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E da i mene produkcija do jaja nervira bwe. Znaci prethodni albumi su im imali mnogo bolju pordukciju

Al Kai moram ti prinzati vala slusam ovaj novi VS non stop. Bio si upravu icon_wink.gif

IMMORTAL I STAND!!! icon_rockdevil.gif


Ma nije poenta sto sam ja u pravu, nego sto je to jednostavno Virgin Steele. David bre! Skoro sam chitao u nekom intervjuu da je svu muziku i tekstove za album on sam napisao, i da ima josh kile materijala za jos dva albuma, tako da do novog necemo morati mnogo da chekamo, verovatno krajem sledece godine!

  • 2 months later...

OK fanovi, ajd mi molim vas objasnite zasto novi album ovog benda zvuci kao da je snimljen za max. 50eur?


Nisam cuo goru produkciju kod nekog velikog benda nikad.


Kakav crni bubanj, ono je najjeftinije ukucana ritam masina, ni semplovi nevaljaju, nista ne valja! Da ne govorim da gitare zvuce kao da dolaze iz druge prostorije preko puta studija (ako je album uopste u studiju i sniman, a ne kuci kod nekoga na kompu).


Nisam fan benda, nikad nisam ni bio, ali ne mogu verovati da su sebi ovako nesto dozvolili.



I am satisfied with my performance. I wish to clear up any confusion about the drumming on “Visions of Eden”. First of all, that is me playing on every song. There was no programmed drum parts used whatsoever!! I am very happy with my performance on “Visions..”. However, the drum sound is a different matter. This was the first time we used a digital drum kit and I’m not entirely satisfied with the outcome. Unfortunately, they sound so perfect that people are accusing me of not actually playing the parts. Some people think Dave programmed the drums on a computer. That is very distressful to me. I worked hard to get my endurance and speed up to the task of recording those parts. I can hear my own style of attack on the drums and, my particular way of phrasing things but at the same time I understand what some fans are saying. There is a machine like quality to due to the use of a digital drum kit instead of a real wooden one. I can’t wait to satisfy the doubters when in concert I’ll be ripping up those songs out on a real wooden drum kit.

I’ve always prided myself on being an old school player who doesn’t rely on computer, triggers, samples, etc. to make my drumming exciting. “Visions..” was a break from that thinking. Recording digitally is cheaper and a quicker process. Sorry to disappoint but, money was an issue plus, you can’t be afraid to try new things.


The problem is that triggers and digital technology enhance things so much that no one knows who is a good player and who is not anymore. With digital drums, plenty of hack drummers who have no style or technique sound monstrous in the studio. It’s really the producer and not the drummer you are listening too. It makes me sick when I see some of these guys in concert and if it wasn’t for all the triggers on their kit, they would sound like wimps. To my surprise, the fans don’t seem to know the difference. I don’t want to name names but you’d be surprised how many guys are out there, who are considered great drummers but are nothing without the digital technology. As a matter of fact I went to see a prominent speed metal band in Germany one night on a off day and when I got to the venue, the show was cancelled. I went back stage and found out that the drummer’s computer crashed and that he couldn’t play his parts without its aide. Meanwhile on their record the guy sounds like the second coming of Dave Lombardo. I looked at his bass drum pedals, which were rigged to barely move to impact the drumhead. What a fake! And to think, there are drummers all over the metal scene, (especially in Death Metal), just as pathetic as this guy whom the fans think are monster players.

For me, digital technology just gets in the way of my expression, and takes away from my power and finesse. I’d rather have a real organic sound even if it isn’t “perfect”. I hope I never get lumped into the category with all the hack drummers I’ve eluded too. It will really break my heart after all the work I’ve done to develop myself as an artist. I still say that John Bonham had the greatest drum sound in Rock history. Jimmy Page used just two microphones to capture that man’s brilliance and turn the world on its head. It’s no wonder that producers today are beginning to go back in time to rip off all the drum sounds from the past, before there was any of this digital nonsense and things were real.

I’m sorry to those of you who are disappointed with the sound of the drums on the new CD. However, before you doubt that I’m actually playing those parts, come out and see us on tour. When I get done ripping your heads off with my usual sound and attack, all you doubters will be silenced.


eto ti odgovor sto se tice bubnjeva..a ti slusaj malo album bolje i uvideces koji je to masterpiece!

  Angelistor said:
eto ti odgovor sto se tice bubnjeva..a ti slusaj malo album bolje i uvideces koji je to masterpiece!

Sta ima tu pazljivije da se slusa, kad je sam bubnjar morao izaci sa javnim objasnjenjem za uzasan zvuk bubnja? Naravno da ne moze sam reci: "jebote, koje sranje od zvuka, nemojte kupiti album".


Virgin Steele je herojski heavy metal, i gde se u tu pricu uklapa digitalac bubanj, pa ne govorimo o domacim tezgarosima...


Na albumu zaista ima dobrih momenata, ali jos da zvuci sve kako treba, i da se fucking gitare cuju, gde bi mu kraj bio. Ovako, jedva prosecna ocena od mene.


Naravno, kome se ono svidja, samo napred...



Na svoju veliku zalost, ovaj put se moram sloziti sa Apeironom. VS mi je jedan od omiljenih bendova, ali stvarno sta je ovo??? :confused:

Definitivno mi je ovo najlosiji album poslije prvog. Odoh sad odvrnuti imenjaka u Sili & Slavi...

  Angelistor said:

Ma nije poenta sto sam ja u pravu, nego sto je to jednostavno Virgin Steele. David bre! Skoro sam chitao u nekom intervjuu da je svu muziku i tekstove za album on sam napisao, i da ima josh kile materijala za jos dva albuma, tako da do novog necemo morati mnogo da chekamo, verovatno krajem sledece godine!

Ako se ne varam, on je posle proslog albuma imao poprilicno materijala, ali takvi ljudi su uglavnom picajzle i nece nista da snimaju dok sve ne urade kako misle da treba. E, sad, ostaje samo pitanje pomenute produkcije...


Jebga..mozda se meni sluh izvezbao od silnih bootlega/demoa koje sam slusao pa mi ovaj zvuk albuma i ne smeta...razmazili vas Triviumi i ostala gamad sa svojim fensi zvukom :mhihi: Jbg, iskreno, ne razumem sta ne valja zvuku bubnja? dzitre se jbg cesto ne cuju na 'bumu..to ne kapiram zasto..

A ko je voleo prethodne VS albume...trebalo bi i ovo da mu se svidi..


Definitivno mi je ovo najlosiji album poslije prvog.

Taj album je nesto daleko od loseg! Ni ja ga nisam voleo u stratu, ali sada ga gotivim dosta..CHILDREN OF THE STORM bre!


Jedan od omiljenih mi bendova. Solidan album, a produkciji ne fali nista. Ko ih dugo slusa, zna da im nije strano da ''utisaju'' gitare. Upozorio bih da dosta toga sto se cuje u pozadini uopste nije gitarski zid vec klavijature, odsvirane na njima svojstven nacin. A naravno, tesko je ponoviti Invictus. Takodje ne mislim da im je prvenac bio los!

  • 1 month later...

Visions Of Eden je redak primer istinske umetnosti u današnjoj muzici, koja je prepuna loših tekstova i nedostatka ideja, a s druge strane poseduje vrhunsku produkciju. Zapitajte se da li je bolje slušati mediokritet u dobrom pakovanju ili genijalnost u osrednjem ili lošem? VS, po meni, nikada nisu snimili loš album. Štaviše, svaki naredni je bio bolji od prethodnog. Ovaj album može samo da se voli ili ne voli, trećeg nema. Ko sebe smatra tr00 VS fanom ne može da se ne naježi od stvari poput Immortal I Stand, Adorned With The Rising Cobra, Angel Of Death, God Above God, Childslayer ili Visions Of Eden. Jednom rečju, Dave did it again!!! :pivopije:


Pa Dave reče da ima materijala za još 2-3 albuma, a znajući njega to neće biti reciklaža materijala :) !

Izgleda da se nakon Marriage-a smeši još jedna trilogija! :pivopije:

P.S. Jel neko nabavio textove za novi album (ja imam kao i većina vas tekstove prve dve pesme)? Ja nikako ne mogu da ih nađem, a pretražio sam "ceo" internet!!! :sad:

  • 3 months later...

akustichna setlista iz Italije


01. Black Mass Blues

02. Snakeskin Voodoo Man

03. Bonedust

04. Egyptian Intro - Wine Of Violence - Egyptian Outro

05. Don't Say Goodbye

06. Vow Of Honour-Defiance

07. Wings Of Vengeance

08. Child Of Desolation

09. God Of Our Sorrows / Chloe Dancer / Purple Rain

10. God Above God

11. We Are Eternal

12. Medley:

* A Whisper Of Death Intro

* When Dusk Fell

* Lion In Winter


13. Medley:

* Serpent Intro

* Agamemnon's Last Hour

* A Whisper Of Death

* Great Sword Of Flame

* Whisper Of Death Riff Reprise

* Emalaith / The Burning Of Rome (Cry For Pompeii)

* Perfect Mansions (Mountains Of The Sun)






Eto, to bi bilo tr00 veče. Nas četvorica, 5 gajbi "Jelena", a sa bine se čuje "A Token Of My Hatred" ili "Emalaith". :rockdevil: Stvarno, ne vidim razlog da na VS dođe manje ljudi nego na Evergrey?


Pored Riot-a i naravno Virgin Steele-a je trebalo da nastupe i Stigmata iz Austrije i Annathema iz Novog Sada. Par meseci pre tog najavljenog koncerta nabavio sam Invictus od Polzovića i usr'o sam se od sreće koliko je to bio dobar album! Sad probajte da zamislite moju tugu kada sam saznao da je koncert otkazan. DeFeis je izjavio u nekom intervjuu da su ih naše vlasti i organizatori nešto zajebavali, a kasnije sam čitao intervju sa Maier-om iz Stigmata-e u kome je rekao da su se momci iz VS-a uplašili situacije u Srbiji i da su otkazali svirku zbog lične bezbednosti. Još malo pa će desetogodišnjica te nesreće, a ja svoj omiljeni bend još ne videh uživo. Tuga pregolema! :cry: :cry: :cry:

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