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"Vol.4" je jedan od meni najboljih albuma svih vremena!!!! icon_rockdevil.gif

Sabbathi sa Ozzyjem su zakon, ostatak doduše, manje više - malo su izgubili tu misaonost koju su imali posle njega...

  genius said:
Moja mama se pali na njih pa sam morala da se pohvalim!!! icon_mrgreen.gif


Samim tim moram i ja da ih slusam, pa najvise volim kad naidje ina N.I.B!

Благо теби. Камо лепе среће да сам ја имао такве родитеље. Мада, ко зна, можда бих данас као знак пркоса слушао народњаке.

  • 4 weeks later...

"Evil Lives: A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" hits the streets on June 1st.


Magick (the metal division of Cleopatra Records) is set to unleash "Evil Lives A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" on June 1st 2004. While Black Sabbath are one of only a few Metal groups to enjoy "household name" status, many people think only of the first 4 members or the first 4 records. While proudly acknowledging the roots, this tribute is also the demonic chronicle of the other 30+ musicians who have kept the Sabbattack strong for 30+ years on 30+ albums & collections! The 13 bands on this tribute represent several generations of Head Bangers as well. From old school legends to current Power Metal gods to the rising stars of tomorrow's dream, the torch of True Metal that Black Sabbath sparked so long ago is burning brighter than it has in years. Featuring Iced Earth, Primal Fear, Agent Steel, Jag Panzer Racer X and many more on 13 Godlike tracks.


Track listing:

01. Iced Earth - Black Sabbath

02. Primal Fear - Die Young

03. Jag Panzer - Children Of The Sea

04. Racer X - Children Of The Grave

05. Lynch/Neil - Paranoid

06. Icarus Witch - Falling Off The Edge Of The World

07. Forever Say Die! - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

08. Order Of Nine - Disturbing The Priest

09. Steel Prophet - Neon Knights

10. Agent Steel - Hole In The Sky

11. Dofka - N.I.B.

12. Twisted Tower Dire - Glory Ride

13. October 31 - Danger Zone

  grave said:
"Evil Lives: A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" hits the streets on June 1st.


Magick (the metal division of Cleopatra Records) is set to unleash "Evil Lives A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" on June 1st 2004. While Black Sabbath are one of only a few Metal groups to enjoy "household name" status, many people think only of the first 4 members or the first 4 records. While proudly acknowledging the roots, this tribute is also the demonic chronicle of the other 30+ musicians who have kept the Sabbattack strong for 30+ years on 30+ albums & collections! The 13 bands on this tribute represent several generations of Head Bangers as well. From old school legends to current Power Metal gods to the rising stars of tomorrow's dream, the torch of True Metal that Black Sabbath sparked so long ago is burning brighter than it has in years. Featuring Iced Earth, Primal Fear, Agent Steel, Jag Panzer Racer X and many more on 13 Godlike tracks.


Track listing:

01. Iced Earth - Black Sabbath

02. Primal Fear - Die Young

03. Jag Panzer - Children Of The Sea

04. Racer X - Children Of The Grave

05. Lynch/Neil - Paranoid

06. Icarus Witch - Falling Off The Edge Of The World

07. Forever Say Die! - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

08. Order Of Nine - Disturbing The Priest

09. Steel Prophet - Neon Knights

10. Agent Steel - Hole In The Sky

11. Dofka - N.I.B.

12. Twisted Tower Dire - Glory Ride

13. October 31 - Danger Zone

Od ovoga sam već pola čuo ali vredi imati.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ceo Heaven and hell,Mob rules isto jako dobar

Dio je fenomenalan pevač.


Ozzy pokazuje slabost naročito na albumu sabotage ili technical ecstasy.


Ali zato ima i jakih albuma poput S bloody Sabbath.


Poštovanje u svakom pogledu njima,, imati jaja da izdaju takve albume u to vreme.


Ma Dio nek ide u tri lepe!!! Nije učinio ništa za Sabbathe, samo ih je unazadio sa svojim ego tripovima. Ceo BS nema nekog većeg smisla posle Ozzyjevog odlaska, zapamtite to! wallbash.gif


  "grave" said:
04. Racer X - Children Of The Grave


ne znam koliko ljudi je ovo primetilo, ali ovo je vise obrada zivog izvodjenja ove pesme koje se nalazi na ozzy-jevom "tribute" albumu (misli se na tribute to randy rhoads). ne znam sad napamet, ali cini mi se da su gitaristi/gitarista racer x u ton (i harmonik icon_smile.gif ) skinuli i oponasali pokojnog RR-a. icon_da.gif

  RNA said:
Благо теби. Камо лепе среће да сам ја имао такве родитеље. Мада, ко зна, можда бих данас као знак пркоса слушао народњаке.

sabbath - mračno, emotivno, prljavo i 'nadasve' icon_razz.gif prosto u piiiizduuuu materinu.... = genijalno....

dobar si.... laugh.gif

Guest Ninja Bitch


no sabbath - no metal

no ozzy - no sabbath


leto, leto

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