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  • 1 month later...

NOVI ALBUM JE IZASAO!!! Zove se The Eyes Of Alice Cooper, radi se o garaznom rocku, nema veze sa BP i DT, cuo sam 3 pesme, zvuci fino, podseca na "School's Out", "The Last Temptation" i sl. U Evropi se pojavio 22. septembra a kod nas ce biti ko zna kad. Vise informacija na zvanicnom sajtu www.alicecooper.com Tamo imate link za preslusavanje pesme "Novocaine" sa novog albuma!!!


Evo i ja da se priključim ovoj temi, dosad je nisam video (!?) :? . Pre svega, blondie, tekst u explosive-u je odličan. Iako imam na hdd-u sve od AC počev od "Killer-a" pa do "Brutal Planet" + gomilu bonusa, slika, o njemu ne znam gotovo ništa, osim onoga što sam pročitao u explosive-u. Nije mi jasno zašto ti nisu dali dve strane da pišeš, jer čovek je legenda, između ostalog, činjenica da je na sceni "100 godina" govori sve. Ja, na žalost, nemam "Dragontown" i ovaj novi album (šta reče, da li je stigao kod nas). Omiljeni albumi su mi svakako "Billion Dollar Babies" i "Hey Stoopid". Ovaj drugi, je možda komercijalan, ali mene to mnogo ne interesuje. Ne gledam (slušam) ja albume po tome da li su komercijalni, već po tome kako mi zvuk ostaje u glavi. Pesme su pevljive i svi tekstovi su mu fenomenalni. Od spotova sam jedino video baš onaj za "Poison" i zadivljujuće kako jedan (za današnje uslove sigurno) jeftin spot može da ostavi do jaja efekat na gledaoca za razliku od mali milion novonastalih spotova na koje je potrošeno bogatstvo, a koji nisu ni za šta.


Šta mislite o pesmi Pessi-Mystic?


P.S. pazite ovo: nabavio ja prošle godine neki poster AC iz nekog holandskog časopisa i zalepio ga iznad radnog stola u sobi. Biser od mog ćaleta (pandur) kada je vido poster, zapitao me je da li sam normalan. "Pa dobro bre, sve mogu da shvatim, ali ovu budalu da zalepiš...mislim stvarno". Na moje pitanje "A što to!?" On kaže da je ta "budala" održala koncert na sajmu i da je izvodio budalaštine kao što su seče glava i slična "sranja". Mora da mu je obezbeđivanje tog koncerta do jaja teško palo. tongue.gifbiggrin.gif:mrgreen:

Mora da je bila strava svirka. BTW. koje je to godine bilo 86 ili 87!?


