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Ne brini, bices o svemu informisana na vreme, uskoro ce biti postavljen novi spisak svirki.

Ma Caslave, prekini vise da pravis guzvu na proroku :wink:


tongue.gif Bas 'ocu! :mrgreen:


Prostor je stvarno genijalan, znaci svi ljubitelji patuljaka i vilenjaka ce odlepiti za tim, ali je muzika dugo bila sasvim neprimerena takvom mestu.


E sad se to promenilo. :mrgreen:


Pa da si mi rekao ja bih dosao...

Sto mi ne rece, nisam znao.... grrrrr...


Ni ja nisam bio, prekasno sam saznao. Znam samo da je Prorock otvorio sezonu zivih svirki, i za to su se izborili u prilicno jakoj konkurenciji.


Kafic, bar, ili kako vec zelite da ga nazovete, nalazi se u (cini mi se da se tako zove) majora Ilica, ispod palilulske pijace. Kao sto rekoh, fin ambijent, samo sto je dosad bila prilicno ocajna mjuza. Svidece se ljubiteljima maceva i slicnih zajebancija.


A sada, dame i gospodo, evo dugo najavljivanog spiska svirki u narednih par nedelja. Dakle:


5-6.12. Zeppelin, Muzlja

12.12. Kuglas, Beograd

13.12. Sv. Nikola, Veliko Gradiste

14.12. Underground, Smederevo


So you want to be a rock and roll star?

Then listen now to what I say.

Just get an electric guitar

Then take some time

And learn how to play.

And with your hair swung right,

And your pants too tight

It's gonna be all right.

Then it's time to go downtown

Where the agent man won't let you down.

Sell your soul to the company

Who are waiting there to sell plastic ware.

And in a week or two

If you make the charts

The girls'll tear you apart.


The price you paid for your riches and fame,

Was it all a strange game?

You're a little insane.

The money, the fame, and the public acclaim,

Don't forget who you are,

You're a rock and roll star.

biggrin.gifa: :wink:

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