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  • 2 weeks later...

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For the epic side 4 piece, "Bathory Erzebet", sunn O))) procured a casket then loaded it into a Cadillac Hearse, and locked Malefic inside with only a microphone and a severe sense of claustrophobia. icon_smile.gif


The result is truly suffocating and disturbing!

The composition of Black One benefits from somewhat extensive live action throughout 2004/2005 bringing more cohesive overall structure to the table. "Cry For The Weeper" and "It Took The Night To Believe" incorporate atonal melodic interplay within their massive skeletons.


Mammoth giants crushing valleys of the drowned. Listeners will still experience core sunn O))) recording fundamentals like being completely overwhelmed by massive subsonic droning guitar riffs.


But with Black One sunn O))) takes it 10 steps below the others by intensely obsessing over making the overall ambience of this album as bleakly crushing, and devoid of light as only they possibly could.


ako niko nije vec imao prilike da odgleda par videJo zapisa sa jednog belgijskog festivala od prosle godine, voila:



ja naisla pripremajuci se za moj backpacking poduhvat u aprilu. ove godine otvaraju taj festival:




pise svako vece od 19h tako da kapiram da cu je uhvatiti poslednjeg dana festivala ako moj voz prihaja za mogvaje i 65danastatichnosti!


place mi se sto nemam novaca da odgledam skoro pa ceo festival, posebno zbog efterklang, coldcut, i ovog sunn0000000)))))))))))))))



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

krang, ta tvoja kopija je bila jedno vreme kod mene, ali sam je poslala po mladoj kurirki nazad slowdiveru.

anyway, mogu ja da narezem hellnationu ako nije neki manijak koji ce da mi izvadi bubreg ili nesto drugo vitalno prilikom preuzimanja dvd...

i dodjes mi prazan verbatim dvd-r icon_razz.gif u tom slucaju...

samo osecam se obaveznom da napomenem posto su velike pare (45 din) u igri: veci deo snimka jeste intervju sa stevicom, posle ima malo zemlje i malo sunca... ali mislim da vredi zbog obrnutog krsta i pticjeg gripa makar.... mislim na snimak...

zavrsila sam neki brainwashing seminarski malopre... prsla sam... idem da spavam...

a i ovo ^, mislim na prethodni post sto sam se lozila kako cu gledam sva ta sranja u briselu za koji dan - nema nista od toga jerbo mi nisu hteli dati ni dan vise vizu od onoga na koliko mi je garantno pismo... zakasnicu ceo jedan dan na kocert... jebiga izgleda da cu se sklupcati i cekati da nesto zanimljivo dodje i ovde... sad.gif

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