Lines form on my face and hands

Lines form from the ups and downs

I'm in the middle without any plans

I'm a boy and I'm a man

I'm eighteen

And I don't know what I want


I just don't know what I want


I gotta get away

I gotta get out of this place

I'll go runnin in outer space

Oh yeah

I got a baby's brain and an old man's heart

Took eighteen years to get this far

Don't always know what I'm talkin' about

Feels like I'm livin in the middle of doubt

Cause I'm


I get confused every day


I just don't know what to say


I gotta get away

Lines form on my face and my hands

Lines form on the left and right

I'm in the middle

The middle of life

I'm a boy and I'm a man

I'm eighteen and I LIKE IT

Yes I like it

Oh I like it

Love it

Like it

Love it




Eighteen and I LIKE IT


Nazalost album jos nije stigao kod nas ali bice za koji dan u Mercatoru, posto smo doziveli to da su nam Slovenci najveci uvoznici diskova. Ja imam 20-ak njegovih spotova na hardu, i nijedan nije bas visokobudzetni (za danasnje uslove) ali su jako efektni. Moji favoriti medju spotovima: It's me, House of fire, Poison, Love's a loaded gun, He's back (odlican!), Clones (jeftiniji od palminih ali bas zbog toga je taaako dobar!!!), How you gonna see me now (umro sam od smeha), You and me (takodje) i Hey Stoopid (Ozzy Osbourne se pojavljuje na 2 sekunde, posto je radio i pratece vokale - obratite paznju: YOU KNOW, I KNOW). Koncert na Sajmu je bio odrzan u junu 1990 u okviru turneje "Trashes the world". Cuo sam i ja slicne price o koncertu, mora da je bilo mnogo dobro 8O Dragontown je nastavak "Brutal Planet"-a, i kako Alice kaze, Dragontown je najgori grad na Brutalnoj Planeti. Novi album je mnogo meksi i kako sam rekao, po pesmama koje sam cuo (zasad 3 od 13) mnogo je meksi, nesto kao Last Temptation, ili cak kao School's out ili Muscle of love. Ima jedna super baladica "Novocaine" koja bi mogla da bude hit kada bi se on potrudio da snimi spot i da plati da se vrti po TV. U pesmi "Detroit city" proziva Eminema i Kid Rock, nesto kao, Kid je bio u kolevci a Shady je nosio pelene dok sam ja przio sa Iggy Pop i MC5. Malo nisko, ali istinito. Bas da vidim da li ce Eminem nesto da mu prdne.


Step On You

Raise Your Fist and Yell [1987]


You're in my way

You crossed my line

You're in my face

You're on my case, you really waste my time


Don't like your style

Don't like your sound

You talk too much

You got no touch, you drive it in the ground


I'm gonna step on you (4 x's)


Don't like your smile

Don't like your clothes

Don't like your hair

And I don't care about your ruby pierced nose


You push too far

You talk too loud

You stay too long

You're in my song but you ain't in my crowd


I'm gonna step on you


You ruin my day and you're wrecking my night

I'm biting my lips because I'm ready to fight

I'm gonna sharpen my spikes

I'm gonna strap on my boots

I'm gonna squash you on sight

I'm gonna step on you

Step step step step


You ruin my day and you're wrecking my night

I'm biting my lips because I'm ready to fight

I'm gonna sharpen my spikes

I'm gonna strap on my boots

I'm gonna squash you on sight


Don't leave no message on my telephone

Cut right through the bull, right to the bone

The snow in your nose and the crack in your brain

It used to be cool, now it's just insane


I'm gonna step on you

Step...I'm gonna step on you...step



Might As Well Be On Mars - Alice Cooper



The city streets are wet with rain tonight

Taxi drivers swerve from lane to lane

A lonely guitar man playin' down the hall

Midnight blues comin' through the walls


I tried to call you on the telephone

I left it off the hook

Just to hear it ring

You told me you were better off alone

I never knew that tears could stain


I'm on the roof and I'm starin' at the stars

Lookin' down at all the cars

I can see you

In the window of your favorite corner bar

But to reach you is just too far

And I might as well be on Mars


The city seems so old and grey and beat

It closes in and makes me wanna suffocate

And you just live across the street

But that's a billion miles away


You've turned my world into a dark and lonely place

Like a planet lost in space, my light is fadin'

