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Ovo mi je danas napisala na MSN jedna moja prijateljica iz Finske, o uzrocima smrti Miike:


well. i've heard he had diabetes (dont know if that's the right word in english) so that was the reason why did he get fat and he had medication for that so he took too much alcohol with medicines.



The surviving members of the long-defunct Finnish band SENTENCED have issued a statement regarding the passing of the group's former guitarist and main songwriter, Miika Tenkula, who was found dead at his home on Thursday, February 19. He was 34 years old. The statement reads as follows:


"SENTENCED mourn the loss of Miika Tenkula, a dear friend, a truly remarkable artist and musician, and the very soul of what used to be SENTENCED. Rest now, brother — in your music and our hearts you will live forever."


A farewell video can be viewed below.


The official cause of Miika's death has not yet been released.




Ovo mi je danas napisala na MSN jedna moja prijateljica iz Finske, o uzrocima smrti Miike:


well. i've heard he had diabetes (dont know if that's the right word in english) so that was the reason why did he get fat and he had medication for that so he took too much alcohol with medicines.




ako je stvarno bio hronični dijabetičar onda je trebalo da bude suv kao grana.


videćemo šta će da objave... šteta neprocenjiva...


ja sam laik kad je medicina u pitanju, ali sam poznavao jednog coveka koji je imao dijabetes i to bas na ozbiljnom nivou (bukvalno su mu trulili odredjeni delovi tela) a recimo covek je bio jako debeo....


U svakom slucaju jako mi je zao Mike, a ovaj video me je bas rastuzio ..... a mourn je pravi izbor za pesmu kooju bend treba da posveti Miki


pa i ja sam laik

što se da primetiti :P



ništa još nema... verujem da ništa i neće

oni su svi u bendu dosta pili... ako je stvarno imao dijabetes i nastavio da pije ... eh taj alkohol :(


Eh koliko sam samo puta prisustvovao sceni, lik kaze nece da pije jer uzima lekove i onda skoci gomila "poznavalaca" i svi kao ma nema frke, mozes da pijes, jedino ces malo ublaziti efekat lekova .... i obicno na kraju covek pristane i popije. A kada su neki lekovi u pitanju izgleda da definitivno moze biti kobno po coveka :(


emo i sentenced u istoj recenici ni u sali :da:


sta znam, specificna je to emocija, koju su oni furali...originalnost bez predumisljaja rekao bih :) zato sam ih toliko i voleo...

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