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Posted (edited)
  Black desire said:
Pa epsko, magicno, misticno, ratnicko i tako to :da:


U tom slucaju mozes nabrojati jos minimum 100 bendova za koje se moze reci da lice na Melechesh. :)

Sa tekstualne strane ne vidim nista zajednicko - Melechesh pevaju o Mesopotamiji, Sumerima... istorijskim i magijskim stvarima iz njihove postojbine, a Keep uglavnom baziraju tekstove na "Earthsea Quarter"-u, dakle epskoj fantastici modernog vremena, nista zajednicko nemaju. A sto se tice muzike, Keep ne ubacuju nikakve orijentalne zacine u muziku, a to je samo po sebi dovoljno da ih odvuce od slicnosti sa Melechesh-om koji zasnivaju celokupan zvuk upravo na tim skalama.

Edited by Talvi
Posted (edited)

Nije to isto. To je kao da neko kaže da je OFK Beograd bolji od Manchester Uniteda. Jedno je vaš doživljaj tog benda, a drugo su činjenice.

Mislim da mešate babe i žabe, ali 'ajde...

Edited by Brynhildr...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ashmedi and Moloch of the Sumerian thrashing black metal act MELECHESH are holed up at the Sulphonic studio in Rotterdam working on demos for the follow-up to the "Emissaries" album. This will be MELECHESH's fifth full-length effort and first for Nuclear Blast Records. No date is set for the recording but it will not be before the fall.


According to a press release, "The band are aiming to keep the album multi-dimensional when it comes to the atmosphere of the songs. One of the new elements will be a couple of songs written and recorded entirely with 12 strings electric guitars. Ashmedi will then head to Istanbul where he will meet prominent musicians there so as to explore the eastern musical traditions of the city."


Commented Ashmedi: "Istanbul is a place where Eastern and Western Music have been perfectly interwoven for decades, and it is a great place to absorb musically and spiritually as Istanbul also has a very fascinating occult side to it as well."

  • 5 months later...
Legendary Sumerian black / thrash monsters MELECHESH just announced the newest addition to their ranks - the band has finally found their new bass player.


Rahm who has sessioned during the last several festivals proved to be an excellent addition to the group's ranks.


Commented Rahm: "I am honored and proud to be the new bass player of the Mesopotamian metal band MELECHESH. The last year I played 9 shows and I am ready for what is coming in the future. I think this is a big chance for me to do new things with excellent music and musicians!"


Commented Ashmedi: "After several shows with Rahm he proved to be a very good musician, and he has shown outstanding energy and positive attitude both on stage and off stage. And believe me offstage matters a lot when you are travelling and spending a lot of time together on the road. I am very glad he is a part of the MELECHESH order"


MELECHESH would like to thank all the bass players worldwide who have applied for the position and shown a great deal of initiative we respect and appreciate you.

  • 3 weeks later...

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