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Meni licno najdepresivnija i najmracnija forma muzike...

Najzanimljiviji pravac doom-a (meni).

Skepticism i Until Death Overtakes Me - pravi funeral onakav kakav treba da bude!!





To continue that motion towards the end,


This path of solitude,

Towards the immense shapeless emptiness.


Graceful Transcent

Circling towards the inevitable

Bereft of will and life

Tempting whisper from the dark


Their hands wave a last goodbye...

No-one sees...No-one hears.

And I move silently,

Away, like aeons on the stream.


Wandering this funeral path

Circle slowly...away

The emptiness is ours...eternally


  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Forest Of October

Skepticism i Until Death Overtakes Me - pravi funeral onakav kakav treba da bude!!


Until Death Overtakes Me je savrsen bend. Kakvi albumi... Kakva atmosfera...


RECLUSIAM - najbolji funeral doom ikada!!!

Kompletan free download na njihovom sajtu...


E pa nemoj da preterujes, RECLUSIAM jesu vrh, ali ne mogu da budu bolji od MOURNFUL CONGREGATION :lol::bigblue: (svako ima svoje misljenje, naravno), legende tipa Funeral, Thergothon, Skepticism, UDOM necu ni da pominjem. BTW bendovi tipa TORTURE WHEEL i AHAB nisu losi, pa recimo TYRANNY, CATACOMBS (ex Hierophant). A jel voli neko one suicide torture doom bendove kao sto su Moss, Bunkur, Stabat Mater, Monarch, Wormphlegm...


E pa nemoj da preterujes, RECLUSIAM jesu vrh, ali ne mogu da budu bolji od MOURNFUL CONGREGATION :lol::bigblue: (svako ima svoje misljenje, naravno), legende tipa Funeral, Thergothon, Skepticism, UDOM necu ni da pominjem. BTW bendovi tipa TORTURE WHEEL i AHAB nisu losi, pa recimo TYRANNY, CATACOMBS (ex Hierophant). A jel voli neko one suicide torture doom bendove kao sto su Moss, Bunkur, Stabat Mater, Monarch, Wormphlegm...


Slusaj kolega doomeru, ti si me navukao na Reclusiam, tako da necu da cujem/procitam ni rec o tome :)

Ali naravno najbolji fnr band je SKEPTICISM TACKA!! :)

Moss, Bunkur, Stabat Mater, Wormphlegm SU JEBENI ZAKON!!! Ubaci tu i Funeralium i HALO!!!

  • 2 years later...

Znas za Draconian? E to je projekat Johana Ericsona iz Draconiana. Ima jedan demo, i dva albuma: Aeternum Vale i Dead Words Speak, i ne zna se koji je bolji, po mom skromnom misljenju. :D Atmosfericni funeral doom metal, ne moze biti lose. :wub: Poslusaj, verujem da ce ti se dopasti, ako volis doom. :da:



Posted (edited)

Da, da. Obožavam Draconian... :wub:

Ali kakvo je to ime, kog đavola, baš je idiotsko. :)

Poslušaću, baš me zanima, sigurno je dobro. ;)

Edited by Litthia
Posted (edited)

Evo copy/paste, da ja ne prepricavam. :)


Where does the name come from by the way?

“Domus” is the Latin word for “House”. You add another “O” in there it becomes DOOMUS” meaning “House of Doom”. The (: ) marks is there because it can also mean DOOM=US, “US” referring to humanity. The writing of the U as a V is just more for it to look good. Also in history U has usually been written in a shape of a V. ;)



Edited by °°Džoca°°

Kakvi manijaci... :)


Lepota umetnosti i jeste u tome što od besmisla možeš da napraviš filozofiju. :) :) :) Nisu normalni, gluposti li... :)


Ali, svejedno, mora se poslušati. :D




Rising Of Yog-Sothoth – Tribute To Thergothon





1. Asunder – Who Rides The Astral Wings

2. Officium Triste – Crying Blood And Crimson Snow

3. Evoken – Yet The Watchers Guard

4. Imindain – Everlasting

5. Colosseum – The Unknown Kadath In The Cold Waste

6. Mournful Congregation – Elemental

7. Worship – Evoken

8. Umbra Nihil – The Twilight Fade

9. Persistence In Mourning – Dancing In The Realm Of Shades



1. Nojda – Evoken

2. Otzepenevshiye – The Unknown Kadath In The Cold Waste

3. Krohm – Everlasting

4. Inter Arbores – Who Rides The Astral Wings

5. Astral Sleep – Yet The Watchers Guard

6. Aarni – Verivaikerrus – Hurmehanki

7. Axis Of Advance – Elemental

8. Singultus – The Twilight Fade


Tesko zlo se sprema !!!!

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