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Pohvale Totemu sto je malo procistio ovu temu..


E sad,evo neceg o Asatru religiji, koja je usko povezana sa nordijskom mitologijom.

Evo nekih principa Asatru religije:


"We believe in the Gods of the North. The Aesir and Vanir are real and true deities with individual minds, wants, desires, and existence who care for mankind, for their "folk" (i.e. those who worship them), and for the world in general.


We believe in the Eddas and myths as inspired religious literature. While we acknowledge that they are not necessarily literal accounts of physical events, they are nonetheless true in a religious sense and deserve our attention and respect.


We believe in right and wrong and seek always to stand with the Aesir and Vanir against those who would do evil. We believe in Troth and loyalty: to the Gods, to each other as kinsmen, and to the ancient traditions of our folk.


We believe that Asatru is a tribalist faith (the Folk of Asgard), but that the Gods call those who they will to join our Folk, and we will not gainsay Their choice on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, or sexual preference.


We believe in the evolution of our religion, but ever in memory that the ancient traditions of the Asatru should be followed and learned from, and never discarded without long thought and deep prayer.


We believe in living an honorable and virtuous life in the ways of the Gods. We accept as our guide the nine virtues: Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, Perserverence.


We believe in striving ever for excellence in all aspects of our lives.


We believe in the rights of humankind to speak, act, and worship as they will. We believe that the oppression of the human spirit is the greatest crime and that the Gods seek us as companions and followers, but never as slaves or servants.


We believe that each man or woman can seek their own troth with the Gods. While we recognize Gothar as teachers and persons of close relationship with the Gods, no person¹s relationship with the Gods is dependent on another human¹s intervention or help.


We believe in making decisions by fair and democratic means and reject autocracy and dictatorship religiously, socially, politically, and personally.


We believe in the rights of others, not of the Asafolk, to worship their Gods as they see fit and we leave others to their own faith.


We believe in the future of Asatru as a legitimate religion and pledge ourselves to work towards its acceptance as one of the mainline faiths of our nation and world.


To these beliefs and to the Gods in the Nine Worlds we pledge ourselves, body and soul."-




Stablo svjetlosti


U početku ne bijaše ništa, samo beskonačnost i more, a kraj mora Jasen-Svantibor, svjetsko stablo.

On nadvisuje sve visove, krošnja mu je iznad Svarogovih i Perunovih dvori, a korijenje zadire u carstvo Crnoboga. Tu su dvori: Vidingrad, Svitava i Svitogorski gajevi.


  праратник said:
Ма 100 %...

hm..pa procitaj jos jednom tekst..vidis da je to mit o stvaranju.

Ovo ti je samo dokaz kako su hriscani uzimali od pagana.. icon_smile.gif


Кога интересује паганизам, пуно текстова о паганизму и старословенској историји

има на сајту




Идете на култура и традиција. Постоји и форум на коме између осталог има и музика па и метал.

  праратник said:
Па мало се зезамо, што се нервираш... biggrin.gif


Нећемо више...

Zezanje je dobro za zdravlje biggrin.gif




Thor - Ruler of the Skies


From far beyond

amidst the mists of clouds

over oceans vast and tempestuous

from cliffs so high

and sands of fawn

I hear the thunderer

I hear ye, O' great thunderer!


Clothed in grand felt

swinging Mjollnir, flashing lightning

on chariot humble but noble

with blessed bearded and horned ones

eyes flashing, hooves charging

from across the wide and grey

great heathen skies


Hail ye, O' lord of thunder!

Greetings, O' Lord Thor!

Blessings upon your soul

blessings on your heart of gold

What kind benefactor the great one is

as he passes by and blesses all


With the hammer-wielder's journey passing

clouds gathering, thunders cracking

fields of gold sway with the winds

yelping trolls and thurses scurrying

with posteriors aflamed and hairs in singe

Posted (edited)

  Primeval_JAH_Guardian said:
da, da...ziveli komplexi...frojd bi uzivao...





Ne ozbljno,ako te toliko nerviram da resimo to kao dva muskarca.Sta kazes?


ili vise volis da se pederises po vampirefreaks-u?

Edited by Thor the Guardian
Posted (edited)

eh pa sto se stalno vredjas? uvek se bre osetish prozvanim...ccc...nego, kako muskarci reshavaju stvari? is there a special way...? btw, hvala sto si posetio moj profil, znaci mi wub.gif



nego sto se tice paganizma, slazem se da su mnoge stvari u hriscanstvu preuzete upravo od raznih paganskih/drevnih religija/mitova/bozanstava, kao i to da ih je hriscanstvo (pa samim tim uglavnom i islam) valjano inkorporiralo...ne vidim sta je tu problem kad nijedna od velikih svetskih religija po mom misljenju nikada i nije nastajala iz drugih razloga vec da se ogromna vecina nepismenog/neobrazovanog stanovnistva obmani u sluzbi vlasti...pogotovo kada se uzme u obzir da su svi ti ljudi pre 2000 godina zaista verovali u natprirodne sile i ta sranja posto tada i nije bilo nekog naucnika da objasni ilirskom chobaninu zasto je nebo plavo a voda ljuca na 100 stepeni....problem je sto se dan danas mnogi ucheni ljudi fanatichno pozivaju na veroispovest....nisam vernika, pa samim tim ni paganchitj, iako postujem svaciji licni odabir, ali mnogo ljudi poginu zbog toga....



edit: samo 20%? u can do better than that. icon_razz.gif

Edited by Primeval_JAH_Guardian

eh pa sto se stalno vredjas? uvek se bre osetish prozvanim...ccc...nego, kako muskarci reshavaju stvari? is there a special way...? btw, hvala sto si posetio moj profil, znaci mi


Heh,proucavam neprijatelja.. icon_smile.gif


Ok..primirje onda?Ne zelim da se svadjam itd.


  Primeval_JAH_Guardian said:
eh sta "srpska" nova uchini od choveka....ma ne svadjam se ni ja sa ljudima....ali ti dalje pamtim prozivanje vlade georgieva i velichanje mocnih patuljaka or whatever icon_smile.gif


zajebavam se, chill, truce! (bar tokom praznika) pivopije.gif



srecna nova

Secam se toga..zuta minuta.. icon_smile.gif


srecna nova

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