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Očekivao sam da će Vepar otvoriti temu...


Uglavnom, ne znam ništa, tek nedavno sam dobio ploču In Your Face da poslušam i nije loše, ali nije ni pretjerano... Nekako mi se čini da nisu dovoljno originalni, odnosno da muzika nema nekih izrazitih osobina koje bi se samo njima mogle pripisati... Ali ne osjete se ni uzori toliko, nešto malo Zeppelina u rifovima... Sve u svemu ni tamo ni ovamo, zasad.


I majku mu, nisu oni stari.


Gle, neko ih se setio?


Bend pevaca Lenny Wolf-a koji je tu bio sve i svja. Prva dva albuma je postojao bend, a kasnije je on sve sam radio.

To je bio jedan od prvih "Zeppelin revival" heavy bendova u USA, i nije bilo ni najmanje namere da se bezi od toga, Lenny je iz sve snage pokusavao da peva kao Plant.

Drugi album, je imao niz dobrih pesama, a sa prvog albuma se secam odlicne "What love can be", cepelinske baladice, video za nju se vrteo na MTV-ju u to vreme. Nakon toga dolazi Grunge, a Lenny pod imenom Kingdom Come izdaje dva (ili mozda i vise, nisam sasvim u toku?) manja abortusa od albuma.


Negdje sam pročitao (sad mi se ne da tražiti da vidim gdje) da su nedavno bili koncertno aktivni, i da vuku tzv. 'tour' odnosno privremene članove... To me jebeno nervira. (Inače, ako ima još ljudi koje to nervira, trk na www.metal-sludge.com u recenzije, pa nađite recenziju BJ - One Wild Night Live)...


Nego Dušane, daj još koju riječ o Zepp klonovima s kraja '80-ih...


'Ajde, 'ajde matori, uključi se i ti malo više, vidi se da se time baviš...


Imaš VH-1 Classic?! 8O 8O 8O


Lenny je iz sve snage pokusavao da peva kao Plant.


Da, trudi se on da pjeva kao Plant ali mu fali malo hrapavosti koju ovaj ima kad visoko zacijuče... Malo se više to kopiranje osjeti na prvom albumu, a ja se bio skoncentrisao na drugi...

Ovaj singl što si pomenuo (a tu se još provlači djelić 'Jealous Guy' melodije i malo 'hvatanja duge'), i još više od njega predzadnja stvar sa nekom akustikom ... baš krađa i otimačina Zeppelina...

Ne da mi se tražiti po netu, a vjerujem braći rusima (oni su smontirali ovaj mp3 disk), pa evo diskografije:


1988 s/t

1989 In Your Face

1991 Hands of Time

1993 Bad Image

1995 Twilight Cruiser

1996 Live & Unplugged vol.1

1997 Master Seven


Pa sta da se kaze prva dva albuma su dobri,treci Hands of Time sam kupio kod PGP-a u Makedonskoj prilikom mog poslednjeg boravka u BG-u 1998.

Kad sam vidio da su josh prodavali vinile pao sam na dupe.Uz Kindom kupio sam josh jedno 30-tak albuma po cijeni oko 1,20 DM po komadu,stvarno prava sitnica.To je ujedno i zadnji LP koji je neshto vrijedio.Ovo zadnje nije ni za kurac narochito onaj iz 99´ ili vec koje godine odpjevan na njemachkom, smijeshno.

Uzgred Leni je uvjek strashno vukao na Planta pa su mu gangsteri Gary Moore i Ozzy posvetili podjebavachku pjesmu Led Clones. Stvar se nalazi na Garijevom LP-u After The War a pjeva je Ozzy.




Kako nema tema o Gary Moore-u???

Tragedija,idem otvoriti biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa:

  • 2 years later...

I ja sam prvo kupio tu plocu - treci album - Hands of Time, i na prvo

slusanje mi se nije nesto dopala, al' kada sam nabavio mp3 kolekciju

njihovih albuma, treci mi se veoma dopao! Cak je i svaka pesma sa njega

dobra! Prva dva su odlicna, treci (koga je kritika unistila, kao i sve ostale) isto

odlican, a ostali, takodje, odlicni! Da je samo malo sirovija produkcija, tj. da

nije tako ugladjeno, mislim da bi bilo jos bolje !


