Mr. Smarty Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 (edited) Thomas Nordegg? ...koji je on kralj! Nego jes' imao prilike da probas onaj noviji Ibanez-ov ZR-Tremolo...neki kazu da je bolji od Edge-a... Edited January 24, 2006 by Marty F
Dersu Uzala Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 Marty F said: Thomas Nordegg? ...koji je on kralj! Nego jes' imao prilike da probas onaj noviji Ibanez-ov ZR-Tremolo...neki kazu da je bolji od Edge-a... Nisam. Videcu, ionako mi treba jos par komada. Da, Thomas...on radi za nekoliko faca u stvari... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Nordegg is not a man. We will never know what ungodly force created him, but suffice it to say, he embodies more than is dreamt of in our philosophy. Let me explain. He does not eat. He does not sleep. (He may go into Standby mode; do not be fooled -- he is always awake; he is always listening.) Sometimes he expresses the feeling of pain or fatigue. Again, do not be fooled: this is but Nordeggese for 'I am experiencing technical difficulties.' What am I trying to say? Here is what I am trying to say: Thomas Nordegg is the Terminator. Peek behind those wraparound sunglasses (which may or may not be detachable from his head) and you may detect the red luminescence just barely glowing behind his eyes. Observe his uncanny ability to imitate the humanity around him -- mostly soundbites from TV or refrains used by band members -- in an attempt to blend in. Thomas, as we call him, will never blend in. He will always be too perfect to be human -- an otherworldly presence as beguiling as a statue in a wax museum. He claims to have recently replaced his once imperfect 'natural' bone structure with a more sleek, aerodynamic design employing hollowed titanium and Velcro. This alteration cuts his weight by a third, allowing 'muscleman' Beller to lift him to the ceiling for pre-show lighting adjustments thought impossible before 'Thomas' entered the room. Like Robocop, he carries concealed compartments within his body which hold cables, plugs, batteries and who knows how much more -- no one is exactly sure. All anyone ever sees is a quick flick of the wrist or a blur -- something too fast for the human eye to properly perceive -- and the required instrument is brought forth as if by magic. IT IS NOT MAGIC. Advanced extraterrestrial technology far too complex for our feeble minds to comprehend, perhaps. Perhaps something even more intangible. This question is hotly debated behind closed motel-room doors, over stiff drinks before shows, and in cars between cities -- any car but Nordegg's, that is; there is a general fear that if he finds out that we're on to him, he may alert whatever authorities are responsible for him and there could be trouble. ---Mike Keneally---
Dersu Uzala Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 Marty F said: Matori gear guru! Vidim sad sta je ovaj ZR. Pogledacu da li mi to Odgovara. U principu ne zelim da se smaram sa trem-setterom (ta budza sto ide pozadi). Ok mije floating tremolo a hocu da probam i onaj sto Petrucci koristi na EB/MM. Trebace mi i 7-zicni neki, takodje.