I'd cross the universe to be right where you are

But I'm right in your backyard

And I might as well be on Mars


I might as well be on Mars

You can't see me

I might as well be the Man on the Moon

You can't hear me

Oh, can you feel me so close

And yet so far

Baby, I might as well be on Mars


Baby, I can't fly

If I could I'd come down to ya

Maybe I should try


I'm on the roof and I'm starin' at the stars

Lookin' down at all the cars

I can see you

In the window of your favorite corner bar

But to reach is just too far

And I might as well be on Mars


I might as well be on Mars

You can't see me

I might as well be the Man on the Moon

You can't hear me

Oh, can you feel me so close

And yet so far

Baby, I might as well be on Mars


Prince Of Darkness


An angel fell one stormy night

From Heaven's Glory

He split the earth to reign in Hell

He fears the light

He fears the truth

He fears what's going to be

He spits on life

He spits on God

He spits up death for you and me


Prince of Darkness

Studies the world with hungry eyes

Prince of Darkness

Ready to baptize you in lies

Heart of evil, soul of blackness

Prince of Darkness


He saw that man was just a boy

With a baby's mind

He swore damnation of God's creation

He lives for hate

He lives for tears

He lives up to his name

He knew the light

He knew the one

Who was crucified in pain


Prince of Darkness

Studies the world with hungry eyes

Prince of Darkness

Ready to baptize you in lies

Heart of evil, soul of blackness

Prince of Darkness


He fears the light

He fears the truth

He fears what's going to be

He spits on life

He spits on God

He spits up death for you and me


Prince of Darkness

Studies the world with hungry eyes

Prince of Darkness

Ready to baptize you in lies

Heart of evil, soul of blackness

Prince of Darkness


He smells the breath

Of sweet human sin

And deeply breathes it in

Prince of Darkness




I walk the streets alone

On feeble bones I ride

My sins are etched in stone

I got no place to hide


Well, I was unshakable

In what I did believe

I feel so breakable

But have I been deceived


You showed me your paradise

And your carnival of souls

But my heart keeps telling me

That ain't the place to go


Well, I'm not invincible

So I want you to leave

Well, I'm so convincible

But have I been deceived


I take your words and try them on

Yeah, it's a perfect fit, boy

You tell me one size fits us all

Yeah, like an old straightjacket

Well, tell me why I'm so afraid

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

In a stolen prayer


I remember yesterday

When things were black and white

Never thought I'd get confused

On what was wrong and right


Well, I'm not unbreakable

With armor on my skin

Well, it's not unthinkable

I could be fooled again


I take your words and try them on

Yeah, it's a perfect fit, boy

You tell me one size fits us all

Yeah, like an old straightjacket

Well, tell me why I'm so afraid

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

In a stolen prayer


You steal another minute from my life

You cut a little deeper with your knife

You steal a little breath from my air

And you don't care

And even though I'm chokin'

All my words are spoken


I take your words and try them on

Yeah, it's a perfect fit, boy

You tell me one size fits us all

Yeah, like an old straightjacket

Take this world and try it on

Man, you're lookin' good boy

Stick your neck out on the block

So you won't miss nothing

Stretch your finger, grab your hair

Don't you feel like screaming

Feel the blood rush from your veins

Now you're a perfect zombie

Now I'm on my knees


All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

All my words are spoken

In a stolen prayer

  • 3 weeks later...

izashao je novi album? uspeo sam da poslusham te nove pesme....i album je povratak ka garazhnom rocku......nije kako brutal planet.....mislim da je ovo dobra vest za nas..... 8)


Album je uzasno tesko naci!!!!!!!

Za one koji ne mogu da ga nadju evo pomoci!!!

Idite na www.coolgoose.com

Pa onda se prijavite na sign up, idite na "Search" i nemojte upisivati "Alice Cooper" vec u polju "Title" SAMO NAZIV PESME i nista vise nemojte popunjavati.

Nazivi pesama:

1. Detroit City

2. What Do You Want From Me?

3. Love Should Never Feel Like This

4. Spirits Rebellious

5. Novocaine

6. Man Of the Year

7. Bye Bye Baby

8. Be With You Awhile

9. I'm So Angry

10. Between High School and the Old School

11. This House is Haunted

12. Backyard Brawl

13. The Song That Didn't Rhyme


[Na albumu nije ovaj redosled pesama, alicecooper.com nas je slagao i dao pogresnu informaciju smile.gif ]

  • 1 month later...

