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labrie je otpevao oktavu niže, jbg, kako bi to tek geddy sad otpevao pitanje je

  • 2 weeks later...



neverovatno koliki imaju uticaj,


kad ih jednom zavoliš ne možeš bez njih,


oni su uspeli ono što retkima polazi za rukom - razbijati i praviti super stvari


Има и на овом албуму добрих делова:


We build our defenses, a place of safety

And leave the darker places unexplored


Sometimes the fortress is too strong

Or the love is too weak

What should have been our armor

Becomes a sharp and angry sword


Our better natures seek elevation

A refuge for the coming night

No one gets to their heaven without a fight


if we're so much the same, like I always hear

why such different fortunes and fates?


What am I supposed to say?

Where are the words to answer you

When you talk that way?


Like a stone in the river

Against the floods of spring

I will quietly resist


Like the willows in the wind

Or the cliffs along the ocean

I will quietly resist


Like a forest bows to winter

Beneath the deep white silence

I will quietly resist


Like a flower in the desert

That only blooms at night

I will quietly resist


In the sweetest child there's a vicious streak

In the strongest man there's a child so weak

In the whole wide world there's no magic place

So you might as well rise, put on your bravest face


Some would said they never fear a thing

Well I do

And I'm afraid enough for both of us -

For me and you

Time, if nothing else, will do it's worst

So do me that favor

And tell me the good news first


Keep going until dawn

How many times must another line be drawn

We could be down and gone

But we hold on


Нил је позитиван, отворен за подучавање а ако ико има искустава - он је тај.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Brainsaladsandar Guuuz

Catch the witness, catch the wit

Catch the spirit, catch the FISH (a show of hands version)

  • 2 months later...

Zar ima i tak'ih?


Kad bih licno nekom trebao da dokazem da je Alex jedan od zescih mozgova, ili Fly By Night ili Farewell To Kings ili Hemispheres. U stvari bilo sta izmedju Fly By Night i Moving Pictures. But, that's me :da:.


ajd da ovde nastavimo o poređenjima starog i ne-tako-starog rusha, da ne davimo tamo na dream temi, naravno da je vrh ono što su uradili na 2112, farewell, hemispheres, waves i pics, ali, to recimo ne stoji iz jednog ugla - tekstualnog, a to mnogi zanemaruju

Posted (edited)

Po obicaju, kod mene obrnuto. Ono jes' da ga je tupio ranije, mesao mitologiju sa metafizikom, sci-fi, Ayn Rand, Dungeons & Dragons, Kubla Khan, te ovamo te onamo, ali je bila voznja. Shajaznam, kad imas 11-12-13 godina, onda je to onaj 'What?!?' momenat. Po meni su stihovi na Moving Pictures numero uno. Kratko i jebitacno. A opet, zvuci mudro i poeCki.



Nego, nedostaje mi onaj njegov (Neilov) 'mullet'. Fucking :rockdevil:.

Edited by Dersu Uzala
  Dersu Uzala said:
Po meni su stihovi na Moving Pictures numero uno.

O tome i pričam. Osamdesete. Permanent Waves i Moving Pictures.


Što se sedamdesetih tiče, tu su 'Anthem' i 'Circumstances' i to je otprilike to. Ostatak je obično prilično ložački i bez nekog dubljeg značenja.


U stvari, i 'The Trees' je odličan tekst, ko shvati metaforu, inače se može desiti "what the fucking fuck" momenat.

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