Kent Posted February 4, 2005 Report Posted February 4, 2005 (edited) We’d better put this out in the open before you hear it somewhere else. The title of the new album is ”The Funeral Album”, and with it we, SENTENCED, are coming to the end of our road. This album will be our last one. The decision is mutual, thoroughly thought over and final. Metaphorically speaking, this is a mass suicide of 5, and the new album is the kind of note we want to leave behind. One last time around for good-byes. The decision was made during 2004. The reasons are many, and I don’t feel any need to go into details here. I will say however, that everyone will walk away as friends. In my eyes we are even not splitting up, but ending our recording career together. And there is major difference between those two. Our wish was always to go out with style and at the peak of our so called success. I think with ”The Funeral Album” we will do exactly that. Once the album is released, there will be an undefined number of farewell shows. When, where and how many, those are questions that at this point remain open. Intense and long touring, however, will unfortunately not follow, and most of these shows will take place on festivals where we can reach as much people as possible at one time. At the moment it seems that all of these funeral shows will be in Europe. If everything goes as planned, we will also make a live-DVD out of those last shows and include a lot of stuff from the past on it. Not to mention all the music-videos we have done during the years. The working title for the DVD is ”Buried Alive”. After that SENTENCED is no more. And: THIS IS IT. There will not be a re-union, come-back, or any other pathetic and soap-operish circus that seems to be in fashion these days. SENTENCED will rest in peace. We will make the most out of the band’s last year, and hope you will all join us. See you on the last run. /Lopakka & SENTENCED Edited February 4, 2005 by Kent Quote
Autumn_harmony Posted February 5, 2005 Report Posted February 5, 2005 MALOPRE SAM BILA NA SAJTU I TO PROCHITALA ... NE MOGU DA VERUJEM ... NEEEEEE ... shmrc ali zashto ... ma uzas !!!! Quote
tovar Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 zasto sam ovu pricu procitao par stotina puta? album moram imati na originalu, i moram ih videti live... ako im to ne produzi zivot, nista nece... ”Buried Alive” love Quote
Max Butcher Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 Jedan pametan bend koji odlazi u istoriju bez loseg albuma... Zauvek cu se secati popijenih piva sa njima... Quote
azal Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 bio bi vrh kad bi se konacno ubili posle ovog albuma. Quote
Dead on Arrival Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 imam Frozen i The Cold White Light i svidja mi se jako Quote
Kent Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 Carevi... Ko jos ima muda da se raspadne na vrhuncu? Oni i Tak That! Quote
azal Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 nisam znao da su se raspali posle Amoka? Quote
Kent Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 Lame Amok je vrhunac te periode, ono posle je sasvim drugo i jednako dobro... Sta je Amok fanova sada, a 95. niko cuo nije bio za njih, vec je kupovao singlove sa Youthanasie ... simptomaticno... ccc... Quote
azal Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 ne znam o kojim likovima pricas. zakljucak je da su im textovi pateticni. i da je posle amoka, najbolji muzicki momenat, onaj podrig na Frozenu. Quote
Kent Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 losh ti je zakljucak, sta da ti kazem. a najbolji momenat, posle amoka, je TCWL Quote
forever*autumn Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 situacija je sada pomalo cudna,zanimljiva,sa pomesanim osecanjima. nestrpljenje zbog novog albuma i neverica zbog ove vesti... Quote
Buddha Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 bio bi vrh kad bi se konacno ubili posle ovog albuma. mars debeli! to sam upravo ja hteo da napisem Quote
SGNL>05 Posted February 7, 2005 Report Posted February 7, 2005 nisam znao da su se raspali posle Amoka? Quote
solicitor Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 (edited) Evo par arechi o novom albumu nazvanom FUNERAL ALBUM. Nema tu nista funeralno. Nije uopste nista extra mracno. Pesme su vecinom nekog srednjeg i brzeg ritma sa prizvukom Finske koji se oseca na kilometar. Nema nikakve velike promene u zvuku i mislim da je ovo klasicno izdanje Sentenceda iz poslednje faze. Definitivno ima zestine, ima melodije, ima atmosfere, ali na prvo slusanje mi ni jedna pesma nije posebno privukla paznju osim mozda Vengence Is Mine, koja ima veliki hit potencijal, i End Of The Road, elegicna i tuzna i simbilicki oznacava kraj postojanja ovog legendarnog benda. Ova pesma je inace i poslednja na albumu i mislim da ce ljudima koji slusaju Sentenced zastati knedla u grlu kad je budu slusali Pocetak albuma i prve 2 pesme obecavaju veoma dinamicno izdanje, jer su obe brze, ali tokom albuma se nekako gubi taj pocetni utisak zbog neupecatljivosti pesama. To je moj prvi utisak. Mislim da je album osrednji. Nikako ne mogu reci da je los, jer ima sve elemente njihovog zvuka. Cvrst je, prepoznatljiv, nema nikakvih stilskih odstupanja, samo su pesme nesto manje upecatljive, osim onih koje sam naveo. Sticem utisak da je uz male promene u ponekim refrenima sve moglo da bude 10 puta bolje, ali dobro, videcemo sud publike u narednom periodu .. album vec ima da se nadje na netu. Edited April 1, 2005 by solicitor Quote
solicitor Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Dodao bih da ce i Drain Me biti hit ... simpaticna pesma. Quote
tovar Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Evo par arechi o novom albumu nazvanom FUNERAL ALBUM. Nema tu nista funeralno. Nije uopste nista extra mracno. Pesme su vecinom nekog srednjeg i brzeg ritma sa prizvukom Finske koji se oseca na kilometar. Nema nikakve velike promene u zvuku i mislim da je ovo klasicno izdanje Sentenceda iz poslednje faze. Definitivno ima zestine, ima melodije, ima atmosfere, ali na prvo slusanje mi ni jedna pesma nije posebno privukla paznju osim mozda Vengence Is Mine, koja ima veliki hit potencijal, i End Of The Road, elegicna i tuzna i simbilicki oznacava kraj postojanja ovog legendarnog benda. Ova pesma je inace i poslednja na albumu i mislim da ce ljudima koji slusaju Sentenced zastati knedla u grlu kad je budu slusali Pocetak albuma i prve 2 pesme obecavaju veoma dinamicno izdanje, jer su obe brze, ali tokom albuma se nekako gubi taj pocetni utisak zbog neupecatljivosti pesama. To je moj prvi utisak. Mislim da je album osrednji. Nikako ne mogu reci da je los, jer ima sve elemente njihovog zvuka. Cvrst je, prepoznatljiv, nema nikakvih stilskih odstupanja, samo su pesme nesto manje upecatljive, osim onih koje sam naveo. Sticem utisak da je uz male promene u ponekim refrenima sve moglo da bude 10 puta bolje, ali dobro, videcemo sud publike u narednom periodu .. album vec ima da se nadje na netu. treba mi ovo. hitno. btw, narode, da ih dovodimo? Quote
The Watchtower Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 btw, narode, da ih dovodimo? DAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Quote
solicitor Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Lestate svrati do mene za vikend ako imas vremena a najkasnije se vidimo na TDF - u pa cu ti doneti i to i ostalo sto sam ti obecao. Quote
Sinstrel Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Evo par arechi o novom albumu nazvanom FUNERAL ALBUM. Nema tu nista funeralno. Nije uopste nista extra mracno. Pesme su vecinom nekog srednjeg i brzeg ritma sa prizvukom Finske koji se oseca na kilometar. Nema nikakve velike promene u zvuku i mislim da je ovo klasicno izdanje Sentenceda iz poslednje faze. Definitivno ima zestine, ima melodije, ima atmosfere, ali na prvo slusanje mi ni jedna pesma nije posebno privukla paznju osim mozda Vengence Is Mine, koja ima veliki hit potencijal, i End Of The Road, elegicna i tuzna i simbilicki oznacava kraj postojanja ovog legendarnog benda. Ova pesma je inace i poslednja na albumu i mislim da ce ljudima koji slusaju Sentenced zastati knedla u grlu kad je budu slusali Pocetak albuma i prve 2 pesme obecavaju veoma dinamicno izdanje, jer su obe brze, ali tokom albuma se nekako gubi taj pocetni utisak zbog neupecatljivosti pesama. To je moj prvi utisak. Mislim da je album osrednji. Nikako ne mogu reci da je los, jer ima sve elemente njihovog zvuka. Cvrst je, prepoznatljiv, nema nikakvih stilskih odstupanja, samo su pesme nesto manje upecatljive, osim onih koje sam naveo. Sticem utisak da je uz male promene u ponekim refrenima sve moglo da bude 10 puta bolje, ali dobro, videcemo sud publike u narednom periodu .. album vec ima da se nadje na netu. A po sto mi nerece da si i to dobio! Elem The Funera Album se zove ne zbog neke zagrobne atmosfere ili tema koje obradjuju u pesmama vec zbog toga sto su tim nazivom hteli da metaforicki sahrane pricu zvanu Sentenced. Ime je prosto savrseno. Ali sa tuznim ishodom. Evo i njihovog objasnjenja. The title of the new album is ”The Funeral Album”, and with it we, SENTENCED, are coming to the end of our road. This album will be our last one. The decision is mutual, thoroughly thought over and final. Metaphorically speaking, this is a mass suicide of 5, and the new album is the kind of note we want to leave behind. One last time around for good-byes. The decision was made during 2004. The reasons are many, and I don’t feel any need to go into details here. I will say however, that everyone will walk away as friends. In my eyes we are even not splitting up, but ending our recording career together. And there is major difference between those two. Our wish was always to go out with style and at the peak of our so called success. I think with ”The Funeral Album” we will do exactly that. Once the album is released, there will be an undefined number of farewell shows. When, where and how many, those are questions that at this point remain open. Intense and long touring, however, will unfortunately not follow, and most of these shows will take place on festivals where we can reach as much people as possible at one time. At the moment it seems that all of these funeral shows will be in Europe. ---------- Inace trebalo bi ih dovesti u Beograd! Ovo je poslednja sansa da ih vidimo uzivo! Quote
solicitor Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Ma da bre, znam da nije funeral doom, vise kao sarana benda Nisam imao juce kad smo se videli sinoc sam skinuo a jutros sam slusao i danas .... Quote
Sinstrel Posted April 1, 2005 Report Posted April 1, 2005 Vidim nesto spominjes da nema sarane i mraka... pa cisto da te uputim Quote
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