Mr. Smarty Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 (edited) Jebiga jeste malo kabasto to pozadi ali zato mnogo olaksava posao ...uvek se vraca u neutralnu poziciju, lako se menjaju zice, ne moz' da se istrosi posto radi uz pomoc kuglagera a ima i D-Tuner na sestoj zici... A apropo Petrucci-jeve djitre...ja sam mislio da ona ima obican tremolo samo sa locking civijama ...a i kada smo vec kod njega skokni leba' ti na da vidis njegov novi look... Edited January 24, 2006 by Marty F
DJ_raBo Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 (edited) Mogao bi da udje u bilo koji lokal u srbiji!(ukljucujuci i sve splavove) Edited January 24, 2006 by demarko
metalbeer deluxe Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 Marty F said: da vidis njegov novi look... pa da sam i derpe stavio bi ga u dnevnik na stranici "ovako ne zelim da izgledam"
Dersu Uzala Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 (edited) Marty F said: Petrucci...njegov novi look... Nije mu trebala ona jasha. Inace super izgleda. Ne, majke mi. Pa nema on vise 20 i neku. I svejedno, ako Petrucci kaze da je taj look ok, onda je OK. On je sjajan lik. Odo' sad kod frizera . Edited January 24, 2006 by Dersu Uzala
Alex de Large Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 (edited) ej, sad bi petruci mogao da svira u onim raspalim allstars osvajacima umesto baneta jelica. samo bi morali prvo da se sloze chipi i onaj cigan Edited January 24, 2006 by Jack The Riffer
Cwiya Posted January 24, 2006 Report Posted January 24, 2006 Alo bre ljudi.............nemojte da mi dirate Petrucci-a!!!!!! Pa jebote to je obicna reklama na kojoj "MORAS" da budesh "KICH" obucen i namazan da bi prodao proizvod!!!!!Josh ako si baja kao Petrucci..... p.s. Znash kako kazu:Ako hocesh neshto da prodash,dovoljno je da zaposlish par dobrih cica,obucesh ih u roze,izbacish im silikone....i prodacesh na primer nekog krsh Jacksona za brda para!!!!!(Jenna Jameson=Jackson pozerka)
Dersu Uzala Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 (edited) sharkey said: Petrući je šiFtar. ...Jakup Petruxhi ??? Edited January 25, 2006 by Dersu Uzala
Alex de Large Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 sharkey said: Petrući je šiFtar. nemoj da vredjash shiptare
Cwiya Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 ......hmmmm njegov prapra deda je bio "Albanac"!!!!!!! Shto njega ne cini siptarom ako mu je vec nekoliko generacija rodbine rodjeno u Americi!!!!!!!To znaci da je on poreklom odatle,a i kakve uopshte veze ima to koje je nacionalnosti covek????
Mr. Smarty Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 (edited) Slazem se ...ali i dalje je shaban Edited January 25, 2006 by Marty F
Шарки Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 A i ti, Cvijo, šta se pališ kao svinja odmah?
Cwiya Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 Quote Slazem se ...ali i dalje je shaban Videcesh ti imenjace shta ce biti kada budem iskopao neshto o Satriani-u!! Najebaces....svi cete najebati......
-Abraxas- Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 (edited) Tema:Chiji idol je najbolji? edit:Ciji idol se oblaci bolje ili izgleda bolje? Edited January 25, 2006 by Sitch Boe
Mr. Smarty Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 Tvoj idol je nepokretan Acid Rain-ov je najdeblji Sharkey-ev nema glavu (jebiga, kad ne postoji shotgun smiley ) darijusovog idola gotivi najvise pichki Mustaine-ov idol je najludji Dushan ne cita knjige, on je samUk! Moj idol ima naj bujniju "kosu" Gargijev i Cvijin idol ima najmanje ukusa ITD...
-Abraxas- Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 Marty F said: Tvoj idol je nepokretan Acid Rain-ov je najdeblji Sharkey-ev nema glavu (jebiga, kad ne postoji shotgun smiley ) darijusovog idola gotivi najvise pichki Mustaine-ov idol je najludji Dushan ne cita knjige, on je samUk! Moj idol ima naj bujniju "kosu" Gargijev i Cvijin idol ima najmanje ukusa ITD... odlicno Quote Dushan ne cita knjige, on je samUk! wtf?
imaginos Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 Marty F said: Gargijev i Cvijin idol ima najmanje ukusa ja se dvoumim izmedju randy rhoads-a i eric johnosna, petrucci nije u igri, ako si na njega mislio.
-Abraxas- Posted January 25, 2006 Report Posted January 25, 2006 Gargamel said: ja se dvoumim izmedju randy rhoads-a i eric johnosna, petrucci nije u igri, ako si na njega mislio. Tezak je to izbor.Mada mislim ipak bi ja izabrao eric johnsona,mada sada opet kada razmislim i cujem solo iz mr crowley-a onda ...
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