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Ako neko zeli da skine knjigu " spiralni ples" na hrvatskom moze to uraditi na www.liberatapublishers.com/wicca.htm. Ako jos neko ima neke zanimljive online books neka javi?

Izasao je spiralni ples na srpskom. Imam ja u e-formi Bucklanda, Marian Green i Zs. Budapest ako ti treba.

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Da li je neko cuo za ovu noviju religij zvanu wicca?

Ako jeste neka pise sve sto zna jer me ovo mnogo interesuje!

to nije religija, već latinizirani naziv za vješticu iliti coperncu


Ja sam skinula nekoliko knjiga o tome sa neta, mislila sam da je neki prirucnik za d'nd ili sta slicno tog tipa... Hmmm... Pa pogledacu malo pa cu reci kako mi se cini.



user posted image


  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Sta mislite, kako bismo se snalazili u matrijarhalnom drustvu?

Ispada da su u praistoriji bolje znali gde je mesto zeni nego danas... icon_confused.gif

Prvi idol je zena. icon_da.gif

Pa ti onda smisli vremeplov pa s vrati u praistoriju...




Dal' ti to tvrdish da su (makar po tvom meni-se-chini-ne-bash-tako skromnom mishljenju) praistoriske zhene bolje (?) ... Il' su u pitanju mushkarci (?) ... ph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gif

Religija pa i wicca koriste coveku jer svakom coveku je bolje ako veruje i ume da izdigne svoj duh. Tebi moze da bude sve sjebano ali ako umes da se izdignes iznad toga bice ti dovoljno sto dises i to ces raditi punim plucima ne obaziruci se na prizemne stvari koje su unistile sve sto je vredelo a vise ne postoji


Ljudi a od relativno skorije posebno zhene su mnogo lakshe disali/e pre no shto smo pocheli da mudrujemo o duhovnosti...


Il' su mozhda u pitanju duhovna plucja i duhovno disanje (?) ...


Svaka religija se bazira i proistiche iz prizemnih stvari (majka zemlja)...


Il' su mozhda u pitanju duhovna plucja i duhovno disanje (?) ...

Svaka religija se bazira i proistiche iz prizemnih stvari (majka zemlja)...

To sto ti poznajes kolektivno nesvesno (a iskreno sumnjam u to), ne daje ti za pravo da smelo otkrivas pozadinu metafore (tj, slozenice "prizemno")...


Zna se sta to znaci, a zna se i sta znaci Majka Priroda.


I postoji li tema koju nisi zagadio? wallbash.gif


P.S. Jedva cekam da "se popricamo" na tu temu...

To sto ti poznajes kolektivno nesvesno (a iskreno sumnjam u to), ne daje ti za pravo da smelo otkrivas pozadinu metafore (tj, slozenice "prizemno")...


Zna se sta to znaci, a zna se i sta znaci Majka Priroda.


I postoji li tema koju nisi zagadio? wallbash.gif


P.S. Jedva cekam da "se popricamo" na tu temu...

Mozh ti slobodno a sumnjash... A mozhesh i moja naklapanja o kolektivnom nesvesnom da oborish... A mozhda i ne mozhesh (?) ...


Svaka religija tezhi nechemu natprirodnom... A prirodu zheli da uklopi u svoj sistem... icon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gif


A zashto je i se pod naavodnicima (?) ... Opet cjemo da se gaadjamo monolozima (?) ...

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Gwydione, jesi l' ti wiccan  orangelistening.gif

Gle kako ozivljavaju zaboravljene teme na RMF. biggrin.gif



Takva pitanja su za PP.

Btw, nije... icon_smile.gif


A jesi li ti? icon_smile.gif


Edited by Three Tears
Gle kako ozivljavaju zaboravljene teme na RMF. biggrin.gif

И тинејџерке су приметиле... laugh.gif

Било је и горих оживљавања...


Бај д веј, нисам ни ја виКан... icon_smile.gif

Guest Neal
Posted (edited)

Wicca je stara engleska rec ( 'witcha' ) i otprilike znaci muska vestica, vestac.Zenske su wicce.


Rec datira jos od tamo 890.


E sad, Gerald Gardner je prvi upotrebio ovu rec 1954. u svojim radovima ( mada je pisao wica ) u kontekstu vesticarenja.


Gardner i ostali povezuju ovu rec i sa pojmom wita, sto znaci mudar covek.


Sve u svemu, rec verovatno vuce korene iz nekog staroevropskog jezika.

Edited by Neal
  • 4 months later...

Evo,neshto shto sam nashla na netu o Wicci:


What Is Wicca


Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.


Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. If this path is yours, may you walk it with honor, light and integrity.


Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions originating in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. While much of the information of how our ancestors lived, worshiped and believed has been lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe our existence from history, we try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of our ability with the information that is available.


Thanks to archaeological discoveries, we now have basis to believe that the origins of our belief system can be traced even further back to the Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess. With the discovery of these cave paintings, estimated to be around 30,000 years old, depicting a man with the head of a stag, and a pregnant woman standing in a circle with eleven other people, it can reasonably be assumed that Witchcraft is one of the oldest belief systems known in the world toady. These archetypes are clearly recognized by Wiccan as our view of the Goddess and God aspect of the supreme creative force and predate Christianity by roughly 28,000 years making it a mere toddler in the spectrum of time as we know it.


