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Naravno da je Space Eater domaci bend...

A ovoj temi je ovde mesto definitivno.

May Result jeste black metal bend :rockdevil: i po tom kriterijumu bi mogao da bude i u temi o black metalu, ali je ipak lepo razvrstano: black metal bendovi ostatka planete i svi domaci bendovi bez obzira kakav metal svirali...

Jedino ako si mislio da se i u temi za domacu scenu naprave takve podele, ali smatram da bi to bilo totalno bespotrebno...





Ne bih znao kasti...

To bi trebao da pitas moder(n)atore licno. Mozda je tamo jer Tresh Metal deo foruma vodi RNA licno...

"Thrash metal

Thrash metal diskusije!

Forum Led by: RNA"

Mozda je on sam hteo bas tamo da stavi temu...





Najnovije vesti u vezi benda:


MAY RESULT -- LIVE 19.06.!!!!!!!!


SLAVA BROTHERS!! Finally after long silence we're proud to inform all of you that we're booked for the show with legendary DISMEMBER horde in Belgrade, Serbia!!! 19.06.SKC Beograd D I S M E M B E R + M A Y R E S U L T !!!!!!!!!!!! BE THERE!!!!! WAR666!







Evo novih korisnih informacija:


Karte ce biti u prodaji od 1.juna - SKC, Mordor, Mungos

Cena karata u pretprodaji 800 din, a na dan odrzavanja koncerta 900 din.

Ne kapiram, sto je SPace Eater tamo?

Pitaj Boska (RNA) za to.


jel se vi zajebavate na ovoj temi?double headline?ne zanima nekog dismember?e srbijo,na kurac te nabijem...

Slazem se.


nedavno sam dosao u posed jednog od brojeva britanskog magazina Terrorizer u kome je objavljena recenzija Svetogrdja.


album je dobio ocenu 4.5 od 10, ali mislim da je i pored niske ocene (oni inace retko daju ocene vise od 7.5) jako bitno sto se srpski bend nasao u jednom eminentnom casopisu.


u pitanju je broj #132, Jun 2005.


evo recenzije:






Virtuelly unknown outside their native Serbia, 'Svetogrdje' is nonetheless May Result's third album proper from their ten-year black metal career. Very much a band of two halves, May Result boast a powerful, rumbling presence behind the drum kit and a respectably vicious vocalist, but are content to surf munutes of filler material and suffer from some particularly unimaginative keyboard work. The best synth moments borrow the clean, bold simplicity of those from 'In The Nightside Eclipse' but are outnumbered by either trite or irritatingly aimless sections, the appaling opening and closing keyboard instrumentals being the worst offenders. Sometimes in black metal a fine vocal performance can carry a relatively uninspired album, but this isn't quite a case here, so although the vocals help greatly, the fail to drag MR into the premier league. 'Svetogrdje', ultimately, is another example of technically gifted musicians playing overstcretched material that struggles against its own inertia.

[4.5] James "Harry" Hinchliffe



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