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  • 4 months later...

Leonardo DiCaprio has personally selected songs by O'Malley's former band Khanate and Southern Lord labelmates Toadliquor for the soundtrack of The 11th Hour, a documentary concerning the environmental crises caused by human actions and calls for restorative action through a remodelling of human activity. The Khanate track is 'Torching Koroviev' from the band's 2001 self-titled debut while the Toadliquor track is ' Charred' from 2003's The Hortator's Lament. Both can be heard during the opening montage over the main title early in the film. The 11th Hour opens in LA and New York on August 17.




Zar ovo nije drone metal? Trebalo bi ga na doom podforum, kao Earth. Imam Black One i izvinjavam se onima koji ovo obožavaju što ne kapiram poentu takve muzike.


Kad si glup!!! :evotigana:

Mejdeni ti isprali ono malo mozga sto ti je ostalo.... :)

  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Sunn O)))-Domkirke-(LP)-2008-FNT




Artist: Sunn O)))

Album: Domkirke

Label: Southern Lord

Playtime: 64:16 min

Genre: Experimental

URL: www.southernlord.com

Rip date: 2008-10-13

Street date: 2008-09-22

Size: 92.64 MB

Type: Normal

Quality: 191 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo


Track List:


01. Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself in Clouds? (15:08)

02. Cannon (18:05)

03. Cymatics (15:45)

04. Masks of the Aetmospheres (15:18)





nije los uopste bend svidja mi se sto zvuce drugacije od ostalih


A predpostavljam Tesho da ti isto i muzika malo vuche na muharema sebrezovskog.

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