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Sviraju oni i sa SOIS i LOTFa pesme. Rebellion, Mision, LOTF, Valley i SOIS su skoro redovne pesme..a opaljuju i neke druge sa vremena na vreme tipa all of the damned ili beyond the black hole(kaka je to pesmetina bre!). Ali ja ne zamishljam GR koncert bez Rebelliona..

LOTF mi je najbolji album, ali ostali mi svi leze skoro u istoj ravni...Ja sam prvo slushao albume sa Ralphom i oni su me i navukli...SNM mozda ima neke najslabije GR pesme, ali ima i odlichnih i kao album celokupno je dobar meni koliko i SOIS npr.


A Majestic je jedini cover koji me je malko razocharao..osim toga..smatram da imaju jedne od najboljih covera u power metalu..fangface zakon.


Au...ja pazario Majestic original i omot izgleda jos bolje uzivo...meni se mnogo svidja...

...a od albuma naravno omiljeni je LotF, mada sam se na GR navukao preko Insanity and Genious...ali volim ih sve podjednako...

Mislim da mi je definitivno najbolji Somewhere Out In Space...

I ja sam krenuo od tog albuma, ali ga gomila klavijatura malo ugusila. Zato mi je 'Heading...' i dalje neprevazidjen.

Au...ja pazario Majestic original i omot izgleda jos bolje uzivo...meni se mnogo svidja...

Jesi li ti isao na exkurziju da pijes,jebes i drogiras se ili da kupujes diskove? icon_smile.gif


Nemo' ondak da kritikujes decka. I sam si rekao na Warlord temi da bi isao na more u Grcku zbog koncerata, a to nije razlog zbog kog se ide na more. Iako, i ja bih uradio isto!


Ma,salim se,sta ti je,poznajem licno i cenim Breakyja.I ja sam isto radio svojevremeno,bre,sve pare spickam na diskove icon_smile.gif Mi smo izgleda posebna vrsta ljudi icon_smile.gif I znaci,sledece godine na more u Grcku,a? icon_smile.gif


3 diska...nisam mogao da odolim jebi ga...znas li kako je lep ovaj Edguy, kao slikovnica a ne disk icon_smile.gif

Sve u svemu zadovoljan sam diskom iako je jedini standardni CD(nije Digi)...


Jesi li ti isao na exkurziju da pijes,jebes i drogiras se ili da kupujes diskove?

Lepse je to u majci Srbiji, kad vec nema CDa icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


German power metallers GAMMA RAY have posted the following message on their official web site:


"After leaving you alone several weeks without any news about our DVD project [entitled 'Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal'], we can now proudly say that the production is completely finished so that now it would be the record company's turn to bring it in the stores [as soon as possible]. But (unfortunately, there's always a but) we were informed last week that the Sanctuary office in Berlin will be closed by the end of this year which makes it impossible to release the DVD shortly . As next we have to find a solution with the Sanctuary office in the U.K., which is now responsible for the release timing and if we consider all the promotional machinery which starts working in front of a release we expect that the release has to be postponed to spring 2007.


"Nevertheless we continue in parallel with the songwriting and the recording of the first demos for the next album 'Land of the Free II' so that we are hopefully be able to bring two new releases in stores during next year.


"I know these are sad news for all of you who have waited since month for the release and expected to watch the DVD at the latest under the X-Mas tree. But you can be sure that we're also very disappointed with the actual situation and work hard on a solution for the release. As soon as the situation is clarified we will be back with more news."


"Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal" will feature a multi-camera recording of the band's May 6, 2006 show at Medley in Montreal, Quebec as well as "tons of great behind-the-scenes footage, courtesy of camera man Markus Kreuz, who accompanied the band at all times. The band allowed the camera to run 24/7, resulting in a plethora of impressions, profound comments by the nightliner/bus driver. This is truly a great road movie with and unusually intimate insight into the life of a band on the road, the tour bus, and pretty much everything else. The highs and lows, the goofy and the profound, shopping, immigration troubles, missed flights, the works — uncut and raw, and GAMMA RAY are proud of it — and rightly so! There is ample additional material on the bonus DVD, with a big historical part, with live footage of gigs of yesteryear and backstage material from Japan and the Wacken Open Air. Last but definitely not least, there is the entire collection of the band’s video clips to be found on there. Great stuff!"



znachi najjache ime za live album/dvd ikada :D


Ma da...samo ne znam kako cu da odem u prodavnicu i kazem :

- "Imate li mozda novi DVD od Gamma Ray?"

- "Kako se zove?"

- "Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (and the Finnish keyboarder who didn't want to wear his Donald Duck costume) Live in Montreal".



The characters Dizzy and Justice from the video game Guilty Gear share an Overdrive Attack called Gamma Ray, named after the band. Ky Kiske's name is a reference to Kai Hansen, as well as Michael Kiske.


Znao sam!!!Jos kad sam prvi put instalirao igricu rekoh sebi "Ovi mnogo vole Helloween" :) :) :)

  • 2 weeks later...

E a jesam pomenuo sto je moj drug snimio Wacken 2006 na TV WDR, a izmedju ostalih bendova tu je Gamma Ray sa Blood Religion...i ne da je dobro...prava rec je Majestic!!!Znaci stvarno ono je jedna tesko dobra nastupchina...dao bih sve da sam to gledao...!!!

Pomagajte ljudi...ne mogu sam da lupam vise na ovoj temi!!!


Ja vec mesec dana (skoro) sam u nemogucnosti nekog veceg downloada..i samo s vremena na vreme skidam neshto s onim vodownloader, svejedno, ne pitaj..


Nesam gleda' ni taj video, niti nabavljao u skorije vreme neki GR bootleg :(


Treba li ti Wacken, ako imas vremena za neku razmenu...ima tu : Gamma Ray,Morbid Angel,Finntroll,Celtic Frost,Soulfly,Motorhead,In Extremo,MSG...i jos dosta njih...ono toplo preporucujem taj Wacken, posto se jos vise covek ubedaci sto nije isao :)

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