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Posted (edited)

primjetih slushajuci da bethor ima malu govornu manu.a solaze(ako se to tako moze nazvati) su nesto najjache u svijet.

sve u svemu,ovo je VRH!

nisam primetio da imam govornu manu.

a moja muzika se bazira na starom bathory-u i beheritu,a ako ti se solaze ne svidjaju ti slusaj alogiju

Edited by Mikica
ne.tu ce ucestvovati




i ja

Srecno.Ali,ipak zovite Cukica,'oce covek da pevaaa... icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif Salu na stranu,kad ce bre taj tribute izaci?Kad Rogosic kaze za mesec ono bude za godinu dana,samo prati kako i kada izlaze REX i MEX...

Spori Ritam Bend... icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)



Reviews for Bethor (Ser)'s Demogorgon


Hi! I want on the bandwagon! - 0%


Written by Shadow0fDeath on November 25th, 2004



Well well well, what do we have hear? Another worthless black metal album? Bethor of Serbia plays shitty monotonous black metal that lacks atmosphere, feeling, or anything else worthwile in their music. The guitar riff(?) is endlessly repetitive throughout the entire demo. It makes you want to blow your head off with a shot gun. It's faster than the endless torture of this album when hearing it.


First of all the production is really distant. It's very hard to make out some sections. Some parts sound like a collision of noise/feedback next to a repetitive drum machine. It's fucking agony hearing the same fucking riff over and over again with this release. Of all things be slightly creative and change the tempo of the riff so it sounds different. Not the same 4 fast notes being played over for over 30 minutes. The drumming on this is the same beat throughout with a few shitty tempo changes to make it sound interesting, and try to hide the fact the drummer has no talent. The vocals are pretty cool but it sounds like some effects were added sloppily so i'm not going to even guess how horrible the vocals are without the effects, but they're so monotonous like everything on this other album their quality fades in the first minute.


Overall this album is shitty. Even shittier for the fact it's an LP. I think i'll go shit on it. There is nothing worthwile about this album. It's a shitty attempt at black metal. Almost as shitty as Astovidatus. I would not recommend trying to find this release. It's essential worthless.



Edited by __Lajna__


Reviews for Bethor (Ser)'s Demogorgon


Hi! I want on the bandwagon! - 0%


Written by Shadow0fDeath on November 25th, 2004



Well well well, what do we have hear? Another worthless black metal album? Bethor of Serbia plays shitty monotonous black metal that lacks atmosphere, feeling, or anything else worthwile in their music. The guitar riff(?) is endlessly repetitive throughout the entire demo. It makes you want to blow your head off with a shot gun. It's faster than the endless torture of this album when hearing it.


First of all the production is really distant. It's very hard to make out some sections. Some parts sound like a collision of noise/feedback next to a repetitive drum machine. It's fucking agony hearing the same fucking riff over and over again with this release. Of all things be slightly creative and change the tempo of the riff so it sounds different. Not the same 4 fast notes being played over for over 30 minutes. The drumming on this is the same beat throughout with a few shitty tempo changes to make it sound interesting, and try to hide the fact the drummer has no talent. The vocals are pretty cool but it sounds like some effects were added sloppily so i'm not going to even guess how horrible the vocals are without the effects, but they're so monotonous like everything on this other album their quality fades in the first minute.


Overall this album is shitty. Even shittier for the fact it's an LP. I think i'll go shit on it. There is nothing worthwile about this album. It's a shitty attempt at black metal. Almost as shitty as Astovidatus. I would not recommend trying to find this release. It's essential worthless.

Ovo moze napisati samo normalan covek koji se ne razume u bolesni black metal. icon_smile.gif

Posted (edited)

Ma jebes njih,to pisu samo ljudi koji nisu u UG krugivima i ljudi koji se loze samo na velike bendove koji izdaju za NB i kojima pomisao da se metal svira u Srbiji zvuci smesno....

Edited by SlavoniC
Ovo moze napisati samo normalan covek koji se ne razume u bolesni black metal. icon_smile.gif

Evo nekoliko reci o bolesnom coveku koji se ne razume u normalni black metal:



Shadow0fDeath's profile

Username Shadow0fDeath

Rank Fred Durst

Points 0

Real name Shadow of Death

Gender Male

Country United States of America

Age 14


Bethor nije nista posebno, al ovo dete od 14 godina ga stvarno pretera...

Evo nekoliko reci o bolesnom coveku koji se ne razume u normalni black metal:



Shadow0fDeath's profile

Username Shadow0fDeath

Rank Fred Durst

Points 0

Real name Shadow of Death

Gender Male

Country United States of America

Age 14


Bethor nije nista posebno, al ovo dete od 14 godina ga stvarno pretera...

Mislim klinja bolje da kloni Bethora icon_smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Isprogramirano? Znas li sta to znaci? Ajde da je uzeo c++ , pa otvorio editor i isprogramirao ceo demo....Ali mogu da se kladim da Bethor nema blage veze o programiranju. Ritam masina je napravljena u Cubase-u, a na vokal dodati neki efekti....I to je to. Znaci nema nikakvog programiranja. Shvatio? A inace, masa one-man bendova je bolja od "regularnih" bendova.

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