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najjaca izjava ikad uopste o rock n roll zivotu bila je bas ozijeva i to nesto po fazonu, parafraziram (OK, NE VALJA PARAFRAZIRATI VELIKE LJUDE NEGO CITIRATI ALI STA SAD) - normalan covjek ustane ujutro, doruckuje, popije kafu, poljubi zenu i djecu i vrati se u 5 pm s posla. covjek kao ja, ustane ujutro, doruckuje, popije kafu, poljubi zenu i djecu i vrati se s turneje sljedece godine.




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da si bio na koncertu u Sofiji drugacije bi pricao,odrzao je javni cas svim mladjim bendovima,ludovao je kao u mladim danima.

DA,da, odrzao im je lekciju kako se radi prava tezga, bez ikakve promene kontakta sa publikom nego neke od prethodnih vecheri i pushtanjem svog glasa preko razglasa pre svirke kako bi "lozio" publiku...

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Ernest A. Jasmin of The News Tribune reviewed this year's Ozzfest when it hit the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington on Thursday (August 11). An excerpt from his review follows:


"For the second year in a row, the concert’s namesake, Ozzy Osbourne, was joined by BLACK SABBATH band mates Geezer Butler (bass), Tony Iommi (guitar) and Bill Ward (drums). And Ozzfest nearly lost its namesake again, two years after Osbourne called in sick to the tour's local stop in 2003.


"All seemed to be going well early on as SABBATH kicked off with 'N.I.B.', 'After Forever' and proto-metal classic 'War Pigs'. Then things went wrong when the band tackled 'Dirty Women'.


"Osbourne's voice cracked hideously during that number, and he responded by slamming his mike down and storming off stage.


"The rest of SABBATH remained cool and professional, continuing to jam until Ozzy could pull it together and return. The singer forced a grin that looked more like grimace as he lead the crowd in waving their hands side to side.


"He explained himself once the number had ended. 'My voice is … blown out again,' he said, promising to go on if the crowd wanted to hear him.


"But this was Ozzy, after all — metal's patron saint. And while hundreds could be seen headed for the parking lot, most in the crowd remained faithful and even turned their cheers up a notch.


"'Iron Man' and 'Black Sabbath' were set highlights, as fans sang exuberantly along with the former and Ozzy's maniacal expression was captured by the giant movie screen behind him during the latter."



Ozzy \m/ Prso!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Bugari nisu zasluzili ni pola od onoga sto su dobili od Black Sabbath-a. Niko od njih (kao ni BLS) nece svirati ponovo u Sofiji.

slazem se..mogla je na tom koncertu publika da bude mnoogo bolja icon_da.gif . pogotovo za Black Label Society, zakk je popizdeo icon_smile.gif . no ipak ja sam na sabatima doziveo vishestruki orgazam (dobro ne bukvalno icon_smile.gif )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio has revealed during an interview with BBC Radio 2's "Masters of Rock" program that he will once again be collaborating with BLACK SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi.


"At this particular point — if all doesn't fall through, and I doubt that it will — Tony Iommi and I are going to write a couple of tracks together for a project that I think is called 'Black Sabbath – The Dio Years'," Dio said. "So that'll be two unreleased tracks which I'm sure will be interesting to old SABBATH fans, and maybe [even] the new SABBATH fans."


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Opusteno, covjek je ocigledno totalno zalutao na ovaj forum.

zalutam ti kevu.

kao ti si neki opasan. Kao srbija zakon i te fore, kao AMERIKA TREBA DA GORI.

ma duvaj kurac i ti i tvoj patriotizam



Sabbathi su sranje!

Edited by Reaper

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