Building a house of fire, baby

Buildin' it with our love

We are buildin' a house of fire every time we touch

We are building this house together, baby

Standing on solid ground

We are building a house of fire that you can't tear down

Brick by brick the flames get higher

Build it strong with our desire

Building a house of fire, baby

Building it with our love biggrin.gifa:


Yeah, we're gonna fight

We do it every night

Baby, when you scratch

You know I'm gonna bite

You can make me die

I can make you cry

Opposites attract

That's the reason why


No one else could make you feel

Like I do, I do, I do

No one ever gets as deep inside you

As I do, baby


Our love is a bed of nails

Love hurts good on a bed of nails

I'll lay you down and when all else fails

I'll drive you like a hammer on a bed of nails


First we're gonna kiss

then we're gonna say

Dirty little words

Only lovers say

Rockin' through the night

Rollin' on the floor

When they hear us screamin'

They'll be breakin' down the door...


Alice konza biggrin.gifa:

  • 3 weeks later...

Tacno koliko ovih ljudi na forumu uopste zna ko je Alice cujemo par pesama i procitamo expolsive i odjednom znamo sve o Alice-u ja sam cuo skoro sve njegove pesme samo nisam cuo 1. album mada znam 2 pesme sa tog albuma Alice je dosta uticao na mene i na tekstualnom i na muzickom polju sada me sve inspirise ali sve a u naj tezim trenutcima njegove manijacke oci sa postera u mojoj sobi su mi govorile napred vezbaj da mozes kasnije da im jebes kevu svima redom.


Alice je jedan od naj boljih tekstopisaca svih vremena bez premca je ali bez premca.

i za sve jedna njegova pesma :

You're with your baby

And you're parked alone

On a summer night

You're deep in love

But you're deeper in the woods

You think you're doin' alright


Did you hear that voice

Did you see that face

Or was it just a dream

This can't be real

That only happens, babe

On the movie screen



Oh, but he's back

He's the man behind the mask

And he's out of control

He's back

The man behind the mask

And he crawled out of his hole


You're swimmin' with your girl

Out on lovers' lake

And the wind blows cold

It chills your bones

But you're still on the lake

That's a bad mistake


But the moon was full

And you had a chance

To be all alone

But you're not alone

This is your last dance

And your last romance


Oh, if you see him comin'

Get away if you can

Just keep on runnin'

Run as fast as you can

He's a dangerous, dangerous man


And he's out tonight

And he's watchin' you

And he knows you house

No, don't turn out the lights


a moze i ova


Alice Cooper

You have been accused of mass mental cruelty

How do you plead?



Don't wanna be clean

Don't wanna be nice

The whip's gonna crack

My leather is black and so are my eyes

I'm gonna be rough

I'm gonna be mean

I'm here til the end, my sick little friend

I'm back in your dreams

You can take my head and cut it off

But you ain't gonna change my mind


If you don't like it you can lock me up

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

If you don't like it you can lock me up

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh


Cover your eyes or cover your head

You'll never know what hit you til you're covered in red

Screaming bloody murder til the barricades bend

Sweatin' in the fog til the end


It's gotta be loud

I want it to roar

I want it to blow everyone at the show off of the floor

I'm in for the kill

I'm back with a rage

I want them to write in the paper each night how I bloodied the stage


If you don't like it you can lock me up

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

If you don't like it you can lock me up

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, lock me up or shut up


Cover your eyes or cover your head

You'll never know what hit you til you're covered in red

Screaming bloody murder til the barricades bend

Sweatin' in the fog til the end


If you don't like it you can lock me up

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be hot

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be cool

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh

If you don't like it you can lock me up - I wanna be sick

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh - ah, real sick


alice cooper je zakon!najludji coec na kugli zemaljskoj a lik je srece mi,stvarno je zasluzan sto volim metal! :roll:

:twisted::twisted::twisted: e da.........

najzesce je bilo kad je na koncertu uzeo mac sta li vec i poceo da puca balone.pa zar nije lik?????? :mrgreen:biggrin.gifa: :mrgreen:biggrin.gifa:



inace poison nije pesma koja ga je ucinila legendom.

on je pre albuma ,,TRASH,, [sa koga je vec pomenuta stvar]

ima dvadeset godina karijere.


Some people call me the Creeper

'Cuz they don't know my name or face

I got 'em running in circles

Because a homicidal genius never leaves a trace

I'm a lonely hunter

City full of game

Walkin' in the neon lights


Chop, chop, chop, engine of destruction

Chop, chop, chop, a perfect killing machine

Chop, chop, chop, it's a symbiotic function

Chop, chop, chop, I keep the city so clean

Chop, chop, chop


Some people call me the Ripper

Stole my modus operandi from the movie screen

she's just a celluloid stripper

Just another bloody player in my splatter-filled dream

Women on the streets

Want money when we meet

I take them for a little ride


Chop, chop, chop, engine of destruction

Chop, chop, chop, a perfect killing machine

Chop, chop, chop, it's symbiotic function

Chop, chop, chop, I keep the city so clean

Chop, chop, chop


She was standing on the corner

With her bright red lips

Her face was so white and pale (so pale)

She had a black leather skirt

That was tight to her hips

And an anklet with a name

It spelled M A R Y..... Gail

Gail Gail Gail Gail

Gail Gail Gail Gail


Cisto da se prisetimo BOGA


Alice Cooper je dobio zvezdu na Hollywood bulevaru. Doduse jos 2. decembra, ali ako neko nije cuo... Kolaz na http://dragontown4.tripod.com  

Anarki je pomenuo Alice Cooper Tribute Band. To bi bila super stvar! To bih voleo da vidim. Pa kad imamo toliko AC/DC, Metallica, Ramones itd tribute bandova (cak i Rammstein) zasto ne bi bilo i AC tribute banda. Eh, sto nisam u Sapcu...  :(

sta sviras i gde zivis

i da ja sam mislio sa sve scenografijom biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa:


Ma ne sviram nista, jebi ga ali mogu da probam da pevam smile.gif:mrgreen: Jebi ga u Beogradu sam...


Juce listam "Vecernje novosti" i naletim na tekst:

Alis Kuper o Merilinu Mensonu -

STVARNO JE JADAN - (sa sve njegovom velikom slikom kako davi svoju cerku Calico)

Alis Kuper (55) i dalje nastupa nasminkan. Sminka je njegov zastitni znak. Na pitanje sta misli o Merilinu Mensonu koji se u javnosti, takodje, pojavljuje nasminkan, Kuper (na slici sa cerkom) kaze:

- Ja sam bog. Ranije sam vise sokirao nego sada, ali da nije bilo mene ne bi bilo ni Merilina Mensona. Da morate da birate izmedju originala i kopije, sta biste izabrali? Menson je stvarno jadan. Sve je skinuo od mene - od muzike, pa do ideje za ime. Decko je samo ukapirao da je vreme idealno za nekoga ko ce skretati paznju na sebe sokiranjem. Shvatio je, bas kao i ja, da je Amerika izgradjena na seksu i zlocinu. Uspeo je samo u jednom i na tome mu zavidim. Mene i moj sou su ljudi uvek shvatali kao umetnost, a Mensona i te njegove pratece gestove uzimaju za ozbiljno i rangiraju ga kao nacionalni rizik. E, to meni nikad nije upalilo. Menson bi bez problema mogao da snimi dzez plocu ili reklamu za maciju hranu i uvek bi imao prolaz.


E jeste ga opleo sa pravom! Menson je postao toliko ocigledan da je to prosto bezobrazno.


taj text je star bar godinu dana pa vecernje nisu znale kako da popune prazan prostor.


izjava stara sigurno i dvije godine. a slika ko zna...


Ko zna, zato sto Alice u intervjuima skoro UVEK vrti jedno te isto. Kada sam gledao intervju iz 2001 i iz 1992, covek prica iste stvari! Valjda zato sto mu postavljaju ista pitanja smile.gif Mislim, kada ga covek posle 35 godina na sceni pita "Ko je ustvari Alice Cooper" sta da mu kaze? A i to pitanje o Mensonu mu je postavljeno bar hiljadu puta. A slika je sa premijere filma "X Men"

  • 4 weeks later...

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