darthmoog Posted February 7, 2008 Report Posted February 7, 2008 Sem Crowbara 5 godina ranije... Quote
Salvation Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Po meni nedovoljno uspesno, ali ukusi se razlikuju. Nije ni bitno, poenta je da svrha obrade i jeste uneti nesto novo, kopirati vokalni stil originala je verovatno najbolji put da se napravi neubedljiva obrada. Quote
Talvi Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Otprilike... U cemu je poenta samog snimanja obrade ako ce zvucati isto kao original? Quote
AstralliS Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Obrada ponekad može zvučati bolje od samog originala. Quote
Talvi Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Da, naravno, ali sto se mene tice - ukoliko je pesma potpuno izmenjena... Ne racunajuci bolju produkciju i slicne tehnikalije koje doprinose kvalitetu a, objektivno, nemaju veze sa samim stilom sviranja... Quote
_powerslave_ Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 AstralliS said: Obrada ponekad može zvučati bolje od samog originala. Ne slazem se, obrada nikad ne moze biti bolja od orginala. Quote
DBrave Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 moze ponekad, JAKO retko, ali ima slucajeva evo mog primera original: Ultravox - Dancing with tears in my eyes a obrada je od Freedom Call Quote
Salvation Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Kako neki ljudi razmisljaju to mi nikad nece biti jasno. Obrada ne moze biti bolja od originala?? WTF?!!! Koliko je samo ljudi vodjeno zeljom da unaprede POTPUNO PROSECNE or worse pesme zbog toga sto ili gotive taj bend/izvodjaca ili mozda ima NEKI rif u toj pesmi koji ih 'kopka' na dalju razradu ili (najcesce) gotive mnogo tekst?? Da ne navodim sad samo primere VECINE obrada Bob Dylan-a koji je na prvih par albuma maltene nasumicno drndao rastimovanu gitaru ne bi li imao nesto kao podlogu da se njegovi stihovi ne bi zvali 'poezija' nego 'muzika'. Ima jos mnogo primera, ali zamara me sad da ulazim u to, a i ukusi su uvek diskutabilni. Ali reci da je original 'holy grail' bez ikakve sanse za konkurenciju je potpuno suludo za ikakvu kreativnu misao.. pa pogledajte evo, opet, Tool (sad sam se bas navrzao na njih) i njihovu obradu sopstvene pesme "Pushit" sa Salival-a? Iako to nije sustinski obrada do krajnjih granica vec vise kao re-aranzman ipak nisam jos naisao ni na jednu osobu kojoj se ta verzija ne svidja daleko vise od originala (maynard and co included) ?! Quote
זאבים Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 (edited) Prwenstweno mislim na re-aranzhmane. Tipe, onaj APC, Isis.. Kada se zadje u shestu dimenziju pesme. ps-kladim se kada bi Opeth radio neq rekonstrukciju swoih pesama, da bi o5 zwuchalo fantastichno. Edited February 12, 2008 by luciDream Quote
Et in Arcadia Ego Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Anonimno postovani preview (za sada samo prvih 4 pesama?) Watershed-a, na jednom forumu, veli sledece: 1: (3:07) Zeppelin - Mostly acoustic driven with female vocals complementing Mike. These were done by Swedish vocalist Nathalie Lorichs. Completely different than anything Opeth have ever done before. A gorgeous moment that sets the tone for the record. You will listen to this track over and over again. Let's just call it a "panty-soaker".... 2. (8:51) Metal - Brutal. Lots of musical twists and turns. Many quiet moments that verge on free jazz. Here we also get the first taste of both new guitarist Fredrik Akesson who shows lead chops at the three minute mark. There's also no question about Axenrot's abilities to handle the rhythmic demands of Opeth with the adroitness of his predecessor. This is the only song that has full-on heavy vocals all throughout, harkening back to the Opeth of old. 3. (8:48) Metal - Something that's never been tried before...sung vocals over blast beats. Toss in Per Wiberg's eerie keys and atmospheric guitars that melds into a pure Krautrock freakout that also reminisces Chic Corea at his most bombastic. Throughout the song it's riffs galore all slaked with both gorgeous singing and pure death metal growls. Listen for the "asylum murmuring" the end of the track. 4. (7:42) Deep Floyd - A truly beautiful moment that sounds like John Lord playing keys for Pink Floyd. A ballad with a powerful chorus. Fantastic guitar playing trails out at the end of the song. Listen hard for Mikael's moment of guitar whimsy. :smajlikomesedize: Premda, pomalo neuobicajene duzine pesama, u smislu kratkoce, za Opeth standarde, zar ne? Quote
darthmoog Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 koliko smeshno zvuci kada se opisuje opeth pesma Quote
AstralliS Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 (edited) Et in Arcadia Ego said: 4. (7:42) Deep Floyd - A truly beautiful moment that sounds like John Lord playing keys for Pink Floyd. A ballad with a powerful chorus. Fantastic guitar playing trails out at the end of the song. Listen hard for Mikael's moment of guitar whimsy. Quote :smajlikomesedize: Hahaha... Uzgred... Edited February 15, 2008 by AstralliS Quote
AstralliS Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 azal said: haha emo patofne HAHAHAHA... Jbt, nisam ni video, hahahaha... Pa i nije im stajling toooliko losh. Quote
AstralliS Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 Quote Clockwise: My sister, my grand-dad, my other grand-dad, my father, my mother, and then the dude. Late 70..s... Quote
Et in Arcadia Ego Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 (edited) Nije li to mali Akerfeldt u trenutku svog prvog growla, upucenog ciki iza objektiva? A onaj svecnjak nije nimalo tr00. A ni kvlt. Apropo Moody Blues, bese nekih reminscencija i pozivanja bas na njih kad je u pitanju novi album. Citao sam to negde... Edited February 15, 2008 by Et in Arcadia Ego Quote
AstralliS Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 Uzmi me za kuma, ili za devera... Svadba, svadba, svadba... Quote
DBrave Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 covek stvarno ima fobiju od zileta, makaza, brijaca itd... :) Quote
Et in Arcadia Ego Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Pokusaj dostojnog opisa novih pesama part II - zadnje 3: 5. Porcelain Heart (8:01) Tool/Sabbath/Tull - Heaviness merges with nearly medieval balladeering into lurching Sabbath riffs. The first two verses are repetitive and memorable - something that wouldn't feel out of place on a Tool record. Then the Sabbath riffs come along rolling in like a friggin' tsunami of doom. 6. (11:26) The Epic-Jazz fusion melds into gentle renaissance melodies. Just as the song hits its most quiet and beautiful moment complemented by spare piano, a pulsing keyboard ushers in the ferocity and grandeur that only Opeth can muster. Then, about halfway in, the f**ker gets real heavy...replete with the usual Opeth-ian twists and turns. 7. (6:59) Middle Eastern Introspection: An oceanic riff settles into a gentle keyboard while vocals lap against the shore - only to rise into unexpected and beautiful Middle Eastern guitar melodies. The rhythm section Bassist Martin Mendez and Martin Axenrot build and build only for vocals drift in and out of as the record gently trails off. Quote
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