Kent Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 television... mogu da nabrajam do sutra Quote
Kent Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 evo vam recenzija najpoznatijeg svetskog metal novinara... OPETH Ghost Reveries Death Metal Roadrunner/Universal (8 Songs / 66:46 Min.) VÖ: 30.8. Auch eine allgemein als experimentell bekannte Band wie die Schweden Opeth macht mal mehr und mal weniger experimentelle Alben. Mit dem letzten, zeitgleich aufgenommenen und leicht versetzt erschienenen Paar DAMNATION/DELIVERANCE gaben sie sich konzeptionell sehr extrovertiert. DELIVERANCE widmete sich den schroffen Death Metal-Wurzeln der Band, während DAMNATION die akustisch-progressiven Elemente ihrer Musik isolierte, die Opeth im Verlauf ihrer Karriere mehr und mehr aus dem klassischen Elchtod-Gewerbe herausführten und zu einer anerkannten Kraft der Erneuerung zwischen Underground-Metal und Prog-Zirkeln machte. Nach diesem aufwendigen Kontrastprogramm setzt GHOST REVERIES jetzt wieder auf Synthese - und ist zumindest in diesem Sinn ein absolut klassisches Opeth-Werk. In den bereitwillig die Zehn-Minuten-Grenze kratzenden Songs lässt Mastermind Mikael Åkerfeldt in bewährter Virtuosität schillernde Mikrokosmen entstehen, die auf immer neue Art das Spektrum von vehementer, hymnischer Riff-Akrobatik bis hin zu lyrischer Melodik zu einem facettenreichen Juwel verdichten. Soweit, so bekannt - was GHOST REVERIES von seinen illustren Vorläufern abhebt, ist nicht nur die hörbare Spielfreude der Band, sondern auch die noch organischere Härte der Musik, an der der neu hinzugekommene Keyboarder Per Wiberg (Spiritual Beggars) bedeutenden Anteil hat. Auch gesanglich greift Åkerfeldt immer öfter zur sanften Variante, was GHOST REVERIES insgesamt mehr denn je in die Prog Metal-Ecke manövriert und damit die Opeth' Einmaligkeit noch mehr in den Vordergrund stellt. Doch entscheiden für die Güte von GHOST REVERIES ist vor allem eins: die überragende Qualität des Songwritings. Die vier "Dickschiffe"'Ghost Of Perdition', 'The Baying Of The Hounds', 'Reverie/Harlequin Forest' und 'The Grand Conjuration' weisen allesamt einen beeindruckenden narrativen Fluss auf, jedes Detail in den ausgetüftelten Arrangements fügt sich in die komplexe, aber zwingende Logik der Komposition ein. Von der Atmosphäre her zeigen auch die Songs dieses Albums die für Opeth typische Düsternis, in die sich jedoch eine glühende Wärme geschlichen hat - nicht nur durch die Hammond-Klänge, sondern auch durch viele orientalische Klangfarben und -figuren. Mit diesem Album ist die Band wohl endgültig aus der Untergrund-Nische verschwunden, sie hat es geschafft, ihren schon immer grandiosen konzeptionellen Ansatz in einem handwerklich über jeden Zweifel erhabenen Werk hörbar zu machen. Robert Müller 6/7 Quote
KRANG Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 ajde da prevedemo ovo: Also one generally as experimentally well-known volume like Sweden Opeth makes times more and times less experimental albums. With last, at the same time taken up and easily shifts published pair DAMNATION/DELIVERANCE gave themselves it conceptionally very extrovertedly. DELIVERANCE dedicated itself volume to the schroffen Death Metal roots that, while DAMNATION the acoustic-progressive elements of their music isolated, which Opeth in the process of its career more and more led out from the classical moose death trade and to a recognized strength of the renewal between Underground Metal and made for Prog circles. After this complex contrast program GHOST sets REVERIES now again on synthesis - and is at least in this sense an absolutely classical Opeth work. Into that readily the ten-minute border scratching Songs lets Mastermind Mikael develop Åkerfeldt into proven Virtuositaet schillernde micro cosmoses, which to always new kind the spectrum of more vehementer, hymnischer reef Akrobatik up to lyric Melodik to a facet-rich jewel to consolidate. As far as, then admits - which takes GHOST off of REVERIES from its illustren forerunners, only the audible play joy is not that volume, but also the still more organic hardness of the music, at which the Keyboarder which was added again has