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Stari roker.

Muzichki je O.K.

Ljudski nek mi pushi kurac i on i nnjegovi glupi ameri.


Naj LP mi je Free For All dje je pola pjesama otpjevo debeli Meatloaf nekako mi to najvishe lezi onda Double Live Gonzo,Scream Dream...

Da budem iskren ludak ima stvarno impozantan opus.


Istina ovo za povredu:


TED NUGENT was injured on the Texas set of his reality show when a chain saw cut through his leg. The outspoken rocker, outdoors enthusiast and star of the VH1 series Surviving Nugent: The Ted Commandments, required 40 stitches to close the gash in his leg on Sunday, Michelle Clark, a spokeswoman for the cable music channel, said Tuesday. Nugent didn't miss any time on the series, which is taping through Sunday and is scheduled to air in April. The 55-year-old rocker is wearing a brace on his leg. The original installment of Surviving Nugent aired as a two-hour special in October. In that version, contestants were shot with paint-balls, made to sleep in a barn, construct their own outhouse and skin a Russian boar - all in an effort to win $25,000 and prizes. Nugent challenged the contestants to live off the land in his rural compound near Jackson, about 70 miles west of Detroit.


A i to što kažeš doktore, totalno je poludio sad, nekad je (prije nekih 25 godina) i znao za mjeru, ali sad je totalno bljutav. No tu je uvijek Double Gonzo Live.

  • 5 months later...

Sto se tice Teda neznam gde da pocnem.Ali od Amboy Dukesa do sada imao je svarno super stvari ajde da navedem tri omiljene (ajde od prilike) "Cat strach fever" "Ferd Bear" "Storm Troopers". Ma moze da prica ko sta oce covek koji je ubio deda mreza., rekao Sir Paul McCartney- da mu popusi kitu,lovi jadnu divljac sa svime od luka od sacmare i natera aktivistu za prava zivotinja da ubije i odere vepra ima moje postovanje. evotigana.gif

Keep On Rockin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

E spomene mi drugar da mu skinem Little Miss Dangerous - slušao on davno taj album na nekoj emisiji što je vodio Ante Batinović na hrvatskom (?) radiju pa mu ostala u lijepom sjećanju... I skinuo sam ga, ali nisam još poslušao. Nego, trebah posložiti pjesme po redu pa skoknem na Amazon da vidim recenzije, i evo šta nađem:


4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:


(4/5) Best Nuge Album of The 80's, December 3, 2003

Reviewer: Stefan Todorovic "Srpskielvis" (North Royalton, Ohio) - See all my reviews


Very cool groove to this album. The Title track is the best on the whole album. This is an album you wanna crank up when both windows are down and you're cruisin' the highway. The 80's saw Nuge change w/ the times, as well as many other 70's groups like KISS, COOPER, AEROSMITH, OZZY, ETC. Definantly if you buy any Nuge from the 80's album get this one. "Painkiller," "Angry Young Man," "Take Me Away," and "Strangers.," along w/ the title track are the best cuts on this album. MUST FOR NUGE FANS!!!



Inače, skinuo sam nedavno Free for All, nisam ga imao - nije loš. Kao i albumi prije i poslije njega pati od suve studijske produkcije, ali su pjesme dobre, a Meat Loaf mi totalno zvuči kao neki Nights in White Satin - totalna neka epska širina...



Jebo mater - loš je ovaj LMD. Previše je sexy.

Nego, ko zna.

Šta još htjedoh reći - zbavio sam DVD Full Bluntal Nugity. Fenomenalno odrađen dupli DVD, svaka čast. Ali u obilju momenata se izdvaja Tedov čas gitare (u sklopu bonus materijala), a on počinje tako što Ted hoda nekom livadom sa puškom, naiđe na sintisajzer i upuca sintisajzer. Urlao sam od smijeha u punom smislu te riječi.

  • 7 months later...



Zanimljiv intervju.

Mislim, koji intervju sa Tedom nije zanimljiv... Ovdje se ističe:


On what is so funny about peace, love and understanding:


"You want to know how to get peace, love and understanding? Who doesn't know this? The Ku-Klux-Klan? The Black Panthers? Child rapists? How do you get peace, love and understanding? First of all you have to find all the bad people. Then you kill them."



I masa bitnih podataka... icon_da.gif



  • 2 weeks later...

Meni se na prvo slušanje svidio "State Of Shock". Slušala ga prvi put na maminim&tatinim pločama isti dan kada i Rory Gallagher-a. laugh.gif Posle sam dobila čitav njegov opus, ali sam letimično prelazila preko albuma. "Cats-something Fever" nije loš, mada je "State..." po meni bolji.

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