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Posted (edited)

novi album je sranje. Nisam dugo slusao ovaj bend i slucajno se zadesih kod drugara koji ih slusa. Preslusali kompletan album - prazno da praznije ne moze biti. Aranzmani konfuzni, ideje samo nabacane, tekstovi na nivou klinca od 15 god, potpuno nepotrebni kec ritam na svakih 15 sekundi, vokal statican..... Jedno veliko razocarenje. Steta za takav bend koji je nekada imao potencijal.

Edited by duruman

Bre, meni je ovo iznenadjenje godine.

Jes da Max opet juri trend a sad je metal opet in, ali bolji mi je to nego jumpdafuckup / Kojot tripovi. Nabavio sam album samo da bih cuo pesmu sa Vincentom i iznenadio se dobro. Po meni, najbolji Maxov rad od Roots.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

U Zagrebu se gledaju, bice havarija ba... Vec sam ih jednom propustio tamo, a ekipa koja je bila kaze da su imali jedan od najboljih live nastupa ikada...

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...



SOULFLY mainman Max Cavalera (guitar, vocals) was forced to miss the final show of the band's European tour last night (Friday, March 27) at Posten in Odense, Denmark after being taken ill. The rest of SOULFLY went ahead and played the gig without him, with bassist Bobby Burns assuming bass and vocal duties (and fellow axeman Marc Rizzo joining in) while Luis Marrufo from support band INCITE filled in on rhythm guitar.


Jeb'o Maxa, zvuce bolje bez njega.

  Angelystor said:


SOULFLY mainman Max Cavalera (guitar, vocals) was forced to miss the final show of the band's European tour last night (Friday, March 27) at Posten in Odense, Denmark after being taken ill. The rest of SOULFLY went ahead and played the gig without him, with bassist Bobby Burns assuming bass and vocal duties (and fellow axeman Marc Rizzo joining in) while Luis Marrufo from support band INCITE filled in on rhythm guitar.


Jeb'o Maxa, zvuce bolje bez njega.


Ha! :rockdevil:


Posted (edited)

Znachi, dobro smo proshli i mi i hrvati :)


kod njih se napio kao dupe, a kod nas bio mamuran, ali je bar izashao na binu (iako je ono njegovo najgore izdanje do sad) :D

Edited by -Vuk

Videh na Blabberu da je Max već krenuo da sprema novi album, kaže da će biti brži i intenzivniji od prethodnog, uporedio ga je sa Reign in Blood...! Da vidimo i to čudo.


Shto se mene tiche, oni su zavrshili karijeru kako su je pocheli. Nakon Soulfly - Soulfly, nit' smrdi, nit' mirishe.. sada vetj smrdi. Svaki album se "prelezi", prvi ostaje neprikosnoven.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

SOULFLY entered Edge Of The Earth studios in Hollywood, California on Friday, November 6 with producer Logan Mader (MACHINE HEAD, DIVINE HERESY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, GOJIRA, DEVILDRIVER) to begin recording its new album, tentatively titled "Omen", for an early 2010 release. Working songtitles set to appear on the follow-up to last year's "Conquer" include:


* Bloodbath And Beyond

* Soulfly VII

* Off With Their Heads

* Omen

* Rise Of The Fallen

* Great Depression

* Apocalyptic Clash

* Vulture Culture

* Lethal Injection

* 7 Daggerz


SOULFLY is also recording a cover version of the LED ZEPPELIN song "Four Sticks" (taken from the English rock band's fourth album, released in 1971) for future use as a B-side or bonus track.


Tako mi Lemmy-ja, što ste stavili SOULFLY u nu/metalcore/NWOAHM topic? :confused:

Album Dark Ages je objasnio za sva vremena! kad god čujem pesmu "Umbabarauma" padnem u neku vrstu transa! ^^:razz: kad su bili pretposlednji put upoznao sam Max-a, dao mi je potpisani Primitive CD, i potpisao moj Dark Ages CD, i dao mi je majicu sa turneje po Rusiju povodom Prophecy albuma koji je btw moji drugi omiljeni(posle Dark Ages-a).^^

E btw da li ste znali da mu je zena Srpkinja i da kad dodje u Srbiju bleji u stanu na banovom brdu? ^^


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