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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

EVo cisto da "probudim" ovu temu..pokusao sam da 'poredjam' albume od najomiljenijeg..do "zadnjeg" biggrin.gif ..teska rabota..aliii iapk:


1. Land Of The Free

2. No World Order

3. Powerplant

4. Heading For Tomorrow

5. Somewhere Out In Space

6. Insanity and Genius

7. Sigh No More


IMHO "najteza" pesma Raysa i jedna od retkih njihovih na koju bas moze da se glavomlati icon_rockdevil.gif


Staring out the window

At places in the starlit horizon

I'm waiting in the darkness

For arrival

But the sands of my time are running low

Lost and stranded far away from home

Peeping through the window in the darkness

- parted in our hearts

Glowing turning circles where we go

- no, they won't let go, let go

Blind our souls with raging burning madness

Out in the heavens we're ready to fight

Too late to cry

The final conclusion is roaring inside

Too proud to die

Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of mars

Is shining for us , anywhere in the galaxy

Time is right for us to see,

the world will long for liberty

The fallen heroes calling me,

anywhere in the galaxy

Anywhere ... in the galaxy

Anywhere ... in the galaxy

And now our blood is boiling

on the edge of life

Where is the place for our survival

Up to the stars, we have come from the night

Too late to cry

The final conclusion is roaring inside

Too proud to die

Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of mars

Is shining for us , anywhere in the galaxy

Time is right for us to see,

the world will long for liberty

Fallen heroes calling me,

anywhere in the galaxy

Anywhere in the galaxy,

we will fight for our destiny

Anywhere in the galaxy,

we will always run free

Anywhere in the galaxy,

Anywhere in the galaxy


And now the story finally ends,

with no disgrace for our survival

Outrageous fury in my hands,

and turning circles turn no more

Too late to cry

Out in the heavens we're ready to fight

Too proud to die

the final conclusion is roaring inside

Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of mars

Is shining for us , anywhere in the galaxy

Time is right for us to see,

the world wil long for liberty

Fallen heroes calling me,

anywhere in the galaxy

Anywhere in the galaxy

Anywhere in the galaxy

sta se desava sa njima ?? nisam u toku

Pa, na jesen prosle godine su izdali LIVE album. I u medjuvremenu odrazli par svirki, na nekim festivalima, i nekim manjim koncertima(jedan je bio cak i u Sloveniji ako se ne varam!). Ali za sada nema nekih konkretnik vesti , kada ce izaci novi album i to, jebga.

Ja mislim da bi bio red, do kraja godine da izadje...ali videcemo.


Ko ceka, doceka icon_biggrin.gif

  • 2 months later...

Cisto malo da zivne tema icon_biggrin.gif ...


Skinuh juce koncert iz Bolonje sa BLast From The Past turneje..set lista mi se mnogo svidela i svirali su bukvalno od prvog albuma pa prema novijem...


Lust For Life

Heaven Can Wait

Heading For Tomorrow


Dream Healer

Tribute To The Past

Land Of The Free

Man On a Mission

Rebellion In Dreamland

Valley Of The Kings

Somewhere Out In Space

Anywhere In the Galaxy-I Want Out

Send Me A Sign


Bez bisa...publika je za svaku pohvalu i peva skoro ceo koncert! Kai sasvim dobro peva Ralfove stvari, ali se na Changes jedino malo muchi, kao i I Want Out, ali je ovu drugu ipak odlicno odradio.


Pa, na jesen prosle godine su izdali LIVE album. I u medjuvremenu odrazli par svirki, na nekim festivalima, i nekim manjim koncertima(jedan je bio cak i u Sloveniji ako se ne varam!). Ali za sada nema nekih konkretnik vesti , kada ce izaci novi album i to, jebga.

Ja mislim da bi bio red, do kraja godine da izadje...ali videcemo.


Ko ceka, doceka icon_biggrin.gif

Mozda i koncertic u Srbiji.

Na jesen naravno.

  • 6 months later...

EVe giiii! icon_twisted.gif


"I was talking to Henjo yesterday in Hamburg and the album is set for September '05. Note that this is not the band's fault, but due to the label. Also (a little inside info), be prepared since it seems that on one of the songs, Kai invented a completely new riff (or riffing tecnique, not sure what he meant by it, but it's gonna be grand !!) Wink

I'm sure the offcial news will come soon. The guys are all very busy working on it, so hope that quinches your thirst for news a bit."


"The album is planned to be released in the first week of September 2005 and will of course contain the typical Gamma Ray elements. 11 songs are planned and it is full of interesting new melodies and breaks etc. Watch out for the upcoming updates here on this page please."


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In a recent interview with the Swedish webzine The Power Of Metal, GAMMA RAY drummer Daniel Zimmermann revealed that the group's upcoming CD has a working title of "Majestic". A September release is expected.




Nadajmo se da nece ostati na tome...


Nadam se da novi album nece biti govno kao "No World Order"! Taj album je cist Judas Priest, i mnogo ispod standarda Gamma Ray -a. Bukvalno imam osecaj da je odradjen preko kurca...nabudzili su ga iskoristivsi najbolje J. Priest rifove. Morace da prorade na novom albumu ako hoce da povrate kvalitet!


NWO jeste podseca na Prieste, ali da je album sranje i josh da kazesh da su uzeli riffove od Preista, ne slazem se, meni je odlichan album, naravno ne najbolji, ali veoma sam bio zadovoljan njime.

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