Evo i postava po albumima:




Kingdom Come


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Danny Stag

Guitar: Rick Steier

Bass: Johnny B. Frank

Drums: James Kottak


Produced by: Bob Rock and Lenny Wolf - Polydor/New York 1988





In Your Face


Vocal + Guitar: Lenny Wolf

Guitar + Keys: Rick Steier

Leadguitar: Danny Stag

Bass + Keys: Johnny B. Frank

Drums: James Kottak

Produced by: Keith Olsen and Lenny Wolf - Polydor/New York 1989





Hands Of Time


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Bert Meulendijk, Marco Moir, Blues Saraceno

and Lenny Wolf

Guitar: Lenny Wolf

Bass: Lenny Wolf

Drums: Steve Burke, Jimmy Bralower

Keyboards: Koen van Baal

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - Polydor/New York 1991




Bad Image


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Billy Liesgang, Heiko Radke-Sieb, Lenny Wolf

Guitar: Lenny Wolf

Bass: Lenny Wolf

Drums: Kai Fricke


Produced by:

Lenny Wolf - WEA/Germany 1993




Twilight Cruiser


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Markus Demel

Guitar: Oliver Kiessner

Bass: Mirko Schaffer

Drums: Kai Fricke

Keyboards: Bernd Fintzen

Produced by: Lenny Wolf -VICEROY/Germany 1995




Live & Unplugged


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Markus Deml, Oliver Kiessner

Bass: Mark Smith

Drums: Kai Fricke

Cello: Hagen Kuhr

Keyboards: Bernd Fintzen

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - VICEROY/Germany 1996




Master Seven


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Markus Deml

Guitar: Oliver Kiessner, Lenny Wolf

Bass: Mark Smith

Drums: Dion Murdock

Strings: Bjorn Tieman

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - VICEROY/Germany 1997





Kingdom Come´s mellow side from 1995-1998

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - DogoBros/Germany 1998





Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead & Rhyth. Git.: Oliver Kiessner

Solo Guitar: Mirko Michalzik

Bass: Mark Smith

Drums: Mark Cross

Keyboards: Björn Tiemann

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - Eagle Records/London 2000





Writen and performed by Lenny Wolf


Creative Assistance:

- Frank Binke

- Carsten Klick

- Gunnar Spiess


Produced by Lenny Wolf

ulfTone Music/Berlin 2002






All instruments and vocals by Lenny Wolf


Guitar Solos:

- Eric Foerster


Produced by Lenny Wolf

ulfTone Music/Berlin 2004






Lenny Wolf's Germany


Vocal + Guitar: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Dieter Büttner

Bass: Andreas Daniels

Drums: Miroslav Supica


Produced by: Michael Marks & Wolgang Timpe

Recorded in 1982 / released by

Repertoire Records 1989





Lenny Wolf


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Oliver Kiessner

Guitar: Mirko Michalzik

Bass: Jens Becker, Lenny Wolf

Drums: Daniel Zimmermann

Keyboards: Björn Tiemann

Produced by: Lenny Wolf - Salami Records/Germany 1999



Bend pre Kingdom Come : Stone Fury



Burns Like A Star


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Bruce Gowdy

Guitar: Lenny Wolf

Bass: Rick Wilson

Drums: Jody Cortez


Produced by: Andy Johns - MCA/Los Angeles 1984




Let Them Talk


Vocal: Lenny Wolf

Lead Guitar: Bruce Gowdy

Bass: Dean Cortez

Drums: Vinnie Colaiuta

Drum Program: Reed Nielsen

Keyboards: Jim Lang, Alan Pasqua, Richard Landis, B. Gowdy

Percussion: Mike Fischer

Produced by: Mike Fischer Richard Landis - MCA/Los Angeles 1986



Best Of Stone Fury


Released 1988 - MCA/Los Angeles



Evo i malo engleskog :


