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Posted (edited)

I poslusa li neko na kraju? ja jos skupljam snagu...


U stvari cekam 2CD edition, da uvidim album u svoj svojoj velicini.

Edited by Grobodan
  • 2 weeks later...

Abandon all hope ye who enter here, for it is nigh time da se na grob Virgin Steele-a pobode krst i pojede panaija. Malo dramaticno mozda ali mislim da je posle Nocturnes of Hellfire & Damnation poprilicno sigurno reci da je ovaj bend mrtav.


Visions of Eden je meni vec bio klizav teren mada jeste imao dobre pesme, Songwriting Dissability Bacchanalia je barem imao koliko toliko catchy By The Hammer of Zeus ali ovo... ljudi moji. Svi problemi koji more bend godinama ovde stvarno blistaju u punoj snazi: kapiram da bi Ilija iz Ti imao kreativnije rifove od Pursina ovde, koji se jadan i ne cuje jer je u prvom planu, pogadjate, primadona David DeFeis koji nije zdravo koliko lose zvuci. Imaju na onoj prvoj pesmi da se cuju vriskovi kao kod metiljave macke u teranju, a u Devilhead kad pokusava da zvuci agresivno bukvalno kao da nije srao 10 dana i pokusavi Bono Voksa da izbaci. Sta reci recimo o Demolition Qeen koja zvuci kao da je DeFeis iskopao neku zaboravljenu stvar sa Life among the Ruins i ukrasio je svojim danasnjim vokalnim sposobnostima. To su neki od primera a ceo album grca u bezidejnosti, sto je najgore pokusala se neka epika i horor a pesme prazne kao Metallicina dusa dok su snimali Reload. Stvarno katastroficno los album.


Bonus disk nisam jos smogao snage ali mogu misliti kakav je bonus kad je main album ovakav....

kapiram da bi Ilija iz Ti imao kreativnije rifove od Pursina ovde, koji se jadan i ne cuje jer je u prvom planu,


Moram samo da uletim u odbranu bratu Pursinu, on je na Bahahahhanaliji na manje od pola pesama bio prisutan, nije mi sad tu cd, ali tipa 5 od onih 15, sve ostalo onaj Block, a i za ovaj novi jedan klip što sam video je bilo David i Josh u studiju, tako da... :]

  • 1 month later...

Stigli mi Marriage 1 i 2 i Invictus reizdanja pa sam prigodno upao u tesku opsednutost ovim bendom, kakva vatra seva, Pursino i DeFeis su dotaknuli nebo ovde, ne znam odakle im inspiracija za ovakva remek dela u takvom periodu ali nema veze.

Ova reizdanja kvare bonus pesme koje ocigledno nisu iz istih sesija, recimo na Marriage 1 je neka Sword of Damocles koja je katastrofa, nisu trebali nista stavljati.

  • 3 weeks later...

Evo me na pola slušanja prvog cda (vežbao kondiciju uz nove Maidene B)) ovog novog i već sad mogu da izjavim:



Očigledno da jeftinije od ovoga nije moglo da zvuči, i da je DeFeis mogao daleko da smanji doživljaj, ali...bolje je od Bahanalije...bar.


Očigledno da jeftinije od ovoga nije moglo da zvuči, i da je DeFeis mogao daleko da smanji doživljaj, ali...bolje je od Bahanalije...bar.


Daj nemoj zajebavati, Bahanalija je imala Hammer of Zeus, ovaj nema nista.


Ima ove dve Exorcist pesme obrade, odlični riffovi.


Nego, pazi ovo:


Rockpages.gr: You told me a few days ago that you didn’t play on the new Virgin Steele album. Would you like to elaborate a little bit more on that? Why did David DeFeis decide not to use your drumming skills this time around?

Frabk Gilchriest: I think that is a question more for Dave. I haven't recorded anything with them in over five years. I offered to record all or at least part of the CD in my studio for free, where I recorded the Riot V CD and other projects but he was not interested. I was really disappointed in his decision. When I pressed him further on this issue, he told me he could do just as good and less costly a job by playing the drums himself with his piano using drumming software and his computer. In fact, he told me that a quadriplegic could play the drums as good as anyone else these days because of advances in technology. Nothing against quadriplegics, but seriously? He also stated he wanted to do the drums himself so that if the CD is a great success, he can take all the glory or if the CD is a failure, he can take all the blame. You may notice that on the new release and bonus tracks that the software drums are more prominent in the mix, whereas on the recordings that I played real drums on, the drums are buried. Recording drums is a serious art form. On the early Virgin Steele classic albums, the drums sounded amazing and were upfront in the mix because the band recorded in a professional studio with a competent engineer. “Invictus” came the closest to my true sound but even that recording was lacking due to the incompetence of the engineer who hated heavy metal and never recorded a heavy metal album before aside from the Virgin Steele ones. He was a hip hop engineer and had no idea what do to do with loud pounding drums. After “Invictus,” Dave took control of the recording process and the drum recordings and mixes got progressively worse until I was replaced by a drum machine [...] I will no loner be playing with VIRGIN STEELE.


Jebao sam ti ja Dejve malo mater.


:haha: totalni raskid sa pamecu.


Exorcist pesme zvuce kao da ih moja baba svira, bolje da ih nisu dirali. Neka re-recorduje ceo album da se ismejemo kao ljudi i sjase s tog konja.

  • 6 months later...



Moram da priznam da jedem sad sebi jedno mudo što se nisam izcimao na ovo, svršoteka od liste.


Zlatko beše bio od forumaša pominjao da će da ode? Javi se prijatelju, reci da je bilo sranje da mi bude lakše.



Ok, David se raspada, očekivano, ali publika :o Pursino :o


Suza na 0:45, na 2:13 mrak.

Posted (edited)

Evo javljam se. :) Ne, nisam bio ove godine, bio sam prosle. Citao sam neke komentare i posle par odgledanih snimaka reci cu odavde da je bilo sranje. :) Bar meni, pevanje mi je toliko iritantno da nema dalje. Ove godine pored Heavy Load skrpljenog tribute benda cini mi se da je ponajbolje prosao Heir Apparent.

Edited by Zlatko

Pa šta se javljaš kad nisi bio :D


Vokal sranje ili ne, mnogo radije bih uz ovakvu carsku publiku gledao VS nego na nekom festivalu gde pola ljudi nezainteresovano. Još taj dan bio Lethal pre njih, upm.

  • 3 months later...

Ova tema počela više da mu služi kao neka terapija i izduvni ventil nego za diskusije.


Nabavio skoro Nightmare Theatre reizdanje, ima tri jebene verzije albuma, što i ajde nije ništa strašno. Dva remastera i jedan remix...više ne znam ni šta jedan predstavlja a šta treći, mislim da ću se u budućnosti držati prve polovine prvog diska i dosta :haha:

Nego, najgora stvar su "bonus" pesme na drugom disku, koje su većinom isti k kao i svi bonusi na Virgin Steele reizdanjima - nove pesme. Ali gde su na skorašnjim Age Of Consent i sl. reizdanjima snimane sa full (većinom?) bendom, ovde su pesme iz DeFeisove muzičke šupe gde ih je sam radio ulažući u njih jednako kreativnosti kao ja u ovaj post..

Malo ga pokriva što opet procesira vokal kao na originalnom albumu, ali opet na par mesta "peva" i užasno je. Sve je kroz komp rađeno, uključujući naravno bubnjeve koji zvuče neverovatno loše, ko misli da su loši na Running Wild albumima treba ovo da čuje... U stvari, ima jedna pesma koja treba da liči na stari Exorcist, puta dva, pa 8 minuta neke poremećene poezije i neka pesma koja je kombo opet te poezije i rehashovanih utišanih starih pesama.


Fala kurcu pa ova Atreus izdanja nemaju bonuse, dosta mi je novog DeFeis materijala ove godine,

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Još horror vesti. Idiot izdaje praktično trostruki novi album.



SPV/Steamhammer will release "Seven Devils Moonshine" on November 23, including five CDs (a total of 88 songs), where three CDs contain totally new songs and new versions. The package will also include a sticker and a 24-page booklet with new lyrics and photos by David DeFeis.


Track listing:

CD 1 "Ghost Harvest (The Spectral Vintage Sessions)" Vintage 1 - Black Wine For Mourning (new album)

01. Seven Dead Within

02. Green Dusk Blues

03. Psychic Slaughter

04. Bonedust (Orchestral Version)

05. Hearts On Fire

06. Child Of The Morning Star

07. Murder In High-Gloss Relief

08. Feral

09. Justine

10. Princess Amy

11. Wicked Game

Clouds Of Oblivion Medley (Tracks 12 & 13)

12. Little Wing

13. The Gods Don't Remember...

CD 2 "Ghost Harvest (The Spectral Vintage Sessions)" Vintage 2 - Red Wine For Warning (new album)

01. The Evil In Her Eyes (Piano & Vocal Version)

02. Feelin' Alright

03. Sister Moon

Summertime Darkness Suite (Tracks 4, 5, & 6)

04. Sweating Into Dawn

05. Summertime

06. Black Leaves Swirl Down My Street

07. Rip Off

The Gods Are Hungry Triptych (Tracks 8, 9, & 10)

08. The Gods Are Hungry Poem

09. The Poisoned Wound

10. The Birth Of Beauty

11. Profession Of Violence...

12. Rock Steady

13. Nutshell

14. Slow & Easy "Intro"

15. Jesus Just Left Chicago

Late Night Barroom Hoodoo Medley (Tracks 16, 17, 18, & 19)

16. Soul Kitchen

17. When The Music's Over

18. Crawling King Snake

19. When The Music's Over "Reprise"

20. Imhullu

The Drained White Suite (Tracks 21, 22, & 23)

21. After Dark

22. Wake The Dead

23. The Graveyard Dance

24. The Triple Goddess

25. Twilight Of The Gods (Live Acoustic Rehearsal Version)

26. Transfiguration (Live Acoustic Rehearsal Version)

CD 3 "Gothic Voodoo Anthems" (new album)

01. I Will Come For You (Orchestral Version)

02. Queen Of The Dead (Orchestral Version)

03. The Orpheus Taboo (Orchestral Version)

04. Kingdom Of The Fearless (The Destruction Of Troy) (Orchestral Version)

05. The Black Light Bacchanalia (Orchestral Version)

06. Zeus Ascendant

07. By The Hammer Of Zeus (And The Wrecking Ball Of Thor) (Orchestral Version)

The Gothic Voodoo Suite (Tracks 8, 9 & 10)

08. Rumanian Folk Dance No. 3 "Pe Loc"

09. Delirium "Excerpt"

10. Snakeskin Voodoo Man (Orchestral Version)

11. The Enchanter

The Fire & Ice Medley (Tracks 12, 13 & 14)

12. Bone China

13. No Quarter

14. Bone China "Reprise"

Passion In The French Quarter Medley (Tracks 15 & 16)

15. Chloe Dancer

16. Gentle Groove

17. Darkness-Darkness

18. Death Letter Blues

19. Spoonful

CD 4 "Hymns To Victory" (re-release)

01. Flames Of Thy Power (From Blood They Rise)

02. Through The Ring Of Fire

03. Invictus

04. Crown Of Glory (Unscarred) (In Fury Mix)

05. Kingdom Of The Fearless (The Destruction Of Troy)

06. The Spirit Of Steele (Acoustic Version)

07. A Symphony Of Steele (Battle Mix)

08. The Burning Of Rome (Cry For Pompeii)

09. I Will Come For You

10. Dust From The Burning & Amaranth (Orchestral Versions) (Bonus Tracks)

11. Noble Savage (Long Lost Early Mix)

12. Mists Of Avalon

13. Emalaith

CD 5 "The Book Of Burning" (Re-Release)

01. Conjurtion Of The Watcher

02. Don't Say Goodbye (Tonight)

03. Rain Of Fire

04. Annihilation

05. Hellfire Woman

06. Children Of The Storm

07. The Chosen Ones

08. The Succubus

09. Minuet In G Minor

10. The Redeemer

11. I Am The One

12. Hot And Wild

13. Birth Through Fire

14. Guardians Of The Flame

15. The Final Days

16. A Cry In The Night

17. Queen Of The Dead (Nordic Twilight Version) (Bonus Track)



Poslednja dva diska su kompilacije starog materijala, zato rekoh "samo" trostruki. A i deo trećeg, "novog" albuma, su neke orkestralne verzije starih pesama.


Ah, jedva čekam da čujem taj njegov studijski orkestar.


Pa da mi je rekao da je Neal Peart gostujući bubnjar na albumu pa ne bih imao trunku optimizma oko ovoga.

  • 1 month later...



There are bands that build up a legendary status and run with it, some call it quits while people are still sad about that happening and then there are some that try to continue on and completely ruin everything that they had once stood for. Enter David DeFeis and Virgin Steele.


'Ebao mu kevu lik.

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