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sta sam ti rekao!!!ali drugi album TOG benda odradjuje pos'o,mene je dotukao

ja sam slusao prvi album i mnogo je dobar,vise je old school tek sa nekoliko elemenata kojih ima u ova dva,mislim na melechesh

Edited by kadabra
  • 3 months later...

Imam sva tri i ne mogu da se odluchim za najbolji,svaki je dobar na svoj nachin.Lepa kombinacija black-a i etno motiva.Inache,oni sebe deklarishu kao mesopotamijki black metal.

  • 10 months later...


Melechesh will enter Woodhouse Studios (Samael, Grip Inc, Therion, Moonspell etc.) in Hagen, Germany to record their fourth full length album in January 2006. The mixing will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands with renowned producer Attie Bauw (a.o. Judas priest, Halford, Scorpions, Fight). The tracking will take 3 weeks and mixing circa 2 weeks. "Emissaries" is the chosen album name and some track titles are 'Sand Grain Universe', 'Deluge Of Delusional Dreams: Act I. Cast Tempest From The East', 'Act II. Ashur's Retaliation' and 'Touching The Spheres Of Sephiroth'. "Emissaries" will include approximately 10 - 11 tracks that will clearly carry the Melechesh flag thematically and musically. When asked on the subject matter Ashmedi stated "The album will encompass what Melechesh have always stood for: Sumerian / Mesopotamian and other dark Near Eastern mythos and mysticism including the cosmic connection and the Occult. Musically the songs will have the Melechesh characteristic sound with a variation and evolution just like we have done for every album; I am now busy with the pre production and demoing the last couple of songs , however, I prefer letting the music speak for itself." "Emissaries" is tentatively scheduled for a release circa April / May 2006 through Osmose Productions for Europe and the rest of the world(s), in North America the release will be through Osmose Productions / The End Records.


Inace,Proscriptor na zalost vise ne bije bubnjeve u Melecheshu,nisu mogli da se usaglase zbog daljine.

  • 3 months later...
  D.E.B.I.L., the true grinder said:
Melechesh su iz serije COF

Rekoh da Izraelci imaju odlican Grind, pogotovo kad grolluju na maternjem jeziku. Ako nisi upoznat s tim, savijetujem ti da to cujes

Mislis da jedan skin ne smije slusati jevreje??? icon_mad.gif

Melechesh nisu Jevreji. Gitaristi su Asirci, basista je Jermenin, a Prosciptor je, naravno, Amer.


Soli,kad videh tvoj post na temi,odmah pomislih da je novi Melechesh izasao,posto se ti oglasavas samo tim povodom. icon_biggrin.gif


Anyway,ko voli ovakav okultni deth/black/thrash zvuk neka poslusa obavezno bend BLOODSTORM!

  • 1 month later...

Novi album uskoro,citajte ovo...


By now many are speculating as to why the new Melechesh album is not out yet. The release date was supposed to be sometime in May, but this date is postponed and Osmose Productions now aim to release the album sometime in early fall 2006, most probably September. The reason is attributed to an inadequate mixing of the album which led to an undesirable and a non presentable album sound. We all strongly feel and believe the mix Attie Bauw did was not good at all, hence we and Osmose Productions saw no way other than to delay the release and remix the album. We feel so passionate about this album and we are determined to deliver another landmark Mesopotamian metal album defining new boundaries for Sumerian thrashing black metal.

This album recording process was so demanding mentally and psychologically my doctor advised me to visit a psychiatric evaluation centre because I have become very unpredictable to say the least. Nevertheless, such issues occur and we are not the first band to go through this.The good news is the recording itself went good. The mixing duties are now handed to Dennis Koehne, the engineer that was involved in recording this album. As a matter of fact we are re-mixing the album as we speak. So we would like to thank all the hordes of supporters that are fervently awaiting this album... ‘Emissaries’ won’t disappoint you!


Evo malo Mesopotamskog metala!Kakvo moze biti,nego originalno.

  grave said:
Evo,nadjoh,u bendu su Jermen,Palestinac,Ukrajinac i Amer.Zanimljiva kombinacija,mora se priznati. icon_mrgreen.gif

au jebote! koji miX icon_smile.gif znaci tek sam za njih cula pre nekih mesec dana na headbangers ballu al su me odusevili.. icon_da.gif koji mix black i neki etno,jebes ga sta li je.. mnogo dobro icon_rockdevil.gif

  drOb1! said:
au jebote! koji miX icon_smile.gif znaci tek sam za njih cula pre nekih mesec dana na headbangers ballu al su me odusevili.. icon_da.gif koji mix black i neki etno,jebes ga sta li je.. mnogo dobro icon_rockdevil.gif

Oni li su se pojavili na Headbanger's ballu?

  Black desire said:
Oni li su se pojavili na Headbanger's ballu?

da ,veoma su se pojavili tamo icon_da.gif zaboravih samo kako se pesma zove al bi mnooooooooooooooooogo dobra icon_rockdevil.gif ma pustaju vec 2-3 nedelje zaredom

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