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aha, znaci LOCO je icon_rockdevil.gif posto ne gledas mnogo textove


slazem se, ali i CANDY SHOP je icon_rockdevil.gif posto ja ne gledam mnogo muziku icon_smile.gif



ne moze tako, sve se gleda. a LOCO nije ni muzicki nesto extra, obicna paljevina od pesme, glavni rif iz LOCO sam cuo u 987654321 drugih pesama


a ovo

"Don't you know our lives are on trial now - And if we lose we're

going straight to Hell"

nije nista posebno ali je ipak mnogo mnogo bolje nego text LOCO-a



  • 3 weeks later...

Ne znam... ima par dobrih pesmica koje su sve slicne jedna drugoj...


Ostale su slicne ovima par... Hhhhh... booooriiing!...


Dobro je za napaljene wanna be metalce koji jos uvek prze po slipknotu i kornu...


Ako nista drugo, Dez nam je bar postao metalac...

  • 2 weeks later...

Novi album je veoma dobar. Jedino mi Dez smeta...njegove vokalne (ne)sposobnosti mi ne prijaju. Ali su zato ostali iz benda odlicni. Cak usudio bih se da kazem da je rif na Grinfucked genijalan. I ovo definitivno nije onaj Nu na koji smo navikli.

  • 1 month later...
Ne znam... ima par dobrih pesmica koje su sve slicne jedna drugoj...


Ostale su slicne ovima par... Hhhhh... booooriiing!...


Dobro je za napaljene wanna be metalce koji jos uvek prze po slipknotu i kornu...


Ako nista drugo, Dez nam je bar postao metalac...

pa dez nam je bio metalac jos pre nego sto je i coal chamber nastao, ali se onda iz nekog razloga (necu da zalazim u pricu ZASTO) oformio bend tipa CC...


i ne bi mogao da se slozim da devildriver bend koji pristaje nekom standardnom slusaocu korn-a, ali kako god.... svako ima svoje misljenje....


sve u svemu, po mom misljenju DD je bolji bend od CC-a, ali opet sve je stvar ukusa...



P.S. da bi bio wanna be metalac, moras da budes zesce retardiran icon_da.gif

  • 7 months later...

DevilDriver je veoma zajeban bend koji bi pre stavio u post thrash tipa Machinehead....imaju i NU uticaja ali su tvrdi i jebu kevu i drago mi je da je Dez pocheo da radi nesto po meni bolje nego Coalchamber ali to ne znaci da Coal los ali je DevilDriver drugachija i po meni mnogo energichnija pricha. :da:


I to je bend koji mi se na prvu loptu dopao i koji mogu da gledam jer nisu predsmrtni,predraspadni i tome slichno :)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

super bend!!!ko nije preslushao pesmu Horn Of Betrayal sa treceg albuma(koji nije bljak :D ) nek preslusha obavezno.Pesma dize iz mrtvih. :rockdevil:


meni se svidjela i axe shall fall izmedju ostalih


i da, najbolju stvar koju su napravili nisu stavili na album vec su je uradili ekskluzivno za resident evil 2, pjesma se zove Digging up the corpses i po meni je najbolja stvar koju su napravili do sad.


mnogo mocna stvar :)


kasnije se pojavila na bonus disku za FooMH


inache je trebala da se pojavi na devildriver albumu :]

  • 1 month later...

Intervju sa Dezom


On Devildriver's devastating third offering The Last Kind Words, Dez Fafara pens intense, yet introspective lyrics. Songs delve into personal strength, revenge and philosophy like few metal tunes do. More importantly, he conjures dark imagery with his distinctive Satanic howl, leaving jaws on the floor in the process. He sat down in the front of his bus with ARTISTdirect to talk about some of his favorite things—especially classic horror films, books on ancient history, fine wine and Down. He may in fact be metal's most refined representative.


What's your favorite movie?


My favorite movie of all time is either Conan the Barbarian, Star Wars or Evil Dead. Those three are my favorites. Obviously, Star Wars just reminds me of my childhood, and Evil Dead is just the best movie ever made.


You like Evil Dead better than Evil Dead II?


