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  • 4 weeks later...

Šta ste očekivali od matorog Maksa? :mhihi: Albumi su samo izgovor da krene na turneju ,uleti mu ponekad neka dobra stvar ,ali turneje su prioritet ,one donose kintu

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  • 5 months later...


Killer Be Killed, the supergroup featuring Max Cavalera of Soulfly, Greg Puciato of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Troy Sanders of Mastodon, and Dave Elitch formerly of The Mars Volta, will release their debut album on May 9 via Nuclear Blast Entertainment.

The self-titled release features covert art and packaging by Demon Hunter vocalist and owner of Invisible Creature Design, Ryan Clark.

“He’s a Polish worker in the back of a dark truck, but he looked like a criminal to me,” explains Clark about his choice for the cover’s image, which can be seen below. “Multiplying his face seemed to give him a sort of split personality/schizophrenic vibe, which feels like a good mesh. Not just for the band name but the idea of a, for the lack of a better term, supergroup.”

Killer Be Killed track listing:

01. Wings of Feather And Wax

02. Face Down

03. Melting Of My Marrow

04. Snakes of Jehova

05. Curb Crusher

06. Save The Robots

07. Fire To Your Flag

08. I.E.D.

09. Dust Into Darkness

10. Twelve Labors

11. Forbidden Fire

12. Ghosts Of Chernobyl (vinyl only)


Max je ranije isticao kako nema blage veze sa sviranjem gitare. :D Nerviraju me ovi "superbendovi" i projekti... Naročito ako snime dobar album. Znam da su male šanse da ih gledamo naživo...


au kakav hit ova prva pesma, koliko Greg kida na refrenu i koliko je onaj Maxov Soulfly deo u sredini nepotreban :haha:


ova druga stvar mi mnogo manje zanimljiva

  • 1 month later...

Nisam jos stigao da preslusam Killer be Killed, ali taman evo štiva za čitati uz preslušavanje.

Uspu, jesam li ja jedini koji misli da priča o tome kako je prosipao vino po Lemiju nije kul i da bi napokon mogao da prestane više da priča po hiljaditi o tome kako je povraćao po Edi Vederu i da govori da je izbačen iz Sepulture, a ustvari je sam otišao.

I da! Ovi iz Metallice zapravo ne vole previše Joe McIlerovu knjigu, tk. James je definitivno ne voli pošto je vrlo ironično govorio o njoj mom ortaku dok mu je potpisivao.



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