Witchcraft in ancient history was known as "The Craft of the Wise" because most who followed the path were in tune with the forces of nature, had a knowledge of Herbs and medicines, gave council and were valuable parts of the village and community as Shamanic healers and leaders. They understood that mankind is not superior to nature, the earth and its creatures but instead we are simply one of the many parts, both seen and unseen that combine to make the whole. As Chief Seattle said; "We do not own the earth, we are part of it." These wise people understood that what we take or use, we must return in kind to maintain balance and equilibrium. Clearly, modern man with all his applied learning and technology has forgotten this. Subsequently, we currently face ecological disaster and eventual extinction because of our hunger for power and a few pieces of gold.


For the past several hundred years, the image of the Witch has been mistakenly associated with evil, heathenism, and unrighteousness. In my humble opinion, these misconceptions have their origin in a couple of different places.


To begin, the medieval church of the 15th through 18th centuries created these myths to convert the followers of the old nature based religions to the churches way of thinking. By making the Witch into a diabolical character and turning the old religious deities into devils and demons, the missionaries were able to attach fear to these beliefs which aided in the conversion process. Secondly, as medical science began to surface, the men who were engaged in these initial studies had a very poor understanding of female physiology, especially in the area of a women's monthly cycles. The unknowns in this area played very well with the early churches agenda lending credence to the Witch Hunters claims and authority. The fledgling medical professions also stood to benefit greatly from this because it took the power of the women healers away giving it to the male physicians transferring the respect and power to them.


Unfortunately these misinformed fears and superstitions have carried forward through the centuries and remain to this day. This is why many who follow these nature oriented beliefs have adopted the name of Wicca over its true name of Witchcraft to escape the persecution, harassment and misinformation associated with the name of Witchcraft and Witch not to mention the bad publicity the press and Hollywood has given us simply to generate a profit.





Zanimljivo za chitanje,sad kolko ko veruje...

Moze svashta da se nadje na ovu temu.Iznenadila sam se.


  • 3 weeks later...



Nadjoh ovo na Netu...

slatko se nasmejah



Recept - Vesticja mast


CUVENI RECEPT OD VESTICA, MAST VESTICA (holl, heksen of vliegzalven)




Ova mast se NE uzima oralno, maze se samo po polnim delovima, ispod pazuha, ili se sa klistirom unese u analni ili vaginalni kanal! Kolicina se odredjuje zavisno od broja clanova koji zele da probaju vesticinu mast!


Za cetiri osobe najbolje je spremiti jednu osrednju serpu velicine dva litra! Svi sastojci se prvo isitne i stave sa pola litra vode da se na laganoj vatri kuvaju nekoloko sati, redovno mesaju, i po malo dodaje voda dok citava smesa ne postane gusta kao kasa!


Od svih navedenih sorti stavite po pola sake u serpu, a od jako otrovnih-smrtonosnih par biljaka kao sto su ,,Kukuta,'' ,,Bunika'' i ,,Pomocnica'', stavite samo po jedan komadic velicine nokta sa palca!


1. Acontium napellus, srp,.......?,, holl, Blauwe monnikskap,


2.Acorus calamus, srp, Iridjot, holl, Kalamus,


3. Atropa belladonna, srp, Velebilje, holl, Wolfskers,


4. Conium maculatum, srp, Kukuta, holl, Gevlekte scheerling,


5. Datura stramonium, srp, Tatula, holl, Doornappel,


6. Canabis sativa, srp, marihuana, holl, Hennep,


7. Hyoscyamus niger, srp, Bunika, holl, Bilzekruid,


8. Mandragora officinarum, srp, ...?...., holl, Alruin


9. Papaver somniferum, srp, Mak i turcinak, holl, Slaapbol,


10. Solanum nigrum, srp, Pomocnica, holl, Zwarte nachtschade,


11. Amanita muskaria, srp, Muhara, holl, Vliegenzwam,


12. Claviceps purpurea, srp, Kukolj, holl, Moederkoren,


13. Bufo bufo, srp, Zaba gubavica ili krastaca, holl, Gewone pad, (od ove zabe stavlja se samo osusena koza i glava izmlevena u prahu!)


14. Lytta vesicatoria, srp, Spanska musica, holl, Spaanse vlieg,


15. Salamandra salamandra, srp, Dazdevnjak, holl, Vuursalamander, (od dazdevnjaka stavlja se samo osusena koza izmlevena u prahu!)


16. Na kraju se dodaje 200 grama ovnovskog loja i jedno parce izmlevenog jelenskog roga u prahu!


Zavisno od iskustva sa magicnim svetim biljkama i psihicke jacine ucesnika, ne zaboravite da trip pod vesticinim mastima traje od 5 do 20 sati!!





1. Acontium napellus, srp,.......?,, holl, Blauwe monnikskap,



8. Mandragora officinarum, srp, ...?...., holl, Alruin

Мандрагора и у српском, мада има неки назив буновина (сад нађох на нету), али не знам да ли се користи.





Posted (edited)





u našem narodu se od davnina koristi za ubrizgavanje u dupe radi izazivanja veštičijih tripova.


da parafraziram par kontradiktornih narodnih izreka o bunovini: "od rane trešnje i lepe

žene čovek malo koristsi ima, ali od bunovine u dupe mnogo.."


"gora je bunovina u dupe, no ženski jezik i turska sablja zajedno"

Edited by KRANG
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