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Bilo je fenomenalno... atmosfera, izbor pjesama i scenski nastup... ma genijalno!!! Uf... ne mogu jos da se oporavim od soka kako je dobro bilo


Ko je sve bio odavde?

E da imao sam najbolje mjesto (ako ne racunamo one sa press i slicnim passovima), u prvom redu po sredini


Jedina steta je bila da zastava (improvizovan carsav sa logom Priest i jednim natpisom) nije fino pala na binu, vec je pala ispod monitora al jebiga desava se

Jedina steta je bila da zastava (improvizovan carsav sa logom Priest i jednim natpisom) nije fino pala na binu, vec je pala ispod monitora al jebiga desava se

a cek koji si ti... jesi li mi ti dao tu zastavu??? Sobzirom da sam imao cast da je bacim ali jebiga nisam uspeo da prebacim monitor.. bedak.. izvinjavam se... pokusao sam da zamolim obezbedjenje ali ga je bolelo dupe.... a i da je pala tamo gde treba verovatno bi je redari pokupili....

Bilo je fenomenalno... atmosfera, izbor pjesama i scenski nastup... ma genijalno!!! Uf... ne mogu jos da se oporavim od soka kako je dobro bilo


Ko je sve bio odavde?

E da imao sam najbolje mjesto (ako ne racunamo one sa press i slicnim passovima), u prvom redu po sredini


a cek koji si ti... jesi li mi ti dao tu zastavu??? Sobzirom da sam imao cast da je bacim ali jebiga nisam uspeo da prebacim monitor.. bedak.. izvinjavam se... pokusao sam da zamolim obezbedjenje ali ga je bolelo dupe.... a i da je pala tamo gde treba verovatno bi je redari pokupili....

Ok je coece... hvala tebi sto si pokusao...

Uh ljudi sta sve rec o koncertu ovo je cudo... odakle pocet i sve...

Steta sto nije bilo nikakvih mijenjanja setliste pa nije bilo nekih prijatnih iznenadjenja vec je svaka pjesma bila poznata koja ce ici... ali opet

Uh Diamonds And Rust akusticna... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Painkiller... aaaaaaaaaaaa kako sam vristao


Inace moje je misljenje da je na kraju ipak bila najpozitivnija atmosfera tj. na You;ve Got Another Thing Coming


Evo vam da se malo smejete icon_smile.gif




On Track Magazine has posted the full review of the Ozzfest conference




Here's the whole exchange with Sharon, Ozzy and Rob that had K.K. in good spirits - it's even funnier than originally posted by Blabbermouth:


One rather naive journalist addressed Sharon as to why this year’s fest seemed to include less alternative sounding bands, to which she replied “We’ve never had alternative bands on the bill, we’re a metal fest, and after all we’re not gay”. This of course found Sharon blushing a bit and the press in hysterics when Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford raised his mic and said, “But I am”! To which Sharon replied, "And proud."


A bit later Rob was asked to describe his relationship with Ozzy, to which Ozzy interjected “You’d better fucking watch what you say!” The quick-witted Halford remarked, “I’ve always been gentle with you Ozzy." icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Legenda icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Evo vam da se malo smejete icon_smile.gif




On Track Magazine has posted the full review of the Ozzfest conference




Here's the whole exchange with Sharon, Ozzy and Rob that had K.K. in good spirits - it's even funnier than originally posted by Blabbermouth:


One rather naive journalist addressed Sharon as to why this year’s fest seemed to include less alternative sounding bands, to which she replied “We’ve never had alternative bands on the bill, we’re a metal fest, and after all we’re not gay”. This of course found Sharon blushing a bit and the press in hysterics when Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford raised his mic and said, “But I am”! To which Sharon replied, "And proud."


A bit later Rob was asked to describe his relationship with Ozzy, to which Ozzy interjected “You’d better fucking watch what you say!” The quick-witted Halford remarked, “I’ve always been gentle with you Ozzy." icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Legenda icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Bog, definitvno. Kume dolazim u Sredu.


Hocu da umrem jer nisam otisla na koncert u Sofiju...jao, Judas Priest...kakav je to bend...



Neprevazidjene Painkiller, Breaking the Law, Electrice eye...moja omiljena Blood Red Skies...ne mogu vise, plakacu icon_cry.gifwallbash.gificon_cry.gif

Hocu da umrem jer nisam otisla na koncert u Sofiju...jao, Judas Priest...kakav je to bend...



Neprevazidjene Painkiller, Breaking the Law, Electrice eye...moja omiljena Blood Red Skies...ne mogu vise, plakacu icon_cry.gifwallbash.gificon_cry.gif

Saucestvujem u tuzi! icon_cry.gif

Hocu da umrem jer nisam otisla na koncert u Sofiju...jao, Judas Priest...kakav je to bend...



Neprevazidjene Painkiller, Breaking the Law, Electrice eye...moja omiljena Blood Red Skies...ne mogu vise, plakacu icon_cry.gifwallbash.gificon_cry.gif

Ne sekiraj se...bice turneja i sledece godine icon_wink.gif

Hehehe ice se i sledece godine... jos kad bi dosli do nas...

sta znas... videcemo kakvi ce sad metalci(mentolci) biti na vlasti.... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

sta znas... videcemo kakvi ce sad metalci(mentolci) biti na vlasti.... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Ipak mislim da su prije mentolci no metalci na vlasti icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Mada i da su metalci ni to ne bi bilo previse zdravo za sve nas icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Hocu da umrem jer nisam otisla na koncert u Sofiju...jao, Judas Priest...kakav je to bend...



Neprevazidjene Painkiller, Breaking the Law, Electrice eye...moja omiljena blood red skies...ne mogu vise, plakacu icon_cry.gifwallbash.gificon_cry.gif

Blood red skies. Ime mog bivsheg nikad otkrivenog benda iz prestonice shunda Rashke icon_da.gificon_uhoh.gif

Hocu da umrem jer nisam otisla na koncert u Sofiju...jao, Judas Priest...kakav je to bend...



Neprevazidjene Painkiller, Breaking the Law, Electrice eye...moja omiljena Blood Red Skies...ne mogu vise, plakacu icon_cry.gifwallbash.gificon_cry.gif

Drugi put pamet u glavu. Mozda jednog dana i vidis JP.


Oni ljudi i nijesu toliko ruzni uzivo. Ili sam ja bio pijan.


Ireland Online is reporting that there's a new JUDAS PRIEST tribute band called NUDIST PRIEST and they play, you guessed it, naked. Priest frontman ROB HALFORD is hoping to track them down: "My former guitarist Pat Lachman saw them at a club in Los Angeles, and they played naked," Halford commented. "My main questions were, 'What was the singer like and how big was his unit?'"

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