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uspeo si da budes jedini koji ima tri grama mozga.. ovdi.. a to je stvarno uspeh koji se granici s nemogucim.. ubi' se..

p.s. stvarno ne znam kakve veze ima neznanje [koje je, u mom slucaju, svakako, neprisutno] sa 'sluhom'!! Sta sad treba da worship-ujem govno koje je Insahn israo samo zato sto je njegovo.. najvise mrzim nesamodovoljnu muziku za cije je uzivanje potreban background, pogotovo tako ultimativno maloumno zatvoren.. izgleda da to ide uz ime.. izvinjavam se, cak ni o5 tema nije zasluzila ovako nesto..


mislio sam da je axiom, ali, ti se dokazao da je, ipak, teorema, prvi prekrsisvi bojkot koji si sam ustanovio, i pokazavsi da si jedini sa 3gr. mozga [nisi morao da se trudis, nije bilo sumnje]

cak ni o5 nije toliko los, ali, iz Emperor/ Arcturus fan kluba bi te definitivno trebalo izbaciti, zato sto sam cuo da im je drasticno pala 'gledanost' otkad si se samoproklamovao nji'ovim clanom.. jos jedared, izvini, o5, nekoc sam te vol'o..


meni je Ihsahnov solo projekat bezveze..

razumljivo je da se dopadne nekome ko voli Emperor, ali meni je to dosadno..

vokal mu je uzasan.

takav vokal je po meni savrseno imao smisla na Anthems i IX Equilibrium, ali sve dalje je meni bilo neinteresantno (sto ce reci: Prometheus, Peccatum i sve ostalo mi se uopste ne dopada)


Arcturus novi mi je bezveze.. izgubio sam interesovanje za Arcturus na pola slusanja The Sham Mirrors-a.. tako da ni tu bas nesto nisam kompetentan.. ali ono.. kapiram da je Garm na vreme napustio sinking ship..


Ghost Reveries je i meni u pocetku bio nja-nja, ali mi se vremenom dosta dopao. nije tu nista novo odsvirano, ali je zato najkompaktnije upakovano.


tako da.. sorry Srdzan, 2:1 za heroinchic-a ovaj put..

Znas kako cemo: posto ovo podrazumeva beskrajno vredjanje i internet herojstvo, hajde ti meni lepo reci kad i gde da se vidimo pa da malo popricamo o svemu, a da ne trosimo tastature za badava. Sta kazes?

haha brate, nemoj da nam pobiješ pola foruma icon_smile.gificon_wink.gif


iz interview-a sa Mike Portnoy-em:



On the rumors saying that he and Mikael Åkerfeldt, the mastermind behind Swedish metal act OPETH, are planning to do something together:


Portnoy: "Yeah, he's coming down tonight actually. Most of the guys are. I've been a fan of theirs for years, and we've become friends the last couple of years. He and I and Steven Wilson [of PORCUPINE TREE] have talked about doing something together. Hopefully some time soon we'll be able to coordinate our schedules and make it happen. I think me and Steven want to make it heavy, and I think Mikael wants to, uh, not be heavy. Because me and Steven want to do stuff that we can't do with PORCUPINE TREE and DREAM THEATER, and get to some really heavy stuff. And I think that Mikael wants to get away from the heavy stuff because he does that all the time with OPETH, so who knows. Maybe we'll meet somewhere in the middle. I think it'll be great. I mean, I've had great experiences collaborating with other people, especially people who are the kind of leaders of their bands. That was kind of what TRANSATLANTIC was about, since Neal Morse and Roine Stolt are kind of the leaders of their bands, you know. It was a great creative environment, and I think a similar chemistry would happen with Steven and Mikael."

Because me and Steven want to do stuff that we can't do with PORCUPINE TREE and DREAM THEATER, and get to some really heavy stuff.

I onda zamisli kako Wilson growluje a Portnoy iza toga delje neki blast.


Opeth su ekipa vanserijskih genijalaca ciji muzicki horizonti sezu daleko van granica metala.

jel ima smajli koji se valja od smeha? icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

mislim, super je opeth, u poslednje vreme ih dosta slusam, ali ova recenica je bas ono... previse romantizirana. lici na neke recenzije iz mex-a. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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