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Ista stvar, kada sagledam situaciju, generalno sam jako malo spotova gledala. Jedino sto me Antaeusov 'Blood War III' bas odusevio. Ostalo manje-vise. Nisam ni kolekcionar live snimaka. Vise volim koncert zasita dozivjeti 'live', nego ga gledati na kompu il tv.u.

Ista stvar, kada sagledam situaciju, generalno sam jako malo spotova gledala. Jedino sto me Antaeusov 'Blood War III' bas odusevio. Ostalo manje-vise. Nisam ni kolekcionar live snimaka. Vise volim koncert zasita dozivjeti 'live', nego ga gledati na kompu il tv.u.

Isto.Ma,mene to mrzi da jurim,bolje da trazim neke dobre bendove koje nisam slusao.

  • 4 weeks later...

edit za gornji post: little* (tek primijetih, alergicna sam na typo greske)



Izvinite na duplom postu, al evo gore spomenuti Blood War III Antaeus.a, prokleto fantastican



Znam tu pricu. U Irskoj ima ta neka oblast koja se zove Tara i kojom su momci bili inspirisani, a Kris je tamo otisao ne bi li "osetio" predeo i nacrtao sto bolji artwork... Imao sam original u rukama i stvarno se radi o vanserijskom bookletu... Pogledaj i neke omote za bend Sathanas koje je takodje on radio - prosto fenomenalno.


Inace, Proscriptor, sem sto je glavni vokal i bubnjar, pise i tekstove. A duh keltske kulture je sveprisutan, ne trebas biti genije da bi to zakljucio. i ove slike OBOZAVAM:


user posted image


user posted image


I da..ovo u kiltu je P



user posted image


user posted image


I da..ovo u kiltu je P

icon_rockdevil.gif vrh icon_rockdevil.gif


Posle gledanja spota,opet sam se naprzio,morao sam da preslusam Third storm i In the eyes...Jebote.Kako genijalan bend.Manannan je OK spotic,ali pesma...Kakvi aranzmani,kakvi rifovi,kakva intenzivnost...Jebote,ne mogu da budem miran dok je slusam,nema sanse.


E,da,Antaeus spot je vrh. icon_da.gif

  • 1 month later...

ma jebote, kontam ja da sam Proscriptora video jos na nekom spotu... beshe to "Genies, Sorcerers And Mesopotamian Nights"...da, da... ne mogu dva coveka tako istovetno silovito da pizde po bubnjevima icon_smile.gif odeveni u ribarsku mrezu, takoreci biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

za Djinn svaka chast, bas me je album odusevio... osvezavajuce novo, uprkos sto se veoma slicne melodije motaju po domacim radio/TV stanicama @#! KONSTANTNO, ipak je lepo cuti to upakovano u distorziju icon_smile.gif


dobar i Anatheus, samo sto mi se spot ucitao do oko 1 min i nece dalje... jebeni internet...

  • 4 months later...

Due to problems with Agonia Records' pressing plant in Czech Republic, the following releases by ABSU will not be available until January 8:


* "The Sun of Tiphareth" Picture LP

* "The Third Storm of Cythraul" Picture LP

* "Tara" Picture LP

* "L'Attaque Du Tyran: Toulouse, Le 28 Avril 1997" Live EP


In other news, ABSU drummer Proscriptor McGovern (Russ R. Givens) will be announcing the group's new lineup in January. More information will be made available soon.


fuck yeah!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...



Drummer/vocalist Proscriptor from the mythological occult metal outfit ABSU has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:


"After five years of silence, I am pleased to announce the new lineup of ABSU.


"It was a difficult task to replace both Shaftiel and Equitant after being together for nearly 11 years, but now is the time to carry on. Here is the new reorganization of the band:


* Proscriptor McGovern - Percussives, Mellotron, Voices & Lyrical Magick

* Vastator Terrarum - Guitars, Bass Guitar, Analog Synthesizers & Backing Voices

* Aethyris MacKay - Guitars, Bass Guitar, Analog Synthesizers & Backing Voices


"We have begun composing and arranging the material for what will be known as the self-titled album, simply called 'Absu'.


"In 2002, four out of 16 tracks were written; two of them we're keeping while the other two we're abandoning.


"We will begin recording in the latter part of autumn 2007 or early 2008 anticipating a release before June 2008 for Osmose Productions/The End Records."


"Absu" projected track listing: (in no particular order)


01. Night Fire Canonization

02. Girra's Temple

03. Amy

04. In the Name of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee

05. 13 Globes

06. Voor

07. Twix Yesterday, The Day & The Morrow

08. Between the Absu of Eridu & Erech

09. Those of the Void Will Re-Enter

10. Magick Square Cipher

11. Sceptre Command

12. Nunbarshegunu

13. Diversified Signs Inscribed

14. Our Earth of Black

15. Ye Uttuku Spells

16. …Of the Dead Who Never Rest in Their Tombs is the Attendance of Familiar Spirits…


Proscriptor added: "Lyrically, I am concentrating more on Sumerian-based occult themes of magick and mythology versus the Celtic aspect of my previous writings, which was heavily expressed on the last few ABSU studio albums. Musically speaking, the material will be quite similar to 'Tara', but with more of a '70s progressive/psychedelic texture within it. You will not be disappointed — trust me. I will be utilizing the first logo created by Equitant and Belgian artist Kris Verwimp will handle the cover illustration once again."


In other news, Osmose Productions




nije mogla bolja vijest za kraj srednjeskolskog obrazovanja! sad mi je dan upotpunjem, thank u very much.


"Lyrically, I am concentrating more on Sumerian-based occult themes of magick and mythology versus the Celtic aspect of my previous writings"....soo melechesh like tsss d:


Ja bih radje da oni ostanu pri svome, hvala velika d: Absu je uvijek bio prepoznatljiv po svojoj keltskoj tematici, perfektnim bubnjevima i odlicnim vizualnim radom. Nije da bih bila sretna kad bi se okrenuli melecheshovom stilu, nhf D:

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