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Na kraju mi ova "Jackl Of Salzburg" uopšte nije loša pesma, eventualno možda refren malo predvidiv, ali i dalje stojim pri tome da nema razloga da izvodiš demo neke nove pesme live nakon ~20 godina live odsustva. Čudne neke odluke.

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  • 4 weeks later...

gledao ih na ArtManiji u transilvaniji (u sustini isli zbog njih). podeljenje emocije iskreno 😄 


King kida, zvuci sjajno, Joey Vera sjajan izbor za basistu kao zamena, Mike Wead super. Iskreno, nisam ocekivao da cu imati prilike da gledam ovaj (za mene prekasno otkriven) kult  ikad u zivotu, tako da se smatram neverovatno srecnim. Zvuce super zaista uzivo, i iako je realno moneygrab tour, nemam zamerke na izvedbu i zvuk. Sa druge strane, dok Mike Wead cepa na bini,  Denner sedi kuci pere trenerku, i mnogo mi je glup taj momenat sto su se spickali i nisu ga ukljucili, i nikako nisam mogao da se otresem tog osecaja da gledam okrnjeni fate. Druga zamerka mi je setlista, umesto da krljaju sto vise stvari sa Oath, oni em nove pesme ubacuju, em stvari sa Nuns have no fun, Mellisa dominantni album.


Lat but not least - u Rumuniji nisu svirali Satans Fall, iako su bili headlineri, jer je neka promena bine ili cega trajala 5 minuta duze od planiranog. Sto mogu da razumem, i kivnog Kinga koji krivi organizatore i kako 'ne zeli tako da zavrsi koncert bez te pesme', ali opet matori, mogli ste bar u ovoj situaciji da preskocite jebeni Jackal of Salzburg ('wanna hear our new song? It's not yet finished' - how about no?) . I posto su ipak ostavili Black funeral za bis - znali su da nece moci da sviraju celu setlistu, al su izabrali da se foliraju umesto da preskoce promociju nove pesme na turneji gde je fokus realno na starim stvarima do 85te.  

Tkd, meni je ovo bilo 8.5-9 od 10 sad kad su se slegli utisci, najvise zbog setliste i Dennera, a od MF ocekujem samo 10/10, pa sam malo underwhelmed. Mislim i dalje mi je do jaja drago da sam ih slusao, i dalje je prebio koncert, al jbg ne znam da li bih se ponovo cimao da vozim 6 sati ako bar setlistu malo ne promene. Jer realno je Don't Break the Oath najbolji album 🙂 


Meni i jos jednom fanu benda koji smo se samo zbog MF cimali je Testament koji ne slusamo na kraju (kult factor asside) bio bolji nastup/bend veceri, jbg.


dosta ljudi ce ih gledati, video sam da je Angelystor napisao hvalopspeve, bas me zanimaju i utisci ostalih. Osim Groba mozda, on je pristrasan 😄 


Kapiram da ovo nije mesto da pitam za utiske sa Transatlantica. 😛 Ali video sam set listu za Mercyful Fate, vidim da se najviše forsiraju prva dva albuma, što je prekul. 


na zalost njih nisam uhvatio, nisam mogao u petak, a voleo bih da jesam. Nisu bend da bih se ikad iscimao za njih solo (ne slusam jbg) al voleo bih da vidim Portnoy-a i ovog lika iz Flower King-s uzivo, a kontam da je kul mjuza. Marko_Mona_More ih je slusao jedini (bar od ove ekipe iz Srbije sto znam da je isla) - al je morao da se przi po suncu peske deo puta da bi se dovukao do festivala. Talk about dedication 🙂 Ne znam detalje, ali poprilicno su mu pozitivni utisci 

  On 7/27/2022 at 12:42 PM, Uruk said:

mogli ste bar u ovoj situaciji da preskocite jebeni Jackal of Salzburg ('wanna hear our new song? It's not yet finished' - how about no?) .  


nema nista gore od ovoga, narocito kod ovih matori bendova, bukvalno no one cares (osim Groba bolesnika)

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I ja sam skoro saznao da nema Denner-a, tj. da su se definitivno raskantali i ne govore međusobno više. Pa mi je malo lakše palo što sam propustio sve opcije da ih vidim ovog leta (ne mogu u CZ na BA samo zbog njih). Ali se ipak nadam da će biti još prilike.

A što se setliste tiče - više me ne zanima ni na jednom koncertu. Posebno kod ovakvih matoraca. Nek sviraju šta hoće, samo nek su živi. Onaj jadni Halford će tačno umreti na bini jednog dana


Strahovit koncert sinocu u Szekesfehervar-u, i ta nova je ok pesma, mada su mogli umesto nje neka 2-3 "novija hita" da ubace recimo. Glupo mi je sto su se samo prvog ep-ja i prva 2 albuma dotakli, ostalo kao da ni ne postoji.

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  • 1 month later...


imali smo srece sto se ovo letos nije desilo

"My dear friends: As some of you have done the math and checked your calendars, you may have noticed that it appears as though I’ve scheduled myself to be on two tours at the same time this Fall. As most of you know, I have been promoting the tour with Armored Saint supporting WASP for almost a year now. A tour I committed to in 2021 and Never You Fret, I am standing by that commitment. No thanks to the results of Covid affecting nearly every aspect of the touring industry, touring schedules have since been cancelled and moved to different times in the year. And so, Mercyful Fate had received a touring opportunity recently that was impossible to turn down. Unfortunately, this schedule conflicts with my tour in the fall with Armored Saint. So, it pains me a great deal that I cannot be in two places at one time, because If I could, I most certainly would.

Over the past 3 months I have been welcomed into the Mercyful Fate family with open arms, and this includes all of the fans. I have made new lifelong friends and have had the most amazing time this summer performing with these great musicians onstage and of course for you, the fans. These Mercyful Fate shows have been some of the most incredible gigs I’ve ever been a part of. Ever. I have been asked to be a full member in the Mercyful Fate band for touring and recording their next record, and I have accepted. However, I regretfully have to sit out this upcoming Fall Tour in the USA and S. America.

Since the show must go on, I hope you will welcome my stand-in bassist for the fall tour Becky Baldwin Bass, with your open arms, who also plans to play the Mercy music with honor and respect to our fallen brother Tim Hansen, just as I have tried to do. I know many of you have seen the live clips on Youtube, but I promise you, this is a show you will have to see in person to believe it. Prepare yourselves to be completely blown away.

I will miss my brothers and our crew in Mercy this fall, but I’m looking forward very much to playing with my mates in Saint again and of course seeing all of you on our fall tour. See ya down front!

In closing, If I may borrow King Diamond’s “sign off”, – Stay Heavy


pa jer je gomila ljudi islo letos da ih gleda, koliko se tumba sve i pomera moglo se tad preklopiti i tad je gomila bendova bila na turnejama. ocigledno to zongliranje vise bendova (jos dodaj i FW na spisak) ne ide najbolje

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  • 9 months later...
  • 6 months later...

MERCYFUL FATE  announces new bass player Becky Baldwin of Birmingham, England!  
“It is a great honor to now be a permanent member of Mercyful Fate”, says Becky Baldwin.   
“I can’t wait to join the recording of the new Album.


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