Of course, Evil Dead is gorier [laughs]. It's insane! The second one is kind of comical, and comedy doesn't belong in Evil Dead!


That pencil scene in the original Evil Dead was brutal!


It was unbelievable. When she's underneath the basement floor banging on it, that's the shot right there.


What about Conan?


The first one just says it all. It just tells you how to live life. It tells you, you'd better get with it, get strong and be on top of your kingdom, right now. Keep direct [Laughs].


I loved that Easy Rider shirt you had in one photo shoot. Are you a big Easy Rider fan too?


Yeah, I was raised by hippies, man. I bought my wife a Dodge Magnum, but I'm not allowed to drive it. I could ride the hell out of a Harley, but I can't drive a car. So that's where that comes from—my love of bikes and people who ride bikes.


You've drawn lyrical inspiration from various books in the past. What are some of your favorite titles?


Right now, I'm doing audio books, because it's easier for me to just lie in my bunk and listen when I'm on tour. I'm listening to an audio book right now on Socrates. I'm getting through his whole life and his whole philosophy on things. He was a strange cat; let me tell you. He used to walk the streets barefoot, rambling on and on, but people thought he was a genius. If you did that today, they'd just put you in jail. He had some wise things to say though.


That Greek school of thought established a lot.


Exactly. As far as a favorite book of all time, I don't have one. Literature has just kind of come and gone with me, but I couldn't nail it down to a favorite. I'm reading a good book right now on the Spartans and their society. It's called The Spartans. It's unbelievable, so we'll see where that goes.


That's a cool thread about the Ancient cultures you pull together.


Yeah, I love history. I love ancient culture. It fascinates me. Ancient religion fascinates me. I love to go back to the beginning and find out where we came from: the Babylonians, Sumerians and Egyptians. You can see who stole what from whom. You come to find out that Christmas is a pagan holiday. The pagans stole it from the Babylonians and Sumerians. I like tracing things back.


You can see how cyclical everything is.


Of course—you saw the way that modern day religion stole everything for money. The Egyptians did the same thing. You used to buy what you thought was a mummified cat to put as an offering, and it only had one real leg in there. They were just making money off religion back then too. There you go! What goes around comes around [laughs].


There are always trinkets being sold in the name of some deity. You're a wine connoisseur too if I'm not mistaken?


I don't know about a connoisseur [laughs]. I definitely know my grapes, and I know my wines. That's for sure. I love it. It's healthy and good for you. I haven't had a drop of hard alcohol in almost five months. I work out most of the time during the day when I can. I just find it a healthier way of existing and still catching a little bit of a buzz [laughs].


I know you're a fan of Elvis. From the love of classic crooners and wine, it seems like you've become the "refined metal head."


[Laughs] Well that's good! I don't know if it's that or it's that I just don't want to go out like those dudes did [laughs]. You better get healthy. Elvis is my boy, and I'm a huge fan.


Knowing your relationship with Phil Anselmo [Down, Pantera Vocalist], I have to ask, what do you think of the new Down record [iII: Over the Under]?


I think it's the best of Phil's career. He fucking looks great. He's sober. People have to understand, he's not just a friend, but he's a brother. When I had no home in Coal Chamber, literally for years to live, that dude gave me his house and said, "Go ahead." He literally said, "Take my bedroom, I'm sleeping downstairs anyways." So, when you've got that kind of a friend behind you, it means something huge. We've been friends a long time. I think that this Down record is unbelievable. I think it's the rock record of the year. It should have been nominated for a Grammy. The fact that it's not and some other bands are listed pisses me off really bad. Dude, this is the best rock band out today, hands-down, and for it not to be a Grammy-nominee—I don’t see what's happening. If you're not looking at art like that—look at every individual player in that band, not just Phillip. Take Phillip out of the equation and just look at every individual player. Before we went to our record release party a couple months ago, Down was rehearsing for their Australian tour in the Valley. We took the tour bus over, and we went and watched a couple songs of the rehearsals. I mean, dude, they're such amazing players. So yeah, there's my rant on Down [laughs].


—Rick Florino



Inace svaka mu se dala za Evil Dead,zna covek sta valja! :wub:

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