German vocalist Lenny Wolf fronted the Led Zeppelin-inspired Stone Fury, who released two average albums in the mid-80s. After they disbanded he returned to Germany and had a rethink. He moved back to America in 1987 with a new plan and found like-minded musicians Danny Stag (guitar), Rick Steier (guitar), Johnny Frank (bass) and James Kottak (drums). He then took his idea to ex-Gentle Giant vocalist Derek Shulman, now working in A&R, who ensured that the new band signed to Polydor Records. Their 1988 album revealed Wolf's great plan: the band had not so much been influenced by, but had totally reproduced Led Zeppelin, from the drum sound of John Bonham to the vocals of Robert Plant. It was a complete facsimile, yet such was the interest in America that the album went gold on advance orders alone. The rock world soon fell into two factions - those who hated it and those who did not. Of their detractors, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones made less than flattering remarks and guitarist Gary Moore was prompted to write the song "Led Clones" on his After The War album later that same year. Wolf lacked the ability to argue his case convincingly and even those who chose to support them began to change sides. Realizing that all was not well, they attempted to be a little more original for the second album, In Your Face. This produced a classic rock track in "Do You Like It", a highly charged song that managed to avoid previous comparisons. However, the title of their final single, "Overrated", summarized the whole project, and they summarily disbanded. Lenny Wolf later returned as a solo artist and produced a fine single, "Shouldn't I', but the ghost of Kingdom Come haunted his every move. It was no surprise, then, that he returned to the band name for 1991"s uninspiring Hands Of Time.



Cao !

Posted (edited)

Sad sam preslusavao njihov mp3 i ima barem 30 pesama koje su

mi favoriti i ne mogu da se odlucim koja je bolja od koje, sve su odlicne.


Aj' evo nekoliko:


Now Forever After

Gotta Go (Can't Wage a War)

Mean Dirty Joe


I've Been Trying

You`re The One



Only Rainbows Know

Gonna Loose Her

Can't Let Go




Odlicni su !!!

Edited by Nebesko Plavetnilo
  • 11 months later...
Nego Dušane, daj još koju riječ o Zepp klonovima s kraja '80-ih...


Jeste ovaj post star,ali,da ti pomenem bend Bonham...John-ov sin,Jason svira tu,a mislim da je ime benda cist marketing :)


Uh ima i ova tema!!! EXTRA! :D

Još sam razmišljala da je otvorim!

Jedan od mojih favoritnih bendova takodje. Lenny keva :D


DO YOU LIKE IT pesmica je jedna od mojih omiljenih.

Omiljeni su mi prva tri albuma... Ima par spotova da se nadje na youtube...bljaa :P


Sad mi se skida poslednji album da vidim na sta lici... Posto se slazem da su imali prilicne letove i padove u karijeri...

  • 2 months later...

I meni se svidja Do you like it, i onaj video nije los, vjetar, fazoni...i ona balada What love can be je dobra, jest da vuce previse na Zepelline ali nista lose.


Nisam dovoljno preslusala novi album i dalje se trujem starim stvarima, definitivno ih obozavam.

A nesto sam sluskala Ayreon - EYES OF TIME - gde peva Lenny... prvo sam tripovala jel ovo stvarno on, i onda procackah po netu - JESTE!!!

Znate li ljudi kako sam se ja odusevila... kakav su oni sklop napravili od pesme, muzike, teksta... glas se savrseno uklopio sa svim... Bruka!!!


Ja odusevljena!!! :D :D :D

  • 5 months later...

Jbg...ima koji ih ne vole, sto je steta, jer da su losi verovatno ih ne bi ni ja slusala, ali stvarno su ok.

Mozda ti se neka pesma i svidi da im pruzis sansu da preslusas neke stvari ... :D


:D :D :D


Skrim na Do you like it.... aaaa....

Bend mi je pre par godina dao ortak, samo taj jedan album na kom je Do you like it i ja se raspametila, posle sam vec izvalila da sam cula bend pre, druge pesme, pa su i drugog smeka... Ma fenomenalno :D

  • 3 years later...

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