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KRUX — the Swedish band featuring CANDLEMASS bassist Leif Edling, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN singer Mats Levén, ex-ENTOMBED drummer Peter Stjärnvind, guitarist Jörgen Sandstrom (also in THE PROJECT HATE, ex-ENTOMBED/GRAVE) and OPETH/ex-ARCH ENEMY guitarist Fredrik Åkesson — has issued the following update:


"Yes, it is true, folks. KRUX will play their last two gigs in Sweden before they enter the studio to record a new album. This will probably not happen until the winter of '09/'10, but with Fredrik Åkesson's duties in OPETH and Leif Edling being busy with CANDLEMASS new album in 2009, it is not very likely that the band will be seen on a stage again that soon. So… don't miss next week shows in Stockholm — at Harry B James (Thursday, January 29) and in Gävle — at O'Leary's (Friday, January 30). KRUX promise to play a couple of odd songs from the catalogue to make things more interesting, and you will also see Pär Wiberg from OPETH do his KRUX premiere. He replaces Carl Westholm on keys, since the doctor is in Africa saving the world."



Leif je nezaustavljiv :D

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KRUX — the Swedish band featuring CANDLEMASS bassist Leif Edling, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN singer Mats Levén, ex-ENTOMBED drummer Peter Stjärnvind, guitarist Jörgen Sandstrom (also in THE PROJECT HATE, ex-ENTOMBED/GRAVE), OPETH/ex-ARCH ENEMY guitarist Fredrik Åkesson and OPETH keyboardist Pär Wiberg — will enter the studio this fall to record its third album for an early 2011 release.

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Ne moze covek da pogresi sa Edlingovim materijalom :rockdevil:


I ako mu se zavrsi pisanje za Candlemass, nadam se bar da ce Krux materijalom da nas raduje, makar i to bilo na svakih 4-5 godina...A volim kod Kruxa, izmedju ostalog, sto mi, kao i kod Candlemassa u poslednjih 10 godina, svi albumi maltene istog kvaliteta, stvarno teze covek da se opredeli koji je bolji od koga. Ucestalost kvaliteta koja je stvarno retka u zanru.


Anyways, sto bi rekao Dejv, ovde mi samo kraj, tj. poslednje dve pesme malo kvare sliku, posebno "The Death Farm", najslabija Krux pesma ikada. Sa druge strane, najoblja produkcija do sada, Mats je...pa Mats, isto kol'ko je i Leif ovde Leif. Svrsvam kad cujem ovog coveka.


Favoriti "The Hades Assembly" i "Small Deadly Curses". Former je polozila svaki ispit da bude na Candlemass albumu, a latter je heavy numera za koju se debelo tripujem da je nekako povezana sa Diom...ili me samo vokalne linije podsecaju na njega.


Endless doom november :rockdevil:

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