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Što bre ne ume da ostvari kontakt sa publikom? Mislim da su stvari koje on kaže na koncertu uvek na mestu, naročito to što često pominje heavy metal, jer Judas Priest i jeste otac heavy metala i prvi koji treba da ga "isporuči" publici.


Bolje bi mu bilo da ne prica izmedju pesama nego da jede govna o metalu i sl... Ponekad mi se smuci da gledam npr. Manowarove koncerte koliko Joey kenja o "true" metalu izmedju pesama. Ako hoce da pricaju, nek pricaju nesto pametno...


Ako neko treba da priča o metalu između pesama, to je upravo Halford. On nije samo pevač heavy metala, on je sam heavy metal. :rockdevil:


Izvini, Ajlin, ne pišem ovo zato što hoću da moja reč bude poslednja, već zato što kao fan Judas priest-a, ne mogu da odolim, a da ne kažem nešto ovako. :)


Komunikacija sa publikom pored same svirke mora da bude na nivou, to je poznato. Važno je samo da se govori iskreno i originalno, a ne da se isporučuju koncertni klišei poput ''Are you fuckin' ready?'' i sličnog.


Bend otkida, Halford uglavnom OK, ali i muci se samo tako :/ "Dissident Agressor" je urnisao...though, sta onda reci tek za "Painkiller"? Fak. Chak i "Beyond..." koju je celu dobro otpevao morao je kraju bespotrebno da usere...


Dobro zvuči ovaj live, mada mi i dalje nije najjasnije šta su hteli da postignu njegovim izdavanjem. Više bi imalo smisla da su ga ubacili kao bonus uz studijski ili DVD neki.

  • 2 weeks later...

Je li se pominjao ovaj live? Judas Priest - 2009 - Manchester




1. Dawn Of Creation

2. Prophecy

3. Metal Gods

4. Eat Me Alive

5. Between The Hammer And The Anvil

6. Devil's Child

7. Breaking The Law

8. Hell Patrol

9. Death

10. Dissident Aggressor

11. Angel

12. The Hellion

13. Electric Eye

14. Rock Hard, Ride Free

15. Sinner

16. Painkiller

17. Hell Bent For Leather






Ako skinete, javite valja li cemu...

Posted (edited)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


PRESS RELEASE: Judas Priest Southern Florida show will be filmed for live DVD!




It is hard to pinpoint when heavy metal history is going to be made. However, an upcoming event will surely be one of the few times you know for sure that it will. Judas Priest will be filming their upcoming August 17th performance at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino – Hollywood, FL, for a DVD that will be included in a forthcoming expanded 30th Anniversary edition of their 1980 classic, ‘British Steel.’ As with all of their U.S. summer dates this year, Priest has been performing the album in its entirety from front to back. With the band playing the entire ‘British Steel’ repertoire, the August 17th show at the Seminole Hard Rock Arena in Hollywood, Florida (which will be one of the last of this US Summer ’09 tour) will surely capture Priest at their peak!! Not to be missed!!


‘British Steel’ has long been considered one of metal’s all-time classics. It was with this release that Priest truly broke through to the masses, with a pair of tracks that have become fixtures on rock radio - the enduring anthems “Breaking the Law” and “Living After Midnight.” But like all classic albums, there is not a single weak track detected on ‘British Steel,’ as evidenced by such standouts as the perennial concert highlight, “Metal Gods,” as well as “Rapid Fire,” “Grinder,” “United,” and “The Rage,” among others.


Produced by Tom Allom, ‘British Steel’ was recorded at Tittenhurst Park in England - which is a mansion owned at the time by former Beatle Ringo Starr, and previously owned by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In 2001, the album was remastered and reissued with extra bonus tracks, and also, was the subject of an in-depth study as part of the popular ‘Classic Albums’ DVD series.


So come on out on August 17th and cheer the mighty Priest on as they document on stage an album that has served as the perfect metal summer soundtrack year after year and constantly picks up new converts.........don't miss your chance to be included in this rare DVD footage!!


Tickets for this show are now on sale.







Edited by Night Prowler
  • 2 weeks later...
  Prince of Darkness said:
Ako neko treba da priča o metalu između pesama, to je upravo Halford. On nije samo pevač heavy metala, on je sam heavy metal. :rockdevil:

Slažem se u potpunosti !!! :rockdevil:


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gojkov94
Posted (edited)
  On 7/10/2009 at 8:31 PM, Ајлин said:

Ne treba da pričaju više nego minimalno. Treba da pevaju bre! <img src="http://www.yumetal.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="icon_smile.gif" />

Tačno tako , ne dolaze ljudi na njihove koncerte da bi im Halford pričao priče nego da slušaju dobru muziku. ;)

Edited by gojkov94
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Slabo se nešto piše na temi o osnivačima heavy metala... Zna li neko kakvi su im planovi, kad kreću na novu turneju, šta će svirati na njoj? Poslednje što ja znam je da su imali američko-japansku turneju, gde su svirali ceo British Steel, čime i nisam baš oduševljen.

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