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Ja imam tu Return to Fantasy na budjavoj kaseti koju sam kupio jos neke '98-'99...Super je pesma vaistinu.A i album,mozda mi i omiljeni...U stvari,ne mogu da odlucim izmedju Land i Somewhere...


Perhaps..perhaps..no, stvar ukusa rekao bih, ali je Ralph daleko kvalitetniji pevach, barem je bio daleko kvalitetniji posebno u tom periodu, sada se vec Kai popravio, ali je i on sam rekao(za "Blast From The Past") da nije bilo uopste lako da peva te pesme, no svejedno ih dobro radi, "Dream Healer"a carski npr.


I takodje, posle Kiskea, ne postoji chovek koji bolje peva "I Want Out" od Ralpha. e tu njegova "kreshtavost" dolazi do punog izrazaja

I takodje, posle Kiskea, ne postoji chovek koji bolje peva "I Want Out" od Ralpha. e tu njegova "kreshtavost" dolazi do punog izrazaja

Uf skroz jebote...a i Future World rekao bih...mada to podjednako dobro rade i Kai i Ralf...ali Kaiev glas mi je ubedljivo najbolji na Land of the Free...

Prva 3 imaju posebno mesto u mom srcu...pogotovo Insanity...to mi je prvi album koji sam celi odslusao...

  • 3 weeks later...

German power metallers GAMMA RAY have set "Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal" as the title of their upcoming DVD. The set will feature a ulti-camera recording of the band's May 6, 2006 show at Medley in Montreal, Quebec as well as lots of bonus features, such as a road movie, a documentary covering the group's history, behind-the-scenes footage, and video clips etc. "Canada is a good place to film a show," the band's frontman, Kai Hansen, previously said about the shoot. "But we are also bringing a cameraman along for the entire tour to capture all of the backstage and pre-show aspects of the band. We are bringing it back to rock 'n' roll basics."


This will be the first-ever GAMMA RAY video-documentary featuring the current lineup of the band. "The current lineup has been together for eight years," Hansen stated. "It's about time we get a filmed documentary of who the band is."


user posted image




According to a posting on GAMMA RAY's official web site, the German power metallers' next album, which is due out late 2007, will be entitled "Land of the Free Part II". As the name suggests, the CD will be a conceptual continuation of the group's 1995 classic "Land of the Free".



Zashto Hansene? Zashto? Jer to zato sto su ovi idioti izbacili Keeper 3?!




Zashto Hansene? Zashto? Jer to zato sto su ovi idioti izbacili Keeper 3?!

To htedoh da kazem,resio cika Kai da udari kontru,ali ovo ce biti bolje od 'weena,osecam.


Zashto Hansene? Zashto? Jer to zato sto su ovi idioti izbacili Keeper 3?



...videcemo...ovaj album ili ce da uveca slavu ili da ih mnogo snizi...

...mene je samo strah to sto je Sanctuary pod Sony BMG...tako da ako ne promene izdavaca imam utisak da cemo biti silno razocarani...

  • 1 month later...

haha, do jaja..nikad nisam razmishljao o tome..s obzirom da je Nemac.


A s obzirom da ja uchim nemachki 3 godine trebalo bi kao da znam odgovor icon_mrgreen.gif


Moja pretpostavka je "Hendzo", eventualno "Henjo"

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