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Meni je fenomenalan ovaj novi, necu da se razmudujem jer nisam chuo nista ranije od Anthems-a.


Super su mi Nemesis, Taking Back My Soul, Skeleton Dance, Machtkampf i Hybrids of Steel sa novog albuma.



  MREzAsTI_MEn said:
Meni je fenomenalan ovaj novi, necu da se razmudujem jer nisam chuo nista ranije od Anthems-a.


Super su mi Nemesis, Taking Back My Soul, Skeleton Dance, Machtkampf i Hybrids of Steel sa novog albuma.

Ne znam koliko je "Doomsday Machine" nov alboom, ako pogledaš činjenicu da je izdat 2005. :)


Doomsday Machine jeste xtra, sem one jedne insturmentalne pesme... Kako se zvaše... A da, Hybrids Od Steel, ona je toliko neopisivo gay da nemam pojma šta traži na albumu...


Super su svirali na Live Apocalypse samo steta stno nema na tom koncertu ni jedna pesma s' Doomsday Machine (jeste da su ubalici Nemesis,My Apocalypse,Skeleton Dance...ali ko zna odakle je to)......zato, bilo bi lepo da posle novog albuma snime jos jedan DVD !! :da:


Swedish/German extreme metallers ARCH ENEMY have announced that original guitarist Christopher Amott is rejoining the band with immediate effect. The group, having finished an intense 18-month touring cycle all over the world promoting the "Doomsday Machine" album and "Live Apocalypse" DVD, is currently busy working on songs for their new studio album.


Christopher surprised many by departing ARCH ENEMY at the end of the "Doomsday Machine" recording sessions in 2005, having been in the band for 10 years (starting with ARCH ENEMY at age 18). Christopher followed his urge to see the outside world and find what else is out there apart from music. Having done that, the time is right for him to return to the fold with a newly injected bite and focus and to resume his career.


Commenting on the re-grouping announcement he states: "This is very exciting for me, returning to ARCH ENEMY as a full-time member! Right now we are working on our forthcoming album and I'm very pleased about the way it's turning out. The new songs are fast and furious with lots of melody! To all the people who sent me kind messages while I was out of the band, thank you for your support, it helped me a lot. After this (much needed) two-year break, I'm looking forward to getting back on the road. I hope to see you all later this year!"


ARCH ENEMY mastermind Michael Amott complements his younger brother Christopher perfectly in style and chemistry and together they have become one of the most infamous and ripping guitar teams in extreme metal.


Comments Michael: "So, we are back with my brother Christopher on guitar — it's a huge rush to have him back playing in his signature style! He's jumped in at the end of the songwriting process for the new album and added some of his unique spice! I feel Christopher's playing has matured and is more precise and even faster than before! Guitar fans are going to freak on the stuff we are getting up to on the new album!"


The last two years have been the busiest and most successful touring campaign of ARCH ENEMY's entire career, so the many fans both old and especially new can now look forward to witnessing Christopher's return to the stages of the world.


In regards to Fredrik Åkesson, the Swedish guitar-wizard who has been touring with ARCH ENEMY for 18 months and who can be seen on the band's latest video clip for the song "My Apocalypse", Michael states: "I want to add that we are eternally grateful to Fredrik Åkesson, who did an outstanding job with ARCH ENEMY over the past 18 months while we dragged the 'Doomsday Machine' around the world a couple of times — YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME!”


Oni prave xtra hash, to je njima najbitnije :D Tako su producenta uduvali, lik nije znao za sebe... Mike je rekao: "He kept asking for more, although we told him to wait for the effect. He had very live visions of his childhood."

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