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Jebote ljudi..pa i nije neki raritet pa da ne moze da se nadje..ima ga svuda na netu..svi mi koji rezemo mjuzu ga imamo...a albumchina je bre icon_rockdevil.gif


Nego..gledah vecheras BG live video iz 92e...kako su samo thrasherski prashili tada icon_rockdevil.gif


Dok je BG radio speed/power i power albume izlazili su mnogo cheshce...a sada kako stvari stoje sledeci album(posle ovogodishnjeg) cemo uz malo srece dochekati tek 2010e...uz malo srece..

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Thomenov odlazak...najveca greska...


Da sad.gif Mislim, ja kontam da Fred cepa do jaja bubnjeve... ali bez Thomena nije to to sad.gif On je bio tu od pocetka sad.gif I bas bi bilo kul da su Gardijani ostali zajedno, kao jedan od RARITETNIH bendova koji nije menjao postavu nikad sad.gif A kmeeee icon_cry.gif Kad se samo setim koliko sam se bedacio kad sam cuo da je otishao.... icon_cry.gif


Jebiga,zato sad postoje 2 dobra benda...A ja Cavage Circus NIKAKO da nabavim! wallbash.gif


Pa i nije bas... imamo jedan savrseni i legendarni bend koji je ostao bez originalnog bubnjara, i imamo jos jedan dobar power bend koji se slusa dok je stvar sveza a posle se zaboravi... sad.gif


Nego..gledah vecheras BG live video iz 92e...kako su samo thrasherski prashili tada icon_rockdevil.gif


STA JE TO?! JA TO ZELETI, JA TO MORATI IMATI! Kad dolazis u BG prvom prilikom?


Dok je BG radio speed/power i power albume izlazili su mnogo cheshce...a sada kako stvari stoje sledeci album(posle ovogodishnjeg) cemo uz malo srece dochekati tek 2010e...uz malo srece..


George Vogiatzis: "Fly" is your first studio release four years after "A Night At The Opera". Why did it take you so long to release something new?


André Olbrich: Because, after we release a new album we have something like a world tour and that takes, in BLIND GUARDIAN, about one and a half years, till the festivals and everything is done, and we don´t do any song-writing during the tour, because we want to separate this completely, to concentrate on our work and to do both things perfect. If you try to write songs in the tour bus, for example, there´s something always disturbing you and you´re not a 100% there with your heart and with your mind and so maybe only medium songs would come out, so we don´t do this. And the other thing is that we do very good productions. That means we go at least six months in the studio just for recording and for producing. So, we already lose two years and normally we need around one and a half year, maybe two years, for the song-writing that we only have awesome songs on the album and no fillers.


zar nije savage circus????


Zove se, zajebo se covek.

Edited by GolluM

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Jebote ljudi..pa i nije neki raritet pa da ne moze da se nadje..ima ga svuda na netu..svi mi koji rezemo mjuzu ga imamo...a albumchina je bre icon_rockdevil.gif

Jebem li ga,kod mojih izvora ne moze da se nadje...Mozes li to da mi srezes pa mi donesesh na Kinga?

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