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хахахахахахахаа!!!!!! :):):):rockdevil:


Ovog puta prošlo u mirnodopskom raspoloženju. ;)


postoji jos jedna bonus pesma koju nemamo, ona ce izaci na nekom ultra specijalnom izdanju, i cini mi se da je isto neka obrada u pitanju...


Odakle ti to?

Posted (edited)
postoji jos jedna bonus pesma koju nemamo, ona ce izaci na nekom ultra specijalnom izdanju, i cini mi se da je isto neka obrada u pitanju...


Pa da Alisija u okovima, ce izaci u collectors editionu Watersheda , i ako jos narucite medju prvih 300 taj limited dobijate i novu pesmu Melethron Heart ili tkao nesto. :)


Evo napokon dowujem(damn Lost kolko mi je rapidshare trenutaka oduzeo XD ) , i ove bonuse, ako mi se svidi postujem utiske . XD


@Stiven Sigal WTF? XD

Edited by Ninja-Viking

pa da...


znam samo da su RAIN DELAY obradili the drapery falls,na jednom nastupu...i to je to sto sam cuo od opeth obrada uzivo...nidje niko...


aj josipe da prangijamo neki blackwater park,srece ti... :cool::rockdevil:

Posted (edited)

Mmm, ako su ponovo snimali stvari sa Morningrise-a i Orchid-a (kao sto je slucaj bio za onaj Live album) ovo je najbolja vest u ovoj godini - prva dva albuma su meni i dalje medju omiljenim Opeth stivom, ali je produkcija jebeno uzasna.


Sto se novih bonus stvari sa Watershed-a tice, bolje da ih nisu ni stavljali.. totalni prosek, kvare utisak o ostatku albuma realno :surprised:

Edited by Salvation

Nisam siguran da li je u pitanju remaster, ali ne bih se kladio. Mislim da su regularne verzije albuma + bonus pesme.


Heir Apparent


Slow days

Slow words

Slow lies

Slow ends


So many years to clean the slate

Endless despair within its wake

His touch soiling what used to be clean

His gaze burning on the edge of our dreams

No more


Slow pain

Slow deaths


And again he rides in, it's September and he covets the gullible

Skeletal wish - hunter

A thousand lies, cast from the throne of secrecy


Hear him spewing forth a meaning to miserables lies

See the twisted hand of doubt seal the affair

The insect trust - believer

Your body a vehicle to a house of disease


Pearls before swine they are nothing but blind

Submit to nothing and swallow my spit of scorn

Invisible king - dying

Procession of woe, struck down by sorrow


A burden so great weighs heavy on old and withered beliefs

The swift solution crumbles beneath the mock notes of a masterpiece

Death in his eyes - waiting

Spiralling judgement, provoked in the rains


This futile test drowned in the levee of deception


In the year of his sovereign

Rid us of your judgement

Heir apparent


quote sa drugog foruma:


Opeth were next and they put an a great show as usual. This was my third time seeing them, and probably was the best I've seen so far. Mike did his usual joking around inbetween songs. At one point, they played the intro to Black Rose Immortal and he said "That was the intro to Black Rose Immortal, no we are not playing it" DON'T FUCKING TEASE US LIKE THAT MIKE They did a solid 1 hour, 45 minute set:


Demon of the Fall

Master's Apprentices

The Baying of the Hounds

In My Time of Need

Serenity Painted Death


To Rid the Disease

Heir Apparent


The Drapery Falls



Bemu oca, ne da mu je okrutan fazon nego je to neverovatno :) nadam se da ce na sledecoj turneji celu da sviraju, i josh ako pritom svrnu u Srbiju, I'm one happy camper.

quote sa drugog foruma:


Opeth were next and they put an a great show as usual. This was my third time seeing them, and probably was the best I've seen so far. Mike did his usual joking around inbetween songs. At one point, they played the intro to Black Rose Immortal and he said "That was the intro to Black Rose Immortal, no we are not playing it" DON'T FUCKING TEASE US LIKE THAT MIKE They did a solid 1 hour, 45 minute set:


Demon of the Fall

Master's Apprentices

The Baying of the Hounds

In My Time of Need

Serenity Painted Death


To Rid the Disease

Heir Apparent


The Drapery Falls



Bemu oca, ne da mu je okrutan fazon nego je to neverovatno :) nadam se da ce na sledecoj turneji celu da sviraju, i josh ako pritom svrnu u Srbiju, I'm one happy camper.


na jednom snimku sa koncerta od ranije,kad su svirali valjda in mist she was standing,mike je na pocetku rekao nesto tipa:this track has a lyrics,that are absolute black metal nonsense...tako nesto...


jbt koliko bi se autora tako grubo nasalilo sa nekom svojom kompozicijom... :)


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