important portion by Wiberg (mirror-image ritual Beggars). Also gesanglich seizes Åkerfeldt ever more frequently to the gentle variant, which maneuvers GHOST of REVERIES altogether more than ever into the Prog Metal corner and so that the Opeth ' uniqueness places still to more into the foreground. But above all one decide REVERIES for the quality of GHOST are: the outstanding quality of the Songwritings. The four "Dickschiffe"'Ghost OF Perdition ', ' The Baying OF The Hounds ', ' Reverie/Harlequin Forest ' and ' The Grand Conjuration ' exhibit all together an impressing narrativen river, each detail in the devised arrangements insert themselves in the complex, but compelling logic of the composition. From the atmosphere also the Songs of this album shows the Duesternis typical for Opeth, into which however a glowing warmth crept - not only by the Hammond sounds, but also by many eastern tone qualities and figures. With this album those disappeared volume probably finally from the underground niche, it it created to make their conceptional beginning in one, always grandiosen, audible relating to crafts over each doubt for raised work. Quote
Kent Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 DELIVERANCE dedicated itself volume to the schroffen Death Metal roots that prevod je ocajan. Quote
KRANG Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 aha. ali nema veze, razumeo sam makar šta je hteo da kaže. dobra recenzija. (mirror-image ritual Beggars) haha Quote
Kent Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 ovo je najbolje Mikael develop Åkerfeldt Quote
KRANG Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 ma google translate.. korisna stvar. -- imaš hammer? jel album meseca? Quote
Wendigo Posted October 1, 2005 Report Posted October 1, 2005 Jel zna neko zasto nema Martina Lopeza u spotu The Grand Conjuration? Quote
KRANG Posted October 1, 2005 Report Posted October 1, 2005 morao je na lečenje u švedsku kad je sniman spot (u USA).. zato je hoglan tu. Quote
Valtiel Posted October 3, 2005 Report Posted October 3, 2005 morao je na lečenje u švedsku kad je sniman spot (u USA).. zato je hoglan tu. Quote
The Watchtower Posted October 6, 2005 Report Posted October 6, 2005 (edited) Dec. 18 - Budapest, HUN @ Petofi Hall sa BURST-om Edited October 6, 2005 by Evil Spirit Quote
KRANG Posted October 11, 2005 Report Posted October 11, 2005 evo review čoveka koji zna o čemu priča. to je lik pod nickom demonspell, koji ima svoj deo foruma na ultimatemetalu, i čiju rubriku "songs to watch" pratim već par godina. zanimljivo je da u zadnje vreme ubacuje i dosta post rocka. u svakom slučaju, recenzija je odlična. Quote
Misantrophil Posted October 25, 2005 Report Posted October 25, 2005 dobar je album standardni Opeth Quote
fiction Posted October 27, 2005 Report Posted October 27, 2005 Detaljno preslusah Ghost reveries...Na prvo slusanje se daju primjetiti Tool uticaji.Poslusajte bubnjara na Ghost of Perdition, tu je najocigledniji uticaj, ali i na vecini ostalih se cuje malo Toola...Meni se licno i dalje najvise svidja Damn./deliver. faza, iako kapiram da je to Mikaelov kratkotrajni experimentalni hir.Kad bih izuzeo ta dva albuma ovo bi bio najbolji Opeth album. Quote
Misantrophil Posted October 28, 2005 Report Posted October 28, 2005 meni i dalje ostaje najbolji Blackwater park a posle njega Damnation Quote
gruban Posted October 30, 2005 Report Posted October 30, 2005 Dec. 18 - Budapest, HUN @ Petofi Hall sa BURST-om Quote
fiction Posted November 4, 2005 Report Posted November 4, 2005 Quote
Kent Posted November 8, 2005 Report Posted November 8, 2005 When one reaches a point in evolution where there are no new ideas or areas of expansion open to exploration; is it then the next logical step to cannibalize past incarnations of form? Is the proper term for such behavior then, not evolution, but parody or simulacrum? Who really are you the artist kidding with tracks like “Atonement”? When did the definition of progressive expand to include pilfered vague semblances of obscure 70’s artists? Eight albums deep the arc of creative output can now be clearly seen as having peaked somewhere between Still Life and Blackwater Park, placing this band squarely at the end of a perfect bell curve. Fulltime keyboardists who favor bigtop circus organ tone can not hide the fact that what began on Orchid as meandering and abstruse has come full circle and returned to a supreme focal deficit. The fifth year in the second millennia of this current era sees Opeth producing a flaccid and convoluted hour long album easily distilled and refined into twenty minutes of worthwhile riff work; suitable for background noise and sleep preparation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The surfacing of a couple audio samples early on left a bad taste in the mouths of many who claimed that the band’s signing to Roadrunner Records would spell the demise of the Opeth we all know, but I am sure that it was a mere coincidence that Ghost Reveries turned out to be less relevant than hoped for. They had a chance to take an assumingly greater budget than ever granted before and run with it, but only end up tripping over their own eagerness as far as I’m concerned. Being as huge of an Opeth fan as I am, it is almost certain that I will still be purchasing Ghost Reveries, however, I am sure it will probably never equal the rotation of Orchid, Morningrise, and Blackwater Park. Knowing that Opeth is a band that demands a patient ear, only time will tell if my gut reaction proves to be an everlasting estimation of an album gone wrong or a hasty judgment of yet another masterpiece. Until then, what I had figured would be a year end candidate for my Top Ten list, has been bumped off the charts by the competition. Such a pity! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Really, Ghost Reveries has much more filler than most other discs in the Opeth catalog. The former was a disappointment for me, overall, though I expect to revisit the album from time to time. Still, I think I’ll clutch Morningrise, My Arms, Your Hearse and Still Life for all my Opeth-related needs. One, er, two word review: all right. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- host Reveries probably isn’t the album you were hoping to get from Opeth, but is proof that an album can be both disappointing and enjoyable. Despite some occasional misfirings, it is difficult to criticize the quality of the album. Compared to the majority of releases, a 4.5 for songwriting seem a little harsh, but is fair considering this album is a little below the bar set by their back catalog, which are all 5’s and above in my book. Opeth are in a situation quite similar to where Iron Maiden were when they released Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Although some fans had jumped ship before that time, most considered the band’s back catalog rock solid. At the time, Seventh Son… was considered by many to be a stylistic and creative letdown. History remembers that album differently now, although most would say it’s still not the band’s best work. Over time, Ghost Reveries will grow on some listeners that may be on the fence. If nothing else, it will provide endless fodder for debate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ouch! Quote
Fiery Posted November 8, 2005 Report Posted November 8, 2005 OPETH sa Hoglanom!!! Opeth bez Martina Quote
KRANG Posted November 8, 2005 Report Posted November 8, 2005 ouch! nja.. ma mogu oni da seru.. većina tih pajsera se trudi da stekne neki kredibilitet tako što piše ovakve recenzije za GR.. jer sada, kad ih "svaka šuša sluša", nije cool pisati pohvalne opeth recenzije. meni ne treba nikakva recenzija da zaključim da je ovo najbolji opeth album. jednostavno je tako. da.. i daleko najbolji metal album godine. Quote
KRANG Posted November 8, 2005 Report Posted November 8, 2005 (edited) Opeth bez Martina stvarno, martin lopez je ubedljivo najzanimljiviji lik u bendu. da ne pričam i da je od ovog axenrota mnogo bolji bubnjar .. hoglan je odradio par svirki, nema on veze sa opeth pričom. kultna slika.. lopez / mendez u hotelu prave sranja vratiće se uskoro.. valjda. stvarno bih voleo da njega vidim sa na svirci sa burstom u pešti. axenrot uopšte ne oseća opeth vibe Edited November 8, 2005 by KRANG Quote
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