melodije dosadne i ne dinamicne. Nije da pljujem sada iznenada (i dalje stojim da je album mnogo bolji od BC&SL i SC i sa te strane sam zadovoljan) ali je generlno strasno los ovo album takodje, u svetlosnim godinama daleko od od I&W i Awake-a...


Ja se s tebom slazem u POTPUNOSTI!


MIKE PORTNOY Reportedly Sued DREAM THEATER For 'Wrongfully Excluding' Him From Band


According to Courthouse News Service, ex-DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy filed a lawsuit against his former bandmates in April claiming that they "wrongfully excluded" him from the group and are "wrongfully using the name of the band in connection with [their] recording of an album without the participation or consent of [Portnoy]." In addition, the drummer's complaint, which was filed on April 27, alleges that the defendants — John Petrucci (guitar), John Myung (bass), Jordan Rudess (keyboards), James LaBrie (vocals), along with associated companies Ytse Jam, Inc. and Infinity Tours, Inc. — "are wrongfully using the name of the band in connection with the promotion of live performances by the individual defendants, without the participation or consent of [Portnoy]."


In an August 2011 interview with the Greek edition of Rock Hard magazine, Portnoy stated about his departure from DREAM THEATER, "I didn't make the decision to leave DREAM THEATER before [hooking up with] AVENGED SEVENFOLD [as their touring drummer], but I knew that something had to change in the DREAM THEATER camp. It's unfortunate that it was me that had to change, because I never wanted to leave the band — it was never my intention; I never wanted the split. I just merely thought that the band really could use a break, because I think the romance was really dying — backstage and between [the members] personally. 25 years without a break is a very, very, very long time and sometimes these relationships need a break from each other to rekindle the flame. So that's all I suggested. And even before I [went on the road] with AVENGED SEVENFOLD, I remember touring with [the progressive rock project] TRANSATLANTIC at the beginning of 2010 and already knowing that something was wrong in the DREAM THEATER world and that I really needed a break from the guys and the whole DREAM THEATER machine. I knew something was brewing and I knew that I was unhappy, and as has been well documented elsewhere, I merely just wanted a break. But unfortunately, those guys [the rest of DREAM THEATER] didn't see it that way and didn't respect my request for time off. It's unfortunate [that it turned out that way]."




haha jedan komentar s fejsa:


"Hi, I'm Mike Portnoy and I want a break for 5 years...oh, what's that? I didn't get the Avenged gig? Oh, nevermind, can I come back now? what? you've moved on? I'm calling my lawyer!"




Mada, u jednome se slažem sa Portnoy-em.

Njima je trebala jedna pauza od godinu dana, minimum.

Odmore malo jedni od drugih, čuju se povremeno mejlom, prvih par mjeseci uopšte ne slušaju muziku, uživaju u svojim ženama itd.

Kad se napune energije, počnu da izgaraju od želje da opet snimaju, sviraju i komponuju, vrate se u studio i naprave jedan FII-like album, i oduvaju sve vjernike i nevjernike.





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Posted (edited)

Nemoj jedan FII-like album, svega ti. :mrgreen:;)


Novi album doduše jeste pokazao da je bendu bila potrebna neka promena da bi malo preispitali svoje ambicije, poput toga kakav bend žele da budu i kuda treba da idu dalje. Poslednjih par albuma su nastali po sistemu ''idemo smo u studio i videćemo šta će da se samo od sebe desi.'' I mada taj princip i jeste davao rezultate koji su se meni dopadali, A Dramatic turn of events je znatno uravnoteženiji i više ''programiran'' - ali to je očigledno ono što treba da se uradi da bi izašao dobar album. :da:


E sad, da li je bolje čekati pet godina da bismo dobili takav album... Ne znam, meni više odgovara ovo. U suprotnom ne bih između ostalog imao prilike da gledam DT uživo ni ove a ni sledeće godine. :)

Edited by Totamealand

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