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Intervju sa Halfordom:



What's next after this tour?


It's back to Priest. I'm going home to the U.K. for Christmas and I'll be seeing Glen (Tipton) and (K.K. Downing). We've already got some good ideas. We've got multiple choices -- we could do another anniversary tour like we did with British Steel, since Painkiller just turned 20. And we've got some things up our sleeves that we'll let everybody know about before the end of the year. But there's a guarantee of more Priest on the way, and I think that's what the fans want to hear. And personally, I can't wait to get back to Priestland and start tearing it up.


Ovo bi bio totalni masakr :rockdevil: Jedino ne znam kako bi Rob preziveo da otpeva sve te pesme al' nema veze :rockdevil:


Judas Priest guitarist K.K. Downing updates fans on the band's plans for next year and reminisces about the past, via his latest blog post:


"It seems that the time has come for us to put the touring wheels in motion for our next world tour in 2011!. It's funny but these days around - about this time - I can't help but reflect on the past when we had to load the touring van ourselves. Sometimes in the ice and snow, being afraid that we would get frostbites on our fingers and not be able to play the gig!"


"I remember one winter we had a gig at Hull City Hall in England. We were driving in heavy snow when we hit black ice and the car hit the motorway barriers so hard that it was never able to be driven again. However, it was fortunate that a passing farmer saved the day by letting us pile into his old Land Rover and was kind enough to drive us to the gig!"


"It seems just like yesterday,as they say, that we were on tour with our good friends Budgie, Accept, Warlock, AC/DC, Saxon, Pantera... to name just a few. Very good memories indeed! Actually, I have just received a copy of Accept's new album "Blood of the Nations."And was really happy that Wolf and the boys are still creating great classic metal. I think it was back in '81 that Priest and Accept hit the road together for the first time and what a great tour that was! I really hope that we can meet up with the guys next year, at least on some of the festival dates and have a good laugh when talking about the old times."


"It was our great fortune, as time passed, to go on and tour with almost every band that you can think of. Some tours included very cool line-ups that many people may not even be aware of: e.g. Priest, Whitesnake & Iron Maiden / Priest, Scorpions & Def Leppard / Priest & UFO... and the list goes on. People often ask me what it's like to be on a tour and I always say the same things about it: simply it's the hardest thing that you will ever do, but you wouldn't change it for the world. The traveling becomes such a major part of your life that you actually feel like a piece of luggage yourself! But I must confess when you get to go to places that you have never been before, like Korea, Turkey, Romania, Columbia etc., it's no surprise that you feel like the luckiest man alive. I guess mainly because, for me - growing up as a kid - thinking of going to any of these places would have been pure fantasy."


"I would like to end this blog by taking this opportunity to congratulate Jukka and Teija who are to be married this weekend in Finland. Jukka and Teija first met at Jari's 40th birthday party. Jukka, guitarist for Priest tribute band "Priestone,"was also at the party to play some Priest songs with the guys. It's so amazing that the happy couple who live 250 miles apart would most likely never have met if the 'Priest Connection' had not been in place... so I guess you could say that the Priest well and truly worked it's magic!" __________________


Ja bih te zamolio da ti sledeci nick bude Mile Kontraš. Veceg u zivotu nisam video...


Kriterijum za proglašavanje nekoga kontrašem je - da taj ima različito mišljenje od TEBE.


Uostalom, gde sam te citirao i rekao da se ne slažem, ne vidim? :confused:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pogrešnu adresu si postavio. treba ovo da postaviš:




Bilo je krajnje vreme da i oni shvate da jednom mora da dođe kraj. Verujem u što bolju i dužu turneju i potrudiću se da ih vidim. I da najave koncert kod nas ili u Zagrebu, ne bih planirao unapred da dođem (poučen ranijim iskustvom) već bih se odlučio za sigurniju varijantu - Sofiju i Peštu mislim da na oproštajnoj turneji nema šanse da preskoče. Ne znam da li će to ujedno biti i poslednja Halfordova turneja, ili će još malo nastupati solo nakon toga.


Da, da, ukapirao sam da je pogresna adresa, ali Blabbermouth sajt mi uvek baguje. Ja mislim da je i bilo vreme da zavrse. Ja se nadam da cu uspeti da odem na Wacken ove godine, jer mi se vec 2 godine zaredom izjalovi plan. Bice Bugarska i Madjarska sto posto, a ne verujem da ce biti u nekoj ex-yu zemlji.

Posted (edited)

ne znam zasto bi se cimao da vidis to. Ja sam gledao Halforda na Resurrection turneji i dobro je bilo, ali sve klipove sto sam gledao od priesta u skoriji vreme stvarno deluje kao pretuzan prizor. ovaj toliko nakicen lancima i kozom da se jedva vrece, kao neki sado mazo deda, jos sa JP je velika bina pa se oseca koliko su svi staticni i matori.


ne znam, ne bih isao da gledam tu neku tugicu samo zato sto im je poslednja turneja. Isto kao sto sam gledao Sabbathe 2005 i otisao nakon tri pesme koliko je sve to ocajno izgledalo, a to mi omiljeni bend svih vremena.


Halford solo jos i boze pomozi, klupska svirka i mladji prateci bend, ali JP, to je bas tugajlija gledati.


mada bih takodje iz Halford benda izbacio onog ocajnom Metal Mike-a. Lik em ne zna da svira, em izgleda kao ridja poljaska verzija Malmsteena, i pritom se bas ponasa kao debil na bini. Mnogo bedan lik, ne znam gde ga nasao ovaj.


Sva nada u Fight reunion turneji, to bih najvise od svega gledao

Edited by azal

Šta je vrhunac karijere, to je relativno. Recimo, za mene su Diggeri bili na vrhuncu karijere prošle godine kad sam ih gledao, jer su izdali najbolji album do tada i imali po prvi i jedini put dvojicu odličnih gitarista. A opet, ako me pitaš šta je vrhunac karijere recimo Savatage, ja ću reći Gutter Ballet, ili Annihilator-a - Never Neverland. Sve zavisi od toga da li se tebi lično sviđa neka postava, album, ili stil benda u određenom periodu, nema objektivnih merila tu.

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ne znam zasto bi se cimao da vidis to.


Nekako je to elementarna kultura, kao da propusti čovek da nauči da piše ili tako nešto :mhihi: svestan sam svega što si pričao, gledao sam neke klipove iz par proteklih godina gde Halford zvuči očajno ali šta da se radi sad, bolje nema nažalost.


A i ovo će biti sto posto pa će to biti super varijanta.


bilo bi fino da ih udenu u sonisphere pa da se o istom trosku vide uz jos neke bendove...



Recimo, za mene su Diggeri bili na vrhuncu karijere prošle godine kad sam ih gledao, jer su izdali najbolji album do tada i imali po prvi i jedini put dvojicu odličnih gitarista.


Bend ne može da upadne u kategoriju "vrhunac karijere" ako bar jedan član ima veštački kuk ili probleme sa prostatom.

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Može, ako pravi dobru muziku, bolju od one iz mlađih dana.


Što se tiče Judasa, uopšte ne mislim da Halford zvuči očajno. Već smo pričali o tome. Kad su visoki tonovi u pitanju, naravno da ne može da peva kao nekad, ali mnogi drugi pevači koji pevaju na sličan fazon su i kao znatno mlađi sjebali glas. Kad se radi o dubljim tonovima, koje peva punim glasom, tu je već znatno bolji nego ranije - na nekim pesamama zvuči skoro operski, a tako definitivno nije mogao da peva osamdesetih recimo.

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Guest predsednik Tadić
Posted (edited)

Banujte ovog anonimnog fejkera!

Edited by predsednik Tadić
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nama najbliža lokacija na "oproštajnoj turneji" za sad je Beč.Tamo sviraju 29-og juna.Držim palčeve da dođu u Budimpeštu ili Sofiju,a što da ne i na Metal kamp.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

moguce da ce biti prvog jula u Areni samo se nadam :rockdevil:

jes da cemo da gledamo kako se Halford muci ali jbg

Edited by Mita

Ako si gledao Halfordove nastupe od prošlog leta sa njegovim bendom, video si da se uopšte ne muči. Njegov stil falsetiranja je takav da mu omogućava da peva i propalim glasom, a da i dalje zvuči besno. Bilo bi lepo da dođu, stvarno, da jednom ne moraš da daješ pare za put u inostranstvo za nešto što valja. Vadi ih Whitesnake, samo zbog njih i popularnosti koju uživaju kod nas verujem u održavanje ovog koncerta.

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