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  rhapsoad said:
hansi gostuje u nekoliko pesama novog ayreona i fino zvuci


meni je prvi je bio bolji jer sam bio u masi, a na drugom u poslednjem redu

a mozda ima veze i to sto mi je prvi bio i prvi veci koncert u zivotu(mislim na veci bend)

da gostuje i na jednoj pesmi na debi albumu dreamtone's Neverland-a. Odlična pesma :pivopije:


Thomen Stauch (drums; ex-BLIND GUARDIAN, SAVAGE CIRCUS), David DeFeis (vocals; VIRGIN STEELE) and Axel Ritt (guitar; DOMAIN) have joined forces in a new, as-yet-unnamed band. The group's musical direction will be "a combination of their musical backgrounds [to] give the fans exactly what they expect," according to a statement released to BLABBERMOUTH.NET. The band has already commenced the songwriting process for its debut album, which "will be an extraordinary fusion of power, speed, epic and symphonic metal elements."



Ovo stavih ovde poshto niko zivi ne prati VS temu, pricham vazda sam sa sobom. Anyway, bice zanimljivo za chuti...nadam se.

  Aleksandar Čubrilo said:
Ovo stavih ovde poshto niko zivi ne prati VS temu, pricham vazda sam sa sobom. Anyway, bice zanimljivo za chuti...nadam se.

Немој само молим те да постанеш шизофрен. ;)

  • 1 month later...

Dobio sam TITM-oriDJinal, limited, digi pack...i mogu vam recji da izgleda JEBACHKIIIIII!!!!


Za'valjujem se LadyCorspe na tom predivnom poklonu i to pred Kamelot....umro sam.xD

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