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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 8 months later...

Jebo ga pas,Hoest zaglavio u zatvoru,ne zna se sto,ali uskoro izlazi i nastavice da radi sa Taake,tako da i nije loshe.

Varg,evo ga jos jedan vrh bend ispirisan paganstvom,jos norvezani,kud ces bolje. icon_smile.gif A muzika originalna,sirova ali ambijentalna...ma bombona.


Ne mogu da verujem kakvo se blago krilo u dubinama black metal foruma..na poslednjim stranicama... icon_smile.gif

A ja jos predlagao da brisu poslednje tri strane..sva sreca pa me cesto ne slusaju.. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

  • 10 months later...

During the Norwegian black metal band's March 20, 2007 concert in Essen, Germany, Hoest appeared on stage with a swastika symbol drawn on his chest — a move which didn't go over well with most of the fans and members of the heavy metal media who were present at the gig.


Responding to the public outrage which followed the performance, Hoest has issued the following statement:


"TAAKE is not a political Nazi band, etc. We certainly didn't expect the current threat reactions, as everyone should know by now that our whole concept is built upon provocation and anything evil- and death-related. We will now censor certain symbols for the rest of the [European] tour [with URGEHAL and KOLDBRANN], and we truly apologize to all of our collaborators who might get problems because of the Essen swastika scandal (except for the Untermensch owner of that club; you can go suck a Muslim)!"


As a result of Hoest's actions, TAAKE has now been officially removed from the billing of the the Party.San Metal Open Air festival (set to take place August 9-11, 2007 in Bad Berka, Germany) and the organizers of the Ragnarök festival (scheduled for March 30-31, 2007 in Lichtenfels, Germany) are expected to follow suit.




kakva retardska i jeftina provokacija...

  • 2 months later...

Controversial Norwegian black metallers TAAKE will perform in Milan, Italy on September 15, according to a posting on the group's web site. The band is also planning gigs in Russia, Mexico, USA and the Balkans.


Da li ce biti nesto od ovoga, sta mislite?

  • 4 weeks later...

:za ono sa kukachom:


Heil Høst!


Koliko bi ljudi imalo MUDA (hehe bukvalno :D ) za tako nesto. Pokazao je da zivi svoju ideologiju kao sto propagira i u pesmama. Nije black metal rock'n'roll da ti tu sad pravish neke kompromise sa muzickim kucama i tim sranjima. To mnogi bendovi danas zapostavljaju i izgubili su se u muzickoj industriji pogazivsi sve ono sto su nekada pevali. Black metal je vise od muzike; stav, filozofija...


Sto se tice muzike Taake-a: sve sto je do sada izaslo bilo je do jaja. Narocito "Nattestid Ser Porten Vid". Taj mi je u srcu :twisted:


Nadam se da ce stvarno posetiti Srbiju.

  • Downvote 1
  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Taake je meni drugi po redu omiljeni bend,jebu kevu,pogotovo album Nattestid Ser Porten Vid...aaaa

ma nemam reci..vrh vrhova

i nadam se da ce svirati u Norweskoj kad budem tamo,dala bi picku uzivo da ih cujem :lol:


Слажем се, нису за прву лигу бендова.

Ово са свастиком је талав дебилизам